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The truth was revealed!

It turned out that the fans were playing the black!

People who saw this scene were all laughing and crying.

No wonder every time there was a concert or a new album release, the whole network was black.

It turned out that these fans couldn't get tickets!

When they thought about how they boycotted and promoted Ye Feng's talent at the same time, everyone felt a sense of laughter and tears.


Rolling Stones

"Turns out to be a fan?"

"Are you sure this is not a joke?"

A group of senior executives were stunned.

Wang Dong smiled and said,"At first we thought it was a joke, but according to the investigation, it is indeed the case. We already have a large number of screenshots, including account ownership, which are enough to prove it all!"

"What should I do then?"

"Do you want to sue this group of fans?"

Several senior executives frowned.

Wang Dong shook his head:"According to Ye Feng, these fans just wanted to vent their emotions because they couldn't get the tickets. Most of them are children and they didn't realize what they did. Besides, when they were boycotting, didn't they also say that Ye Feng's talent is unmatched!"

Everyone laughed when they mentioned this.


"I was surprised at first!"

"Where did such high-quality water army come from? It turns out they are friendly forces!"


Everyone laughed.

Wang Dong said:"In this case, spread the news so that more people will know. At the same time, make Ye Feng's attitude known so that more people will know his thoughts."


The PR director nodded.


Under the spotlight,

Rolling Stone Records and Ye Feng jointly issued a statement.

After extensive investigation, it was found that these black fans were all Ye Feng's fans.

Considering that they were venting their emotions because they couldn't buy tickets, although Ye Feng didn't agree, he would not sue these fans.


Ye Feng appealed to all fans.

The frustration of not being able to get tickets is understandable, but it is not a reason to use such behavior.

He called on everyone to solve the problem through communication instead of doing this; he hoped that these fans could be more rational in chasing stars!

When the statement came out, the Internet was full of praise

"Male god!"

"This is the real man!"

"Neither pursued the matter, but also expressed the attitude!"

"It has formed a good guidance for fans. Compared with the recent war incident, the difference is obvious!"

Commentators from all walks of life have made comments.

They praised Ye Feng's responsible and responsible character.

He is simply a role model for artists!

"My god, I was wrong!"

"I will never do that again!"

"Although it was frustrating not being able to buy tickets, I shouldn't have used it this way!

"Thank you for teaching us how to grow!"

Countless fans liked it.

They were moved by Ye Feng's broad mind and responsibility.

Even major media outlets were shocked.

《Entertainment News published a comment saying that Ye Feng's behavior was responsible and he perfectly shouldered the responsibilities that an idol should have. Most of those who like to listen to songs are still students, and their outlook on life and values have not yet been fully formed. At this time, the guidance of idols may be just one sentence, but it may have a lifelong impact!

The quality of songs is like the quality of people!

Ye Feng once again showed us what a high-quality idol is!

In contrast, Music Pioneer Network was not so subtle. They directly pointed out in the editorial that compared with the recent incident of a certain war, Ye Feng's actions were simply a clear judgment. There was no so-called coaxing of fans, no so-called holding on, but through active and correct line-drawing guidance, the role of idols was maximized.

This! Is the role model that young people should have! This! Is the way that artists should learn to deal with it! Several consecutive reports from heavyweight media pushed Ye Feng's reputation to an unprecedented height. Anyone with a discerning eye can see it! After this incident, Ye Feng's reputation has reached its peak. Male god! No longer exclusive to fans! Just when everyone thought that the matter was over. An unexpected scene happened!

《Youth Daily"!

This authoritative media actually spoke out.

In the comment, the author first praised Ye Feng's idol responsibility and praised that this is the quality that a young idol should have. At the same time, he also bluntly criticized the lack of positive energy in some artists nowadays.


The comment also called on artists to learn from Ye Feng and give back more positive energy to the society! As soon as the comment came out.

The fishing boats were in an uproar!

If the voices of those music media can be said to be an industry task, then the voice of"Youth Daily" represents a certain affirmation!

Affirmation from the top bosses!

In an instant.

Many fans cheered!

Ye Feng's reputation reached an unprecedented level.

The stock price of Rolling Stone Records soared.

Those bigwigs who were waiting to see the show were dumbfounded.


Sony Music.

All the bigwigs were stunned


"It turns out to be a reverse villain?"

"I never thought it would be like this!"

All the senior executives were dumbfounded.

Mr. Li was so angry that he couldn't speak.

At this time, several newspapers published comments.

When they saw the affirmation of Youth Daily, several bigwigs were dumbfounded. Mr.

Li was even more shocked.

He took a deep breath and said thankfully:"Fortunately, I kept my composure this time, otherwise I would have been caught! Fortunately, fortunately!"

The Sony boss was frightened and broke into a cold sweat at this moment.


Haifeng Music.

A group of senior executives were also waiting for the development of the situation.

According to their understanding, Ye Feng would definitely not escape this time! In fact, several people with inside information had already heard about the debate at the judges' meeting.

At this time, the director of the public relations department ran in in a panic.

"Mr. Wei!"

"Something is wrong!"

"Those people are not black fans!"

Mr. Wei frowned:"What are they not black fans? Can you explain it clearly?"

The PR director quickly made the matter short.


"It turns out to be a reverse villain?"

"Are you boycotting because you can't buy tickets?"

At this moment, all the senior executives were stunned.

President Wei even asked:"Are you sure? How is it possible?"

The public relations director smiled bitterly and said:"It has been confirmed. Now the whole network is showing off, and they also took screenshots of the accounts. Some of the most powerful blacks are administrators of the Penguin group!"


President Wei sat back in his seat.

He was completely distracted._To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Fulu Novel AP

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