In the ancient world of heaven, Zhou Tong broke through the world barrier and came to this world.

What appears in front of you at this moment is a piece of pure land, with beautiful mountains and rivers, beautiful scenery, misty fairy mountains, shrouded auspicious clouds, and you can vaguely see the dancing phoenixes.

There are picturesque mountain peaks in the distance, surrounded by vines and bursts of refreshing fragrance. Even the occasional rocks exposed on the surface are exuding rich essence. In the sky not far away, there are streams of spiritual energy condensed into rivers, flowing through the sky along with the mist.

The most important thing is that the spiritual energy here is not only rich, but also very lively. Zhou Tong did not deliberately exercise his skills. He just breathed a few times and suddenly he could see the spiritual energy of heaven and earth condensed into dots of brilliance, condensing into his body.

This is the ancient world of heaven! Zhou Tong came to this world and immediately felt a sense of comfort. The essence of heaven and earth here was so strong that he felt like a dragon entering the sea.

But there is no time to look at the scenery. We must hurry up. If we go by the original situation, the stone kings in the other world will probably have ten to twenty thousand years to pass the final hurdle. Zhou Tong secretly thought in his heart. said.

The stone men in the original work all failed when Ge Gan ignited the dragon essence in their bodies at the most critical moment of passing the level. If there were no Ge Gan, there would be at least eight more stone kings in the other world, and maybe even a supreme ancestor god.

Zhou Tong followed the information given by Ge Gan and rushed all the way to the Stoneman City where the first Stoneman King transformed into Nirvana. Finally, he came to a vast plain. Looking from a distance, he could see an ancient demonic city standing there quietly, with no living beings nearby daring to approach.

This magic city is completely different from the ones Zhou Tong has seen before. The city is intact and there are not many traces of time. It seems that someone cleans the city from time to time.

Moreover, after careful sensing, one can vaguely see strands of life essence gathering into the city.

This stone man is a dragon ball fused with Biyi, one of the Nine Dragon Sons. Zhou Tong himself also sensed that Biyi's unique essence was near the magic city not far away.

However, he did not act rashly, because he noticed that although the aura of the Bixi Dragon Ball was near the Demon City, it was not concentrated; the real Dragon Ball was in another place, hidden in the void, and there was also a Demon City.

Well, I'm very cautious. The city on the surface is just an illusion. Perhaps the stone man in seclusion suppressed a city, then entered it with his own spiritual thoughts, and arranged the city here, so the suspicion formation . Zhou Tong said silently in his heart.

The path of the Stone Man King is very difficult, and there must be no mistakes along the way. Once disturbed by others, there is a high possibility of failure. Even if the path is correct, even if it is almost at the end, it will definitely fail when the time comes.

Therefore, Zhou Tong understood very well that various stone men used various methods to hide the real divine city.

However, this step of the stone man is just to not lose his sense of the outside world. When the critical moment comes, he must gather all his consciousness. This is my chance. Zhou Tong sat down directly. , the ancestral dragon essence in the body quickly rushed out of the body.


The void trembled slightly, and the dragon-shaped ancestral dragon essence changed rapidly, and finally turned into a Bixi, and its breath was no different from Bixi, one of the nine sons of the original ancestral dragon.

The core of the true dragon's way is change, and the true dragon's way of change formed after integrating the essence of the mysterious method of the heavenly monument can completely disguise the Bixi essence with its own essence.

At the same time, Zhou Tong buried a ray of spiritual thought into this ray of essence.


Zhou Tong directly sent this ray of energy that concealed his consciousness into the demon city in front of him.

At the same time, in the magic city.

A broken stone man opened his eyes, revealing a strange color: There seemed to be an unusual fluctuation just now. Did I think too much?

The terrifying consciousness scanned slightly and found nothing strange.

It's almost time. I will make the final push in tens of thousands of years. I should prepare in advance! The broken stone man opened his mouth and breathed -


This ancient magic city began to shake slowly, and the life essence in it slowly condensed towards the stone man like hundreds of rivers converging into the sea.

Naturally, the spiritual thoughts and energy that Zhou Tong sent into it were naturally absorbed into the body of this broken stone man.

As the divine thought entered the body, Zhou Tong's divine thought quickly simulated the stone man's divine thought, and then fused and unified with the stone man's original divine thought.

Next, let's wait for my call! The stone man then slowly closed his eyes and fell into a deep sleep.

And while he was sleeping, this ray of Zhou Tong's spiritual thought imitated his spiritual thought, and continued to devour the person's original divine thought, growing stronger little by little...

Huh!? Are you going to start gathering spiritual thoughts so soon? Zhou Tong instantly sensed the change in the divine thoughts he sent out, and showed a hint of joy.

Bi Xi's Dragon Ball is about to be finished, and the next ones are Biuan and Taotie! Zhou Tong checked his spiritual thoughts one last time, and then immediately went away and rushed towards the other two ancient magic cities.

The key to his search for these Nirvana stone men was that Zhou Tong wanted to imitate the paths of these stone men in his own way. So he sent out a ray of his own spiritual thoughts, assimilated with these stone men, slowly strengthened his spiritual thoughts, and finally used his spiritual thoughts to understand their paths and replace them.

If it were other stone men, Zhou Tong would naturally not be able to replace them so easily, or even impossible to replace them at all.

But these stone figures have natural flaws.

They are dragon beads that are fused with the nine sons of the ancestral dragon, not refined dragon beads. This is actually the reason why Ge Gan can easily kill them in one fell swoop in the original work.

They fused the Dragon Balls to let the Dragon Balls continuously release their essence, helping them to continue their essence during Nirvana, thereby increasing the success rate of Nirvana.

This step seemed to them to be a very correct and smart move, but the dragon beads in his body had an unbroken connection with Ge Gan, which became the reason for their demise.

After Ge Gan gave the great power of the ancestor Long Jiuzi to Zhou Tong, this connection was naturally handed over to Zhou Tong.

However, Zhou Tong's approach was different from that of Ge Gan. Ge Gan directly used this connection to destroy the dragon beads through the air; but Zhou Tong took advantage of the fact that the stone men had not refined the dragon beads and the essence in their bodies was impure, and took the opportunity to replace them.

He used his own spiritual thoughts and essence to imitate the dragon essence and essence of the ancestor dragon nine sons and poured it into it. This kind of dragon essence could easily be mistaken by these stone men for the dragon essence and essence of the dragon beads in their bodies, leaving them without any defense. .

And the best thing is that when the stone man is making the final push, his consciousness will fall into a deep sleep.

Just like a country, the king never pays attention to political affairs and only cares about his own entertainment.

If it is a normal stone man, then it does not matter to this kind of king, because the civil and military officials of the entire dynasty are die-hard loyalists.

But this kind of stone man with a dragon ball in his body means that all the civil and military officials of the dynasty have their own small ideas. In this case, the monarch ignores political affairs, which is equivalent to giving away the opportunity to take power in vain. When the time comes, the subordinates who are careful will be able to replace the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty with their own people step by step...

There was no fierce confrontation or fighting, but the country unknowingly... changed dynasties.

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