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On the top floor of Sony Music.

Ye Feng walked into the venue surrounded by people.

Almost as soon as he entered the venue, the audience burst into applause.

Those female artists seemed to be injected with chicken blood.

One by one, they shouted louder than the other.

"Male god!"

"Male god!"

""My male god!"

Voices kept coming one after another.

People who didn't know would think it was a small fan meeting.

Ye Feng and Mr. Li walked into the venue amid cheers.


Mr. Li personally took the stage.

He delivered a passionate speech.

It was obviously to celebrate Li Yue's new album's sales of over one million copies, but the actual content was completely different.

The content was so corny!

The emotions were so overwhelming!

It was simply a meeting to flatter Ye Feng.

But no one disagreed!

When it was Ye Feng's turn to speak, he humbly responded with a few words and gave the stage to Li Yue again, which attracted cheers.

"The man is awesome!"

"The male god is still so low-key!"

"You are worthy of being my idol!"

Many female artists' eyes almost popped out.


Rich! Handsome!


He is simply a walking bulldozer.

Li Yue looked at Ye Feng with admiration.

Not to mention the sense of pride.

The celebration banquet officially began with enthusiasm.

President Li shook the champagne and opened it.

He announced the good results achieved by Li Yue.

300,000 copies in half an hour, 800,000 copies in six hours, and more than one million copies in the entire life cycle.

This is a victory for the domestic music industry!

On behalf of Li Yue and Sony, he thanked Ye Feng for writing lyrics and composing music.

He said that Ye Feng is a unique musical talent, and his astonishing musical talent is admired by countless people.

He also suggested that if anyone wanted to ask Ye Feng to write a song, they might as well toast a few glasses of wine later so that Ye Feng could find inspiration.

Everyone laughed.

As President Li walked off the stage, the scene became completely lively.

Ye Feng!

He became the brightest star in the audience.

Those female artists came over one after another, flirting.

"Mr. Ye! I toast to you!"

"Mr. Ye, we have prepared several sets of ancient costumes. Would you like to try them tonight?"

"Mr. Ye, we have tried several new styles this time. Do you want to find some inspiration?"

Many female artists said this almost face to face.

Ye Feng responded calmly.

At this moment, a female star in a long emerald green lace dress came over.

Zhang Jingying!

This top female artist in the music industry.

At this moment, she walked over with a glass of champagne.

Wherever she went, many artists were shocked.

Zhang Jingying has always been aloof. When has she ever been so proactive?

At this time,

Zhang Jingying had raised her glass and walked to Ye Feng:"Ye Feng, can I toast you?"

Ye Feng replied:"Of course!"

Speaking of which, this female singer who debuted as a Super Girl was also a very famous singer in another time and space.

The two of them had an intersection before.

When they first debuted, they supported each other for a period of time.

Zhang Jingying said frankly:"Actually, I didn't want to come, but my agent asked me to try it, and I also want to see you!"

Ye Feng smiled:"How do people feel when they see you?"

Zhang Jingying said with a slightly bewildered look:"I don't know how to put it, it's like we hit it off right away, as if we've known each other for a long time."

On the side, several female artists who seemed to be drinking but were actually listening laughed when they heard this.

Hit it off right away?

This routine is too old.


Ye Feng said:"I have a similar feeling."

Zhang Jingying:"……"




The glass shattered.

Did you find inspiration right away?

Not far away,

Mr. Li was also dumbfounded when he saw this scene.

The next moment, he clenched his fist in excitement.

He winked at several senior executives not far away.

A recruitment campaign was about to begin.

On the other side, several female artists seemed to have discovered a new world.

"Mr. Ye! I don't know why, but I feel like I've known you for a long time."

"Mr. Ye! Do you feel that there is a special bond between us?"

"Mr. Ye! I don't know why, but my heart beats faster when I see you, just like you and me in our past lives.……"

Ye Feng:"……"


Half an hour later.

Ye Feng went to the conference room accompanied by Li Yue.

Ye Feng asked:"What's the matter?" Li Yue shook his head:"I don't know, but Mr. Li said it's a good thing, I'll take you to see."

Ye Feng nodded.

Entering the conference room.

Mr. Li said straight to the point:"Mr. Ye, let's not beat around the bush. I know your contract with Rolling Stone Records, and I also know that they gave you 300 million equity rewards. Sony can double it, 600 million, divided into three years! 200 million per year! As long as you join our Sony Music family!"

At this moment.

Sony's top brother made the decision directly.

Many senior executives were shocked.


"Six hundred million? That’s not in the script?"

"The market value of Sony Music is less than 10 billion, and 600 million is definitely an astronomical figure!"

"There has never been such an introduction strategy in the entertainment industry before!"

Ye Feng looked around the audience and said with a smile:"Mr. Li, aren't you afraid that the people below will have opinions on this matter?"

Mr. Li smiled and said:"Opinions? With you joining Rolling Stone, the market value has directly increased from 4 billion to more than 7 billion. If anyone has any opinions, you can double the market value of my Sony! Otherwise, shut up!"

Everyone smiled bitterly.

Ye Feng said lightly:"I will think about this matter."

Mr. Li explained:"Ye Feng, actually you and I have no direct conflict. The director of the public relations department who was responsible for the previous Liang Jingru black article has been fired. I hope you can see our sincerity."

Ye Feng smiled and nodded


The top executives of Rolling Stone.

A group of top executives were also in a meeting.

They were discussing the next plan of Rolling Stone.

Ye Feng's comet rise directly broke their plan.

"It would have taken us three years to catch up, but according to the big data of, our weighting this year has surpassed Sony!"

"Not only that, in several sub-items, we are absolutely ahead. No matter Liang Jingru or Meng Meiqi, they have no rivals. As for Ye Feng——"

"He is our winning weapon! As long as he is here, we Rolling Stones can never lose!"At this moment, many senior executives are full of confidence.

Surpassing Sony!

Let them ignite endless fighting spirit.

At this moment, the director of the public relations department ran in in a panic. ps: Chapter 5 is here, and the remaining three chapters will be late, estimated at 7 or 8 o'clock. If you can't wait, you can read it tomorrow morning. There will be no less than 8 chapters. Thank you!_Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collection, recommendation,

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