Enlightenment begins with covering the sky

Chapter 861 Ninety-nine steps


Zhou Tong stepped on the place where the three supreme ancestor gods fell, and truly climbed to the first level of the ninety-nine stone steps.

The ninety-nine steps may seem small, but in fact each step is as huge as a giant mountain stretching thousands of miles; these ninety-nine steps are like ninety-nine towering mountains that are difficult to see. The end.

And at this time, after countless years, someone finally climbed onto this step again, and even the ninety-nine stone steps were shaking violently.

And when Zhou Tong climbed the steps, everyone in the other world felt as if they were mourning for their heirs. The Supreme Ancestral God fell so easily, and they didn't know who else could stop the Dragon Clan's Ancestral Dragon from climbing the steps.


As Zhou Tong climbed the steps, at this moment the ninety-nine stone steps were like a demon king resurrected, blooming with light like yellow earth and vibrating violently; and endless power surged like a waterfall from the end of the steps. washed away.

However, Zhou Tong's body did not even sway, and he climbed the first step again under the shocked eyes of all the monks from other worlds.


Another destructive force washed down from the end of the stone steps. However, none of this could shake Zhou Tong's footsteps at all, and he continued to move forward without changing his expression.

In the eyes of everyone in the entire alien world, Zhou Tong walked up one level after another. Every time he went up a step, terrifying divine power washed down one after another from the end of the steps; but Zhou Tong's steps did not change at all, and he still walked forward resolutely.

What is the state of Jiuzhou's ancestral dragon? When Martial Ancestor climbed this step, his body was torn apart. Why did he still look calm and calm?

Damn it, it's only been ten thousand years, and he has already reached this level!!

Countless people in other worlds were puzzled and shocked by Zhou Tong's terrifying performance; but after the shock, there was infinite murderous intent in their hearts.

This scene not only shocked the monks in the other world, but even many people in the Jiuzhou camp noticed the changes in the other world. Countless strong men immediately woke up and paid concerned glances.

Ancestral Dragon of the Dragon Clan? What on earth is he going to do? The Martial Ancestor had already tested the ninety-nine steps back then. This cannot be shaken by the existence below the king.

Why is Zulong so reckless, going up the stairs alone? He should cooperate with our actions!

The supreme experts in Kyushu were also puzzled by Zhou Tong's actions. Logically speaking, they should not go to this level for no reason. The result of Martial Ancestor's last test was shocking enough.

Huh? Where are the three supreme ancestor gods guarding the ninety-nine steps in the other world?

Suddenly someone discovered the key to the problem. Where were the three supreme ancestors? Why didn't Zulong show up even though he'd gone there?

But soon, they were shocked, because they already knew that the three supreme ancestors had taken action when Zulong had just arrived near the steps. But in an instant, all three supreme ancestral gods were instantly killed by the ancestral dragon!

Dead...these three supreme ancestors are actually dead?

Good death, three executioners!!

Jiuzhou was shocked at first, but then there was a burst of joy. Countless people hated these three supreme ancestors; for countless years, these three people had caused countless murders.

Zhou Tong did not pause, and continuously passed through the twenty-seven steps. At this time, the mighty pressure coming down from the end of the steps became even more terrifying. The mountain-like steps are like a sun, emitting unimaginable heat, and there are also terrifying killing lights blooming.

However, both the heat and the killing light all dissipated when he got close to Zhou Tong. Zhou Tong's side was like a black hole, swallowing everything.

All the gods from the other world looked worried. This ancestral dragon was so powerful that it was hard to fathom. It was unclear where his limit was. Now this performance has exceeded everyone's imagination.

Tap!, Tap!, Tap!...

The huge steps like mountains shook violently, the scorching temperature was like the opening of chaos, and the cold murderous aura was like the end of the world. Zhou Tong did not waver, facing the destructive power of the ninety-nine steps, and continued to move forward step by step.


At this moment, the world fell silent, and a terrifying aura instantly filled the air from the steps. This aura was so powerful that it could make all the heavens and worlds tremble.

I saw a layer of pitch-black mist covering the steps, turning the entire steps into darkness and making it impossible to see anything.

What's going on? How is Zulong?

Well, this place has surpassed the position reached by Martial Ancestor back then. Are there any new changes?

All the monks in the Jiuzhou camp looked worried. Kyushu is really at a disadvantage compared to other worlds, and no one's strong combat power should be wasted like this.

But soon, everyone saw two extremely weak lights coming out through the endless darkness. Although these two rays of light are as weak as fireflies, everyone can see them clearly, and the positions of the two rays of light are always consistent, just like two rays of eyes.

Ta!, Ta!, Ta!...

Immediately afterwards, a burst of empty footsteps came out, and the soles of the feet collided with the steps, making a creepy sound. The sound of footsteps made everyone's scalp numb and almost suffocated.

Even the monks from other worlds did not expect that their forbidden land would be so strange and terrifying.

At the same time, there was an invisible and terrifying pressure transmitted from the footsteps. It makes many people who hear the footsteps feel a sense of fear from the bottom of their hearts, as if animals in nature have encountered a natural enemy, or as if death is holding their throats.

Well? Is Zulong not affected? Are you still climbing?

However, just when everyone was feeling extremely uncomfortable, they discovered to their horror that Zulong was not affected at all and was still moving forward.

Moreover, the frequency of his footsteps did not change at all, and even his expression did not change.

The sound that made everyone tremble and suffocate seemed to him like the breeze and the bright moon, and could not affect him in the slightest.

How far has Zulong reached in his cultivation? Has he reached that level?

In a daze, an idea came to the minds of some monks.

Impossible, absolutely impossible. The Supreme Ancestral God is just a legend. There has never been a legend that anyone has successfully cultivated it! A super Ancestral God from another world immediately rejected the idea in his mind. He did not believe that Ancestral Dragon had taken this path.

He has only been cultivating for a few years, how can he possibly follow the path to the Supreme Ancestral God? Other monks who knew a little bit about Zhou Tong all had this idea in their minds.

No one wants to believe that one person actually walked this road in just over ten thousand years.

If the road to the Supreme Ancestral God is really so easy, wouldn't it look like they have spent countless years living like dogs?

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