Enlightenment begins with covering the sky

Chapter 849 True Dragon Dao Transformation

I see, this is your road to kingship... You are right. The Nine Dragon Pearls are in my hands, so it's better to give them to you! Ge Gan looked at Zhou Tong's road to kingship, his expression changed, and finally he sighed. A sound.

Then he looked at the sacred dragon tree that Zhou Tong placed on the table and said, This tree is about to bloom its eighth leaf. In this case, I will help you and make it happen for you!

As he spoke, Ge Gan suddenly surged out the divine power in his body. At the same time, he also poured out the Taoist insights of the ancestor Long Jiuzi, and devoted all his strength to feeding Zhou Tong's brand new dragon clan sacred tree.


Feeded by Gegan's divine power, the eighth leaf of this dragon clan's sacred tree finally grew from the previous bud.

And the graphic imprint of the ancestor Long Jiuzi appeared on this leaf. Ge Gan poured part of the great power of the Nine Dragon Sons of the First Ancestor into Zhou Tong's sacred tree, so the graphic imprint of the Nine Dragon Sons appeared on the leaves.

Thank you! Zhou Tong's eyes lit up, and the eighth leaf took shape. Although it is still a little unstable now, he only needs to understand a thing or two and completely refine the power left by Ge Gan, and there will be no future troubles. .

These are the things you need! Gegan poured most of his divine power into it. His whole expression was a little sluggish, but his eyes were brighter than ever. A ray of light flashed between his brows, and a ray of divine thought informed Zhou Tong of all the information about the Nine Dragon Balls and the powerful man who fused the nine Dragon Balls.

After handing over the things, Ge Gan seemed much more relaxed, and most of the melancholy on his face disappeared.

Everything you want has been given to you, so you can take care of yourself! Ge Gan seemed quite relaxed at the moment, and disappeared in front of Zhou Tong in a flash.

Ge Gan...after he handed everything over to me, he instantly felt a lot more relaxed. If I'm not mistaken, he has already understood the last step of the Supreme Ancestral God. Seeing Ge Gan so relaxed and free. This thought also appeared in Zhou Tong's mind.

I'm afraid that the only perfect supreme ancestor god in the world is about to be born! However, I have to work harder and not be too far behind.

With the thought, Zhou Tong immediately turned his attention to his sacred dragon tree, carefully sensing the great power of the ancestor Long Jiuzi. At the same time, he was also recalling the information told by Ge Gan. He vaguely felt the nine A supreme existence from another world.

Of those nine people, one is taking the path of the Supreme Ancestral God, and the other eight are taking the path of the Stone Man King. Among them, the Supreme Ancestral God and the five Stone Man Kings are all in the alien world, and there are three Stone Man Kings who are here. The ancient world. Zhou Tong sensed it carefully and said secretly in his heart.

He felt that he had the ability to destroy these would-be kings who were halfway through their journey in an instant.

The next step is to further improve the path! Zhou Tong held the holy tree with both hands, carefully analyzed the divine power and avenue of Jiulongzi in it, and further integrated it into his own path.

Zhou Tong's path to becoming a king is between the path of the Supreme Ancestral God and the path of the Stone Man King. It can be said that once completed, he will have both the spiritual consciousness of the Supreme Ancestral God and the physical body of the Stone Man King.

But since it is a road, there must be a core of the road.

The core of Zhou Tong's road to king is the true dragon magic that covers the world!

From the time he came to this world, Zhou Tong has been working hard to turn the True Dragon Treasure Technique into a cultivation method in this world and integrate it into the cultivation system of the Immortal World.

But at his current state, the True Dragon Art has naturally become Zhou Tong's own path to becoming a king.

And what is the core of the True Dragon Art?

The answer is - change!

Dragons can be big or small, they can ascend or disappear.

True dragons are the most adaptable race, and their core nine transformations of true dragons are the ultimate in this kind of change.

The core of the True Dragon Treasure Technique is change, and the Mysterious Law of Heavenly Stele in this world of immortality is closer to the essence of the great road. The avenues recorded on every heavenly monument are the most essential things between heaven and earth, encompassing everything.

The combination of Zhou Tong's True Dragon Treasure Technique and this Heavenly Monument Mysterious Technique was immediately evolved by Zhou Tong to the limit of change, turning it into his own unique path to becoming a king.

Taking the transformation of the True Dragon Treasure Technique as the core, it integrates the profound meaning of the Heavenly Stele Mysterious Technique.

This road, Zhou Tong calls it - True Dragon Dao Transformation!

Time passed day by day, and Zhou Tong just sat quietly in this dry and dead world of doomsday, holding the sacred tree of the dragon clan in his hand, integrating the divine power of Jiulongzi with his own way of becoming a king.


A few years later, there was a loud noise, and the world he lived in finally couldn't support it, collapsed completely, and everything turned into chaos again.

But Zhou Tong was still bathed in chaos, comprehending his own way while feeling the path of the destruction of the world and the return of heaven and earth to chaos.

As Zhou Tong evolved, the chaos around him also evolved there, turning into various patterns, such as flowers, birds, fish and insects, mountains, rivers, lakes and seas...


In an instant, this chaos evolved into Yaizhen, one of the nine sons of the ancestral dragon. It looked like a jackal, covered with pitch black scales, and surrounded by blood mist.


The next moment, it changed again, turning into a ferocious, lion-like beast, with smoke surrounding it and dense scales. This is also Suanni, one of the nine sons of the ancestral dragon.

hold head high!!

Then chaos evolved, and things changed again. Pixiu, Bifan, Taotie, Bixi... the image of the ancestor dragon Jiuzi continued to evolve in chaos.

And when it evolves to its extreme, light rains fly, and the turbulent chaos seems to turn into a pure land.

Finally, all the scenes disappeared, and the large area of ​​evolving chaos finally turned into dragon auras, lingering around Zhou Tong, rolling up and down, like ancestral dragons roaring.

At this time, Zhou Tong finally opened his eyes and stood up, and the eighth leaf of the holy tree in his hand was completely stable. The pattern of the Nine Sons of the Ancestral Dragon began to change from the place where it occupied the core before, and became Nine Sons. The pattern of respecting the ancestral dragon together.

Jiulongzi's Tao has been completely integrated. Next, it's time to find trouble with those otherworldly monks who have integrated Jiulongzi's dragon beads! Zhou Tong stood up, and the dragon clan's sacred tree turned into a stream of light and fell on him. , and finally transformed into a pair of cyan dragon scale armor.

The other world is too dangerous, and most of them are on guard against me, so go ahead and kill the three stone men in the ancient world! Zhou Tong said, and his whole body turned into a stream of light and disappeared in the chaos instantly.

Zhou Tong has long known how to go to the ancient world. He already knew many things about the ancient world when he searched for Hongjun's soul. Not long ago, Ge Gan also gave Zhou Tong some news about the ancient world. .

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