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"This concert is definitely a benchmark!"

"There has been no one like this before, and it will probably be hard to find one like this in the future!"

"The most important thing is that the starting price is only 288, which is affordable for a student like me!"

"Great value for money!"

"Definitely worth crying!"

"Ye Feng is indeed a fan-loving maniac!"

"Of course! Ye Feng is our male god!"

"He never lets us down!"

"Except he was a little faster every time!"


"Why did you suddenly start driving while we were chatting?"

At this moment, countless people liked it


Rolling Stone Records.

A grand celebration banquet is being held.

Wang Dong is full of admiration.

"Ye Feng! I, Old Wang, have never been convinced by anyone in my life, but today, I am completely convinced!"

Ye Feng laughed and said,"Is it that exaggerated?" Wang Dong glared and said,"Is it that exaggerated? You didn't feel it on the stage. We were in the audience, almost watching the fans get excited and crazy. The atmosphere on the scene, to be honest, I have listened to many concerts, but there is nothing like this!"

As he said, he pointed to his ears:"My ears still hurt now, all because of the shouting!"

Ye Feng laughed:"Don't go next time!" Wang Dong shook his head

:"No! How can I not go? There are only three concerts in total, one less concert to watch!"

"Yeah yeah!"

"This concert was amazing!"

"Now many people say that this concert will go down in history!"

Several senior executives echoed.

Ye Feng smiled and said,"It's not that exaggerated to say that a sedan chair is carried by people."

"It’s not an exaggeration!"

"We all want to go!"

"Ye Feng, can you give us some tickets?"

Several female artists said pitifully.

Their pitiful appearance made many men moved.


Ye Feng ignored them.

"The tickets are sold out. Sorry!"

Several female artists sighed.

They didn't know whether they were sighing because they didn't have tickets or because Ye Feng didn't pay attention to them.

At this time, under the table, a pair of small feet were placed on his feet.

Ye Feng looked up and met Wan Qian's eyes.


Such a dignified goddess would actually play this trick?

He fought back.

At this time, a text message dinged

【Reward you for your performance just now!】 What did you do just now?

Turning a blind eye to the cuteness of those female artists?

Ye Feng laughed.


He sent back a message

【Do you want to try the undeveloped game tonight? 】



Ye Feng smiled playfully

【Several female artists are waiting over there! 】

Wan Qian blushed

【You, you beast! Bad guy! 】

Ye Feng laughed


Wan Qian lowered her head and ignored him.

After a moment.


【You, you be gentle! 】

Ye Feng burst into laughter.

Then, they drank to celebrate their success on the table.

They played hide-and-seek under the table.

As time went by,

Ye Feng took Wan Qian back to Tomson Yipin.

They started playing games.

It was not until Wan Qian cried and begged for mercy that they stopped.


Next, the second and third concerts were held as scheduled.

Wan Qian!

Li Yue!

Meng Meiqi!

Fish Leong!

Cai Zhuoyan!

These artists who were usually not invited, seemed to appear in large numbers.



This once-in-five-thousand-years beauty was directly assigned to Ye Feng as a dancer.

All the netizens and fans were stunned.

"Oh shit!"

"Oh shit!"

"Oh shit!"

"If the wall doesn’t obey you, then I, Brother Ye, will obey you!"

"After all, she is a new generation starlet and a beauty once in five thousand years!"

"So you just sent him to be your dance partner?"

"Mmp! Are you worthy of the goddess?"

"I feel sorry for the goddess!"

"I feel sorry for the goddess +1!"

"My heart aches when I say this"

"How to say?"

"It would be fine if she was just a backup dancer, but Xiaoju's expression is one of happiness! Look if you don't believe me!"

"Oh shit!"

"It really is!"

"That smile is definitely not a fake!"

"You would rather dance with a scumbag than be my goddess?"

"I was shot in the knee!"

"The tree-lined path you long for is actually covered with hoarfrost every morning and night."

"The truth above is out!"

"My heart hurts so much!"

At this moment, countless fans wailed.

When Xiaoju's picture was enlarged, the happy smile hung on the corner of her mouth.

Everyone seemed to have suffered 10,000 points of damage.

Goddess Harvester!

This name became popular again.


Time flies.

Not long after the concert ended.

Rolling Stone officially began to promote Ye Feng!

MTV Music Annual Ceremony is known as one of the three major music awards in Xuanyu District!

Because it is the first award to be announced every year, it is also known as the weather vane of the other two music awards.

Rolling Stone spares no effort in the competition for the best male singer.


Wang Dong said.

This award can be given to Ye Feng!


No matter who it is given to, it will trigger discussions about the shady dealings!

This is the pressure that he, the Rolling Stone, put on the organizing committee! It is also Ye Feng's current appeal!

Unknowingly, his prestige is not that of a superstar! Better than a superstar!

The only thing missing may be that he rose too quickly. He lacks a little foundation!

But in front of his enchanting talent, all this is not a problem.

At this moment.

A group of Rolling Stone executives are in a meeting.

Less than half a month before the award ceremony, they are discussing the next promotion plan.

Just then.

The director of the public relations department ran in in a panic.

"Mr. Wang!"

"Something is wrong!"

"Someone is stirring up trouble!"

Wang Dong frowned:"What trouble?"

The PR director quickly distributed the materials in his hand.

As he distributed them, he said:"This report came out yesterday. I didn't take it seriously at first, but today, the trend is wrong. Almost the entire network is discussing it. There must be someone behind the scenes fanning the flames!"

Wang Dong looked at the file.

Raised his head!

《The best male singer! Is he the male singer that fans like or the male singer that experts like? 》

Turn to the following text.

The content of the article is very simple.

First, it praises Ye Feng for promoting the progress of domestic music and affirms his musical achievements. Then, it uses a very succinct style of writing, which seems to be fair and objective, but in fact it is full of positions. It also specifically mentions the phenomenon that Ye Feng was boycotted by the entire network some time ago.

The article mentions that no matter how vulgar or elegant the music is, it will eventually fall into the hands of the people.

Good music is what everyone likes! Ye Feng was boycotted by the entire network, and it is obvious that he did not do well in some aspects. I hope he will continue to work hard.

Read all.


Wang Dong slammed the document heavily on the table. _To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novel

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