Enlightenment begins with covering the sky

Chapter 862: Punching Wolf Fangs

Ta!, Ta!, Ta!...

The terrifying footsteps continued slowly, and stopped after more than a dozen sounds. Finally, everything was fixed on the eighty-first floor, and everyone could clearly see those two terrifying lights.

Are you disturbing my rest?

An old voice finally came from the eighty-one steps. This voice was extremely old, and it was hard to imagine how old the person who spoke it had aged.

This voice... is the wolf's fang, the ancestral wolf's fang!! Many people in the other world were secretly excited.

Originally they didn't know about the existence of Langya, but when eight Stoneman Kings emerged within a hundred years, Langya was alarmed and appeared in front of the gods from other worlds, making them know that they also had a Stoneman King. Ancestor.


However, there was no response, but many people listened carefully and heard another footsteps. The footsteps of tap-tat-tat were in the middle of the steps, going up little by little, and the sound was very even.

Everyone understood that the footsteps belonged to Zhou Tong, and he continued to move forward, even ignoring the old voice on the 81st floor.

At this moment, everyone thought of the three supreme ancestors who had been killed instantly. This ancestral dragon's current performance is exactly the same as when it killed three supreme ancestral gods.

As Zhou Tong moved forward, the layers of darkness gradually faded away, allowing everyone to clearly see everything on the ninety-nine stone steps.

Silence cannot change the outcome of your death!

The old voice sounded again. Although it was just a word, it seemed to resonate with all the heavens throughout the ages. Even the endless chaos was shattered and reorganized by his words, and countless small worlds seemed to be born and destroyed in the void.

Finally, the darkness that shrouded the entire ninety-nine stone steps completely dissipated, and on the eighty-first stone steps, a stone man stood impressively.

This stone man looked at first like an old man who was in his twilight years and had only a few years to live. His entire body was almost dry. He stood there, trembling, as if he might fall down the steps at any time.

Moreover, everyone could clearly see that there were dozens of extremely terrifying cracks on the stone body. It was like a piece of porcelain that had been smashed and then forcibly glued back together.

However, just such a stone man has an aura that suppresses the heavens, which is heart-stopping and terrifying.

Another strong man was born in the Dragon Clan... But it's a pity that a mere supreme ancestor can't change anything. If I were you, I would be patient enough to become an unparalleled king. The old stone was extremely old, and its face was full of wrinkles. , it looks like it was carved with a knife and an axe.

When he said this, his eyes opened, and two strange and terrifying rays of light suddenly burst out, and he said: You appeared at this time, but you still didn't calm down and jumped out. You should learn from the ancestor dragon of your dragon clan. , If it weren’t for the coincidence of our world, I’m afraid she would have succeeded in taking that step.”

Old Shitou's voice was like some kind of weird spell, making people's scalp numb, especially because his words had a condescending air, overlooking the heavens.

But Zhou Tong seemed unaware and continued to climb. The ninety-nine stone steps still exuded a terrifying killing light, but there was still nothing he could do about Zhou Tong.

Over the ages, I don't know how many talented and beautiful people have been born... It's a pity that there are too few people who can catch my eye. You can't avoid the ultimate goal, and you will eventually turn into a handful of loess. Old Shitou looked at it. Zhou Tong still had no idea of ​​speaking, but walked towards him step by step.

It doesn't matter if you don't want to speak, I'll send you to death! Old Shitou raised his dry arm, stretched out a finger like dry wood, and pointed directly at Zhou Tong.

Zhou Tong glanced at it, and a ray of consciousness instantly blocked Lao Shitou's finger. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't tap it.

It was so terrifying that his consciousness instantly shocked the old stone man king in front of him. He knew that he had underestimated his opponent. This divine consciousness was vast and powerful. The opponent was not just a little dragon, but he was clearly the perfected supreme ancestor god! !

Knowing that he had underestimated his opponent, the old Stoneman King immediately became angry, followed by shock and fury.

A weapon suddenly appeared in his hand, which was a stone mace. The spikes on the mace were pointed toward the sky. Unparalleled fighting power surged like a surging river, shaking ancient and modern times.

Damn it, you actually took this step; a king has appeared in Kyushu again, and you can't stay!

The old stone man king took action with all his strength, took one step forward, held the mace stone stick, and swept towards Zhou Tong.


At this moment, the chaos collapsed. The blow of the mace rod seemed to shatter the chaos and open up a new world. However, the next moment this world was destroyed and nothing existed anymore.

The Stoneman King took action with all his strength, his divine power was overwhelming, and the heavens were shaken.

not bad!

Zhou Tong finally spoke, and as he spoke, a dragon fist was struck by him.


As Zhou Tong waved his fist, dragon roars sounded, and then all the rules of heaven and earth in the entire alien world seemed to have been changed. They changed with Zhou Tong's fist, which was terrifying and boundless.

Everyone in the other world was shocked. What kind of terrifying power is this?

The Dragon Fist is invincible, and just a terrifying fist power can move the entire world.

The heaven and earth rotate according to his will. Such a terrifying sight is the power of the Supreme Ancestral God Dzogchen.


With an earth-shaking loud noise, the Dragon Fist was wrapped with overwhelming power and directly shattered the barrier of the world. Just the aftermath shocked the heavens. Even the prehistoric world was vaguely aware of something. Some stone kings opened their eyes one after another. Open your eyes and look towards the other side.

They felt that there might be a battle of kings in the other world. This was an excellent opportunity to test the secrets and trump cards of the other world.


The mace stone stick collided with Zhou Tong's dragon fist, and in an instant an earth-shaking loud noise erupted. The divine light resonated with the sky, and the stars trembled wildly, just like the Milky Way falling from the sky, sweeping hundreds of millions of miles across the wilderness. Liuhe.

This collision shocked the world. The mace kept trembling. Zhou Tong's punch was like a volcano erupting. Just after the contact, the mace flew high, collapsed and fell in the chaos. In the middle, there was a loud noise like the beginning of the world.


After the mace flew away, Zhou Tong's fist continued unabated and struck the mace hard on the chest.


With a crisp sound, Old Shitou's body shook violently, and all the hidden wounds on his body collapsed. His original porcelain-like body was directly broken into pieces by Zhou Tong's punch and scattered on the stone steps.

The red blood of the stone man dyed all the gravel red.

This scene simply shocked everyone watching the battle, whether it was from the other world or the Kyushu side, and even the Stoneman King who came from the ancient world was shocked.

Everyone was stunned and didn't dare to express their anger.

This is an invincible stone man king in heaven and earth, and it is a stone man who has taken the final step to complete perfection countless thousands of years ago!

He who was supposed to be invincible was actually destroyed by one punch?

And what shocked everyone the most was that the ancestral dragon of the Dragon Clan in front of them turned out to be flesh and blood. The body of the Stone Man King, beaten with flesh and blood, shattered beyond everyone's imagination.

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