Enlightenment begins with covering the sky

Chapter 897 Holy Emperor of the Sun

In the ten-hole celestial god ring, the eternal light is integrated into Suanni's body, causing its life breath to continuously strengthen, transforming from a spiritual body into a divine soul, and giving birth to a physical body from the divine soul.

Zhou Tong's eyes were fixed on Suan Ni for a moment. The light in his eyes was extremely frightening. He was carefully watching every process of Suan Ni's rebirth, wanting to see every detail of Suan Ni's transformation from nothingness to reality.

There is no doubt that this is of great significance to Zhou Tong, and it can even be said that the impact is far-reaching and immeasurable.

The mysterious power of eternal light, and the secret technique of Little Stone Emperor's spiritual soul regenerating the body. Watching carefully the combination of these two to create life from nothingness is equivalent to directly watching the most mysterious creation in the world - the creation of life. process.

The golden clouds are dotted, and a thousand years have passed in the blink of an eye. Zhou Tong saw that an embryo of Suan Ni had emerged from the soul of Suan Ni, exuding strong vitality, and its golden body was extremely gorgeous.

Zhou Tong still watched all the changes in front of him closely, his eyes staring at Suanni, year after year, day after day, watching it grow, watching it integrate its soul into the body bit by bit, watching As it develops from embryo into real life.

Time passed like water, and another two thousand years passed in the blink of an eye. Finally, the golden clouds all over the sky dissipated, and the huge Suan Ni soul also disappeared, replaced by a small beast the size of a husky. It has a golden lion-like appearance, a pair of golden dragon horns on its head, and golden dragon scales...

Suanni was finally completely reborn, no longer in the previous state of spirit body or soul, but a complete life with a physical body.

This is the meaning of life!! Zhou Tong showed a hint of joy on his face.

Over the past thousand years, Zhou Tong has gained so much. This is the most mysterious secret of life in the world. By understanding this secret, one can easily create and transform life.

Speaking of which, the Sun Holy Emperor should be able to reappear! After pondering for a while, Zhou Tong finally looked at a golden formation diagram.

This was a formation diagram left by the Sun Holy Emperor to deal with the dark turmoil. He gave Zhou Tong three opportunities to use it that year, and then sealed it himself. Of course, with Zhou Tong's ability, he can unlock the seal arranged by the Sun Holy Emperor at any time and use this formation map again.

However, Zhou Tong has never used this formation diagram because he wanted to resurrect the Sun Emperor.

Before, even if he had reached the Immortal King stage, he was still not sure, but now, by observing the birth process of Suanni, he was already very sure.

A ray of residual consciousness of the Holy Emperor of the Sun can be completely re-cultivated and grown up with the eternal light, and the formation diagram also hides the only three drops of blood of the Holy Emperor of the Sun, which can save countless things when gestating the body. step.

Zhou Tong directly took out three drops of the Sun Holy Emperor's essence and blood from the array. For a moment, golden light shot into the sky, like three golden suns. The terrifying flow of the Sun's holy power turned in all directions, emitting powerful fluctuations.

Afterwards, Zhou Tong directly used the Samsara Mirror to shine on these three drops of essence and blood.


For a moment, the heaven and earth shook violently, and dazzling golden light came overwhelmingly. A tall figure slowly walked out of the void. His whole body was dazzling with golden light, flowing with the brilliance of the sun.

It is the Holy Emperor of the Sun.

I finally woke up. Has the darkness and chaos come again? As soon as the Sun Holy Emperor appeared, he immediately looked at Zhou Tong. He still remembered that his backup was left to this junior.

Times have changed. Don't worry, Holy Emperor. The dark turmoil has been put down long ago. I have destroyed the few remaining restricted areas in the world. There will be no more dark turmoil in the future! Zhou Tong looked at the Holy Emperor of the Sun and spoke.

What? The Sun Holy Emperor's body trembled slightly, and the golden light in his eyes flickered. Only then did he take a closer look at Zhou Tong.

But he was silent.

This aura was so enigmatic that he couldn't understand it anymore.

It is indeed true, times have changed, and they have changed too fast!

Even the Sun Holy Emperor had an illusion. Is this really the original universe? It couldn't be a fairyland, right?

I don't know how many years have passed in the blink of an eye. I didn't expect that you would reach such a state of cultivation. Are there really immortals in this world? After the Sun Emperor was silent for a long time, he sighed, I can still see you before I die. I can leave with peace of mind for such a junior.

Zhou Tong shook his head and said: Holy Emperor, you don't have to belittle yourself. I woke you up this time just to put away some of the regrets in your heart, Holy Emperor.

What regret? The Sun Holy Emperor was a little confused.

Of course...to become an immortal! Zhou Tongtong said.

I am already a dead person. I am able to revive now only because you awakened a residual memory that I forcibly left behind. This residual memory of mine can only survive for half a day at most. I am satisfied to see you again. It’s better not to talk about becoming an immortal.” The Sun Holy Emperor was also speechless.

Although he also yearns for immortality, he also knows that he is just a dead person, and no matter how much he yearns for it, it is useless.

What if I am sure I can resurrect you?

What!? How is it possible? Resurrection of the dead? You...what level of cultivation have you reached?

Zhou Tong's words shocked the Sun Holy Emperor greatly, and the golden light on his body could hardly be controlled to burst out. This sentence made him realize almost instantly that he might have underestimated Zhou Tong too much.

There's no way it's just talk. But this thing is hard to explain. I got something by chance. You will know after you try it yourself! Zhou Tong was not prepared to explain so much and directly waved his hand to create an eternal light.


In an instant, the residual consciousness of the Sun Holy Emperor seemed to have been replenished. It quickly absorbed the eternal light, and continued to multiply, become stronger, and complete.

At the same time, the three drops of essence and blood of the Sun Holy Emperor also received nourishment, became one with the soul, and began to give birth to real flesh and blood bit by bit...

When the soul and essence and blood were united, Zhou Tong also took out an elixir, which was the essence of the flat peach elixir he had refined before.

He broke through the elixir with a finger, and for a moment the rich and indestructible vitality sank into the body of the Holy Emperor of the Sun.

The avenue between heaven and earth is turbulent, brilliant golden light covers the sky, and the terrifying holy power of the sun sweeps across the entire universe.

This incident alarmed Ye Fan and Qing Emperor in an instant, and everyone looked in the direction of God's Domain.

The golden light was surging there, like a great sun coming.

This kind of breath... The Sun Holy Emperor? Ye Fan instantly understood the source of this breath, and he was a little confused. How could the breath of the Sun Holy Emperor appear there?

They wanted to investigate, but they also knew that after Zhou Tong was promoted to Immortal King, the entire area around the God's Domain was different, and their spiritual consciousness could not really penetrate into the God's Domain.

The aura of the Holy Sun Emperor? The person closest to Zhou Tong's resurrection of the Holy Sun Emperor was naturally Yan Ruyu.

She immediately came to the Taoist platform where Zhou Tong had been sitting cross-legged, and immediately saw a dazzling light.

Yan Ruyu clearly saw that the center of the light group was a dazzling golden light. It was the blood of the emperor, definitely the blood of the great emperor, and judging from the aura, it was the aura of the Holy Emperor of the Sun.

At the same time, a tall and mighty figure was slowly taking shape, and a breath like the sun surged in.


The Holy Emperor of the Sun was resurrected. For a moment, the Ziwei Star Territory felt that in the Sun Tower at the core of the Sun God Religion, a stone imperial tower suddenly bloomed with billions of brilliance. It was instantly resurrected and rushed out, turning into a golden light towards the God's Territory. Come flying.

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