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"Mr. Wang!"

"Things are not good!"

"Ye Feng appeared at Li Yue’s celebration party!"

"According to the information we received, Sony offered 600 million to recruit him.

"What did you say?"

"Six hundred million?"

"Are you sure there is no missing zero?"

""Did Ye Feng agree?"

Everyone started to ask.

The PR director said,"No, Ye Feng didn't reply."


Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Not bad, not bad!

Without a reply, there is still room for maneuver.

Wang Dong looked around the audience:"Who else says that 300 million is not worth it? If it weren't for the 300 million, we wouldn't even have the room to negotiate with Ye Feng. Contact Ye Feng's agent. 600 million, I, the Rolling Stones, will follow!"

At this moment, the number one brother of the Rolling Stones revealed his cards completely.

No matter what price the other party offered, I, the Rolling Stones, would always offer only one price!


"Ye Feng must not be taken away!"

"He is the pillar of my next phase of the Rolling Stones plan!"

Several senior executives spoke up


The next day.

Wang Dong personally invited Ye Feng into the conference room.

He smiled and said,"Ye Feng, we didn't think it through before. Three hundred million is indeed not worthy of your contribution. We, the Rolling Stones, are going to add another three hundred million, a total of six hundred million shares. I hope you can continue to stay!"

Ye Feng smiled and said,"Mr. Wang, have you heard about Sony?"

Wang Dong smiled bitterly and said,"Yes, you are now a towering tree in our Rolling Stones, and we have to treat you seriously."

Ye Feng said,"Mr. Wang helped me with the first album, and I have always kept this friendship in my heart. Don't worry, maybe one day I will leave, but not now!"

Wang Dong was relieved.


The two parties renegotiated the contract.

It is still a cooperation rather than an affiliation.

The Rolling Stones agreed to give Ye Feng a one-time equity reward of 600 million, which will be divided into three years, 200 million per year, but he can get equity income from now on.

Ye Feng did the math.

He made 400 to 500 million from oil futures before.

In addition to writing songs, and other shares.

Now his net worth has exceeded 1 billion.

Even in Jincheng.

This net worth is enough to rank among the rich.

He looked at the system

【System: All-round superstar system!】

【Host: Ye Feng!】

【Points: 689!】

【System Mall: God-level Movie Emperor System! God-level Director System! God-level Composition System! God-level Singing System! God-level Screenwriter System!

Each system is priced at 999 points.

With another 300 points, you can redeem any system.


You can complete your own all-around star.

Thinking of this, he had a good idea.

At this time,

Wang Dong asked:"Ye Feng, the company has received several invitations. I wonder if there are any shows you want to be on? The producers of several major shows hope that you can go. Of course, the remuneration is also very generous, and the bid is not less than eight figures."

Ye Feng said:"Send a few shows to me later, and finish Cai Zhuoyan's new song this week."

Wang Dong nodded:"Okay, you go ahead."



Cai Zhuoyan arrived in Jincheng.

According to the fans who met her at the airport, the popular little queen went straight to Tomson Yipin as soon as she got off the car.

Everyone familiar with it knows that

Tomson Yipin!

That is Ye Feng's mansion.

Once again, the whole network was wailing.

"Oh shit!"

"Oh shit!"

"Oh shit!"

"What a beast!"

"Another goddess!"

"If the wall doesn’t obey you, then you will obey!"

"The male god didn't say anything, you said he was Fengsu, said he was worse than a beast"

"Now that I have shown some appreciation, you call him a beast."

"Ye Feng: It’s so hard for me!"

"Let’s have some fun chatting!"

"Sit tight on your little stool! I bet it will only take ten minutes at most!"

"Fifteen minutes or so"

"Twenty minutes no more!"


While the whole network was discussing this,

Ye Feng had already invited Cai Zhuoyan to come in.

Ye Feng asked,"I have already made your new song, which is also a love duet. Do you want to take a break first, or just listen to this song?" Cai Zhuoyan was surprised and said,"You, you have written it?"

Ye Feng nodded,"Yes, is there any problem?"

Cai Zhuoyan shook her head and said,"No problem, it's just that I think you are too fast!"

Ye Feng said,"Sometimes inspiration bursts out like a spring, so let's go to the second floor and try it?"

Cai Zhuoyan nodded,"Then I want to listen to it now."

At this moment, the little queen was very excited.

Ye Feng's new songs have never failed.

She couldn't help but look forward to what her new song would be like? She was a little worried in her heart.

In such a short time, would it not be as good as the other songs?

But Cai Zhuoyan was already satisfied that the other party was willing to write songs.

Next, under the leadership of Ye Feng, the two came to the Yinyue Hall on the second floor.

Ye Feng handed her the music score,"You should get familiar with the style of the song first, and I will play a song for you to listen. Cai

Zhuoyan nodded.

The next moment, before she could come to her senses,

Ye Feng had already walked towards the piano.

The black and white keys intertwined beautiful notes.

The moving melody was like the afternoon sun, lazy and leisurely.

The sound of the piano suddenly became high, which directly lifted Cai Zhuoyan's mind.

Just as she was shocked by the prelude,

Ye Feng's slender fingers danced lightly on the keys. A steady and heavy male voice came out of his mouth.

A cheerful and lively love song was perfectly performed.

His body also swayed with the rhythm.

Cai Zhuoyan could still listen quietly at first, but when the climax of the song came, her expression became extremely intoxicated in an instant.

The whole person couldn't help but stand up.

"Is this my song?"

"It sounds so nice, right?"

"It's definitely a hit song!"

Cai Zhuoyan was dumbfounded. She didn't wake up from the shock until the singing stopped. She looked at Ye Feng again, with shock, as well as a hint of deep admiration in her eyes. Amazing! So amazing! He created such a melody in such a short time. Musical genius is not enough to describe his talent! He was born for music. Clap, clap, clap! Cai Zhuoyan clapped her hands excitedly.

"Ye Feng!"

"Is this the new song?"

"You are so amazing! What everyone spread is correct!"

Ye Feng smiled and said,"What did everyone spread?"_

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