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Mr. Li shook his head and said with a wry smile:"This matter is no longer something we can get involved in. As long as Ye Feng is still in Rolling Stone, we should bow our heads. In addition, notify the marketing department to continue to communicate with Ye Feng. No matter how much it costs, we must do our best to invite Ye Feng here!"

He looked to the south.

Hong Kong!

Huan Ya Entertainment!

Can you stop Ye Feng's sharpness?

At this moment.

Even though he had seen Huan Ya's strength, he still had a trace of doubt.


Haifeng Music.

The senior executives were very excited.

They were waiting for Ye Feng's Waterloo.

According to the news from Huanya, Ye Feng's free tickets were confirmed!

When the concert was over, the news of the free tickets would be leaked, and then they could fan the flames.

At this time.

The director of the public relations department ran in in a panic.

"Mr. Wei!"

"Something is wrong!"

""You, you take a quick look!"

The next moment,

President Wei looked over.

It was a dark stadium.

The audience waved their fluorescent sticks, and 100,000 people followed Ye Feng and Liang Jingru's singing.


President Wei stood up.


"How could this scene actually happen?"

"Does Huan Ya have a pig brain?"

"Can such a scene be considered as free tickets?"

Other senior executives looked at each other in surprise.

President Wei almost shouted:"Public Relations Department, withdraw the manuscript! Send someone to contact Ye Feng, we can negotiate any conditions! If necessary, you can put the blame on Huan Ya!"

At this moment,

Haifeng Boss completely admitted defeat.

He was self-deceiving due to stimulation, but it doesn't mean he is stupid.

One hundred thousand people sang!

The scene was uniform!

If this was a shill, who else was not a shill?


Huan Ya Entertainment.

A group of senior executives were also waiting.


Mr. Zhang looked very proud.

So many music companies didn't find the trick, only he noticed the possible problem.

This made him feel very superior.

Huan Ya could develop to where it is today and become the local emperor of the domestic music industry. He should be credited with the first contribution.

At this time.

The public relations director ran in in a panic.

"boss Zhang!"

"Something is wrong!"

"Please, please take a look at the live video first!"

Mr. Zhang's heart skipped a beat.

He took the phone.

The next moment, his expression was stunned.

"How can it be?"

"Is this really a video from the scene?"

The PR director nodded and said,"Yes, according to our sources, this video is true. There were 100,000 people singing together, and the scene was extremely shocking!"

Mr. Zhang was dumbfounded.

The other senior executives were puzzled.

"What's wrong?"

"What happened to a chorus of 100,000 people?"

"This doesn’t mean he didn’t invite extras!"

The PR director said with a wry smile:"Have you ever seen extras like this? A chorus of 100,000 people, judging from the feedback on the scene, these people are all in unison, it’s impossible if they weren’t fans, ordinary people wouldn’t have such an effect!"

The senior executives were dumbfounded.


"Then aren't the tickets real?"

"One hundred thousand tickets in less than a second?"

"Is there a faster speed?"

"What should we do at Huan Ya?"

At this moment, all the senior executives felt the difficulty of the matter.

Mr. Zhang frowned even more.

After a moment, he sighed and said,"Now there is no way to retreat. Sony and the others can still play both sides. Huan Ya has always been at the forefront. Even if we retreat, Ye Feng will hold this account against us. In this case, let's fight to the end!"

The public relations director asked,"Mr. Zhang, how should we fight?"

Mr. Zhang frowned and said,"Next month is the music festival. The Rolling Stones are aiming at the best male singer. We must snipe his award. The network-wide boycott some time ago will hype me up and let everyone know about his disgraceful scene. Let's see what the jury thinks!"

At this moment,

Mr. Zhang has already made up his mind to kill!


At this moment.


All the major record companies were shocked.

One hundred thousand people sang together!

One hundred thousand people cheered loudly!

Except for Ye Feng!

There is no other person in China.


Haolai House.

A three-story villa.

Taylor Swift lives here.

At this moment.

She is practicing stretching.

If she wants to keep her legs in perfect shape, she must do a certain amount of exercise every day. At this moment!

If a man is here.

Seeing the curved arc, he will definitely be extremely excited.

At this moment.

The agent walked in

""Taylor! There's movement from Ye Feng again!"Taylor stopped and took the phone.

The next moment, she saw the chorus of thousands of people, and her expression was a little surprised.

"How could so many people maintain such uniformity? Is his song more popular than I thought? It seems that I underestimated him before!"

At this moment, this top queen began to look Ye Feng in the face!


Just when many people were still holding on to their fantasies, the concert ended!

No disturbance!

No revelations!

All positive reviews!

Fans praised it as the best concert in history.

Major music media also published comments

《I Love Music!

One of the largest music streaming media in China.

They praised it in their report, saying that it was a perfect performance, and the interaction with Wan Qian and Liang Jingru's chorus of 100,000 people were all textbook-like achievements that could be recorded in the concert scene!

They said that Ye Feng once again proved with his strength that if he made good music with his heart, he could win the recognition of his fans!

《Universal Music" was not far behind.

They also published their comments at the first time, and even selected pictures from the scene.

They said that whether it was the layout of the venue or the special effects of the on-site sound and magnesium light, this concert was unique!

Ye Feng's live singing and the participation of several top artists complemented each other, and the interaction with fans brought the concert to a perfect end.

They also said in the comments: For such a concert, the lowest ticket price is only 288 yuan, which is enough to make those shoddy concerts with a starting price of 500 or 600 ashamed. Ye Feng once again fulfilled his responsibility as a high-quality idol!

When these comments were spread online.

Not surprisingly!

It triggered another wave of praise.

_Feilu reminds: Three things to do when reading-collect, recommend,

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