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"Did you just write this?"

"Ye Feng, are you still human?"

"Classic! Definitely beyond classic!"

"The most important thing is that this music, which is obviously very gentle and tactful, actually has such a positive melody!"

At this moment.

The number one of the Rolling Stones was completely shocked.

The look he gave Ye Feng was like a hungry wolf seeing a lamb.

Ye Feng:"Mr. Wang, what's that look in your eyes?"

Wang Dong smiled embarrassedly.

He said with a smile:"This song is incredible. It absolutely surpasses the classics. I can guarantee that when this song is sung, it will definitely cause countless sensations, and even! It will create the glory of the theme song of the women's volleyball team again!"

Liang Jingru smiled and said:"Yeah, when Ye Feng took out this song just now, I couldn't believe it. This song is simply amazing!"

Wang Dong asked expectantly:"When will this song be released?"

Ye Feng said:"Although Sister Liang no longer cares about the best female singer, I think no one in the country deserves to win the award except her. In this case, we will release it in the next two days.���"Let's publish it."

Wang Dong nodded:"That's what I was thinking! But should we solve the black manuscript issue first? I heard that some people are ready to make a move."

Ye Feng laughed:"I'm afraid they won't make a move, and only if they do, I can intervene!"


Imperial Capital.

MTV Music Festival is held.

There is less than half a month left before the festival, and most of the judges have arrived.

This annual festival is known as the most exciting one in recent years.

This is because there are too many popular hits this year.

The first one to bear the brunt is Ye Feng!

This former rock talent.

After three years of silence, he rose strongly and directly created the Xuan Guo style with a song"The Sun and the Moon in My Heart"!

Just when everyone thought he had exhausted his skills, his new album directly created the fastest sales record in history!

What's more rare is!

Every song in the album is a classic!

It simply amazed the industry insiders to the extreme.


Liang Jingru! Meng Meiqi!

Wan Qian!

Li Yue!

These old or new faces burst out with completely different colors. Liang


A song"Steel Rose" broke everyone's impression of her and made people feel the huge power bursting out of her body!

Meng Meiqi!

This newcomer became a god with a song"Little Dimples"!

Wan Qian!

Veteran artist!

Popular actress!

Ye Feng's song"Hair Like Snow" made her extremely popular!

Li Yue!

A potential superstar!

《Tell You Gently made her the third undisputed queen after Deng Diva and Liang Jingru!

These are all hot this year.


Thinking of their rise, many judges were amazed.

Being able to push so many female artists to the top by himself, Ye Feng's strength is simply second to none.

Zhang Yuanqiao!

The old professor of the Conservatory of Music said:"There may be controversy this time, but I don't think there is any controversy about the best male singer?"

Everyone laughed

"Ye Feng is simply a monster!"

"Any one of his achievements is good enough to win an award!"

"Appealing to both the elite and the masses, this phrase is fully demonstrated in him!"

"I agree!"

"I agree too!"

Several judges agreed.

At this time,

Wang Yuan said:"You can't say that, right?"

Several judges looked over.

"What's the meaning?"

"Based on Ye Feng's strength, is there any objection?"

"Apart from Ye Feng, who else can win the Best Male Singer award?"

Wang Yuan smiled and said,"That's not what I meant, but did you know about the boycott of the entire network some time ago? He is indeed talented, but he was boycotted on a large scale by the entire network, which is the first time even in the entertainment industry. Is there any controversy about whether this is appreciated by both the elite and the masses?"

At this point, he picked up the teacup and took a sip.

"Actually, this matter is not a big deal, but if we want to make an undisputed choice, we have to consider all aspects, right? So many people are boycotting, if we turn a blind eye, wouldn’t it be a shame to our responsibility?"

Everyone frowned.


That matter was very loud.

Most people present knew

"Let’s talk about it later!"

"Take all factors into consideration!"

"Let’s not leave any flaws in this music festival!"

Several judges said


Huanya Entertainment!

A group of senior executives are also in a meeting

"Today is the first time the judges meet, right?"

"I don’t know what the result will be!"

"There should be no problem with Mr. Wang, right?"

Everyone was talking at once.

At this moment,

Mr. Zhang's cell phone dinged.

He glanced at it and smiled,"The results of this time are out. Ye Feng's chances of getting the male singer are very slim. We are discussing this matter now!"


"So fast?"

"As expected of Mr. Zhang!"

Several senior executives laughed.

Mr. Zhang shook his head and said with a smile:"You can't blame it all on me. This time, if anyone is to blame, it's Ye Feng who offended everyone for the first time!"


"He deserves it!"

"Who let him show off his talent?"

Several senior executives sneered.

At this moment, the director of the public relations department ran in in a panic.

"boss Zhang!"

"Things are not good!"

"The net, the fishing reel has changed!"

Mr. Zhang took the phone and glanced at it and was stunned


Penguin group.

Ye Feng fan club.

When the article was released online, all the fans couldn't help themselves.


"You actually slandered my male god?"

"I am dying of laughter. Why is there a boycott on the entire Internet? Do you know who we are?"

"Can you believe that I am boycotting myself?"

"Don't say anything! It's time to show your hand!"

"This time we must strike hard!"

"For Ye Feng!"

Countless people clamored to take action.

At the critical moment!

Niu Niu gave an order!

The best talents of Zuan College came out!

"Showdown! I am a fan of Ye Feng!"

"Let's be honest! I have slandered you so many times, I can't bear to do it again!"

"It’s time to show your cards! We did everything that happened a while ago. This is my account. Can you forgive me, my dear?"

The next moment.


Douyin! Penguin!

Showdowns are everywhere!

Netizens are stunned

"Oh shit!"

"Oh shit!"

"Oh shit!"

"Is this the truth?"

"Actually playing the role of a villain?"

"You old guys are so bad!"

"No wonder there’s so much noise online every time, but in reality the tickets are sold out in three seconds!"

"Are you doing this to my male god?"_Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collect, recommend,

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