After everyone left again, Zhou Tong pondered for a while.

This banquet was actually a bit too simple. All the geniuses only got a piece of Enlightenment tea leaf, and nothing else.

Although those geniuses must have felt that they had made a profit, Zhou Tong still felt that things were too monotonous.

The Enlightenment Tea is certainly very attractive, but what else in this world can compare to longevity? Zhou Tong's heart moved, and he immediately looked at his Fairy Peach Tree.

There is only one flat peach fairy tree, but you can still plant it by eating the leftover flat peach cores.

I said at the beginning that I would carve out a flat peach orchard by myself, and now I have put it into action. Zhou Tong directly picked all the more than thirty flat peaches left on the tree, and removed the longevity substances and avenues in the pulp. The laws and life essence were all refined into pills, leaving only the peach core.

He planted more than thirty peach stones in a piece of fairy land and watered them with divine springs. All of a sudden, all the peach stones sprouted and took root, and a brand new peach tree grew.

If these flat peach trees grow up, the medicinal effect of the fruits they will bear in the future will probably be very close to that of the original immortality medicine, surpassing that of the demigod medicine. If the prediction is correct, it should be able to extend life by about 15,000 years. According to Zhou Tong The life breath of these peach stones roughly estimates the efficacy of these magical medicines.

Even the first-generation fruit that Yaochi stole from the Shenxu in the past and planted the peach stone of a flat peach magic medicine was equivalent to half of the immortal medicine; now after planting the peach stone of the immortal medicine flat peach, the natural medicine The effect has greatly increased, and the environment Zhou Tong has far exceeds that of Yaochi.

At the next banquet, I will have something to entertain those talented people. After planting the peach cores of these flat peaches, Zhou Tong immediately glanced at other parts of the world.

Before it became a real world, the Ten Caves God Ring was a cave created by Zhou Tong using ancient methods, and Zhou Tong had already cultivated a large number of spirits in it through the method of cultivating spirits in the cave.

In addition to his core ten evil spirits, there are also other spirits, such as the Golden Crow, the White Tiger, the Willow God, and even Suanni, Pixiu, and the Sky-Swallowing Bird.

Except for the ten evil spirits who were fused with Zhou Tong's own latent life and turned into real life, the other spirits were still in the state of condensed magic runes.

At that time, as the world was now taking shape, under the influence of the power that created the world, these spirits already had a trace of life.

There are already signs of turning reality into reality...perhaps these countless races can be resurrected and evolved in my world. Zhou Tong pondered for a while, feeling a little excited in his heart.

The ability to create life is beyond the ability of the Immortal King and can only be reached by the realm of the Quasi-Immortal Emperor.

Just like the alien world in the chaotic ancient times, those races such as time beasts, sky-swallowing beasts, and void beasts are the evolution of the power left by the dark quasi-immortal emperor.


However, suddenly, Zhou Tong thought of something, and he was stunned: No... I seem to have another way to create life...

With a thought in his mind, the source of eternal light that Zhou Tong brought back from the Immortal Realm suddenly appeared.

This is a huge spherical light source with a radius of ten feet high.

When he was in the Immortal Realm, there were only a dozen souls of ancestor gods integrated into it at first, but later, Zhou Tong traveled all over the world, and the number of souls of ancestor gods contained in it already reached three digits, and some of them even walked. The soul of the supreme powerhouse on the path of the Supreme Ancestral God and the Stoneman King.

In fact, Zhou Tong's method of creating eternal light was completely different from that of the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors.

In fact, not long after he created his own eternal light, Zhou Tong finally realized that the eternal light could not be forcibly forced on the ancestor gods, nor could it be created by forcibly merging the souls of the ancestor gods. The eternal light source could not be achieved if one had the heart to resist.

The eternal light source created by the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors was created by the ancestral gods who voluntarily dedicated their souls to create eternal light; but Zhou Tong retained the souls of the ancestral gods and erased their consciousness.

That's why Zhou Tong's eternal light source can be made so large.

Eternal light, in the world of immortality, can turn even lifeless weapons into real life. As a 'spirit' that already has a faint breath of life, it should be easier to turn it into life! Zhou Tong said secretly in his heart, and at the same time, he immediately called his Suanni spirit body over.

After all, it was just an experiment, so Zhou Tong didn't want to touch the strongest spiritual bodies. Instead, he found a similar spiritual body to try the water. If it failed, it would be easier to recover.

The next moment, a brilliant golden glow flowed like a cloud, and a huge creature slowly appeared in front of him.

It looks like a lion, with a pair of golden dragon horns on its head, and its head is covered with golden dragon scales; its whole body is bright, and its golden hair is extremely soft, brighter than silk.

Although it is just a spiritual body raised by Zhou Tong, it is no different from the real Suanni when it comes out now. It exudes a strong coercion and a fierce aura, and the whole mountain is illuminated by golden light. Even the leaves turned pale gold.

Immediately, Zhou Tong waved his hand——


An eternal light, as thick as a bucket, glowing with brilliant rays of light, was directly driven into the Suan Ni's body by Zhou Tong. In an instant, golden light flourished, and the golden brilliance illuminated the entire mountain range, as if the sun had fallen from the sky and illuminated the entire world.

Zhou Tong's heavenly eyes had been activated to the limit. His eyes penetrated the golden light and clearly saw everything inside.

The eternal light turned into wisps of rays of light and filled Suan Ni's body, turning into real flesh and blood. Suan Ni's aura gradually became stronger, stronger, and stronger again.

The whole process was very mysterious. Zhou Tong vaguely noticed the most important thing. He felt many things at once and had countless insights in an instant.

For three whole years, Suan Ni has been undergoing such changes. Finally, as the golden light converged, the changes in Suan Ni finally dissipated.

What appeared in front of Zhou Tong was a soul, the true soul of Suanni.

It has separated from the spirit body and transformed into a real life. Although it has no physical body and is just a soul body, it is still alive after all.

It is difficult for others to regenerate a physical body from the soul body, but for me, it is not too difficult. The method of rebirth that Little Stone Emperor uses is actually the method of regenerating the physical body from the soul body. I just want to try it out. ! Zhou Tong immediately used the method of rebirth on the soul of Suani.

Soon, an undetectable breath of life began to gestate in Suanni's body, getting stronger and stronger...

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