Endless route

Chapter 238 8 Is there really a ghost in the museum?

Chapter 238 8. Is there really a ghost in the museum?

Qixian Island Beach, W-07 The unique tropical plants of the southeastern island stand on the seaside, with low and thick trunks and long, twisting leaves, and some red fruits hidden in the depths.

Everyone gathered at the port.

The duffel bag had been placed on the wooden pile for a long time, and it had been heated and shriveled by the sun. No one had taken it away yet.

Zheng Yun and Ji Dao stood under the tree.

He was surrounded by West Factory members who wanted to take photos.

Everyone in the West Factory is pretty good, including Jiasi Irene and Bird, plus the little Taoist priests and ghost generals who are on duty at the port.

Thirty people in total.

Arranged neatly.

The location of the photo was also very particular. Kedester chose a place specifically. Behind them was the tree-shaped stone road leading directly to Goode Manor. The strange manor covered with red grapevines was vaguely visible, but they were under the sun.

It means they took care of it here.

Similar to the group photo of the Jixiandong archaeological team twenty years ago, Zheng Yun Jidao sat in the middle of the first row. In the first row were Ghost General, Kedester and others, and the others stood behind.

Click click click.

HD cameras captured the moment.

Master Immortal, if one day the current Immortal Supervisor has to go to the Forsaken Land and disappear into this prosperous world, then this photo will be an important clue for the next generation.

Hahaha, they will study everyone in this photo, pursue our information and past events, find our footprints, and do the same things we have done.

Ji Dao chuckled and joked quietly.

I think of future generations holding yellowed old photos, traveling to every corner of the endless route, tracking down the people standing on the edge of the photos to ask, but they can never find themselves and the immortal master.

He just wanted to laugh.

Isn't this the same as them? Although they don't have photos in their hands, they have always been following the ancient path.

Future generations will never imagine the relationship between everyone in the group photo, let alone enemies in it.

Kedester answered with a smile, and glanced at Jia Si Aileen as if she was speaking, making it clear that she was an enemy.

Didn't you do the same before?

Jiasi Irene sneered lightly.

Hahaha, this is a mystery. Later generations will be scratching their heads when they investigate. Why are there a bunch of Westerners and people from the British Museum here?

Ji Dao smiled even more heartily.

There are so many mysteries in this photo.

The wound on the little Taoist's cheek and back of his hand was scratched by the Tiangong crane, and the ghost-patterned bell in Bird's ear is related to the blood pill.

The knife on the side of Ghost Master's waist is for the exclusive use of the Ghost Suppression Department; the tablet in Licia's hand is playing the monitoring of the deep-sea floating city; the surimi fed to Han Xian is stained on the feet of Kedster; even the relationship between them involves gods and ghosts. The means enlighten the Yin soldiers.

It's all about the details.

It all depends on the eyesight of future generations. As long as the eyesight is good enough and the knowledge reserve is sufficient, there is still a glimmer of hope that we can see clearly.

But Ji Dao estimated that future generations would be frustrated. Even he himself a year ago could not solve so many mysteries.

Say something nice.

Zheng Yun's eyes twitched.

This kind of group photo actually happens every time, starting from the time at the Underworld Pavilion, and later the Immortal Sacrifice Cave. Although the Pregnant Demon Pagoda is not suitable for taking pictures, I did take it when traveling to Qianfu City.

This time is no exception.

Also left a group photo.

Master Immortal, these photos can be developed and placed in the Heavenly Palace, and the image data during the exploration must also be stored as digital collections. This is the history of our contemporary Supervisory Immortal Division.

Norimichi regained his expression and suggested again.

Do you still know about digital collections?

Zheng Yun was a little surprised, and he treated each other with admiration after three days of separation. Ji Dao had actually grown so much in the past few days?

It's written in the brochure distributed by the museum. If I have to use my mobile phone to scan the code, how can I scan any code...

Halfway through Ji Dao's words, everyone started to change the shooting location and went to the beach to take some daily-style photos.

It didn't take long.

Westerners have a special liking for group photos. The floating city in the deep sea was temporarily stabilized, and Jia Si Erlin was also captured and brought to justice. The emotions that had been suppressed for a long time were released in this way.

Compared with formal group photos, these photos can only be sent with the sea in the background. The endless route is so vast that no one can find the shooting location just based on the position of the sun and the sea.

If there is such a thing in the world.

Zheng Yun instead hopes that he can appear in front of him as soon as possible, because the Supervisory Immortal Division needs such talents.

after a while.

The photo session is over.

Everyone dispersed and went back to work.

Zheng Yun and Ji Dao carried their travel bags and boarded the speedboat from the port plank. They were leaving the island and setting sail to a strange place to start a new journey.

Ten hours later.

The yacht is docked in the southeast of the W-07Λ-shaped opening of the misty sea. It is a continent controlled by the east. There are many high-rise buildings in coastal cities. It is a modern scene as far as you can see.

The port city is called Fuci City.

It is no less important than Fuen City.

This continent is an important source of minerals. The northernmost peninsula of the continent extends into the interior of the Λ-shaped opening. Any ship sailing out of the Misty Sea will pass through the strait.

The strait is the main waterway of W-07 and one of the busiest important waterways in the world. Therefore, the strategic level here is similar to that of Forn City, and warships dock at the port.

A sense of security.

It feels like coming home.

Zheng Yun drove the speedboat into the corner of the port, and port staff immediately came over to check his and Ji Dao's ID cards, and also went to the disinfection area for a full-body disinfection.

Brother, what's going on?

Ji Dao covered his mouth and nose and asked why.

Routine disinfection.

The staff let them pass.

The travel bag also passed the security check, but on a planet rich in minerals, the black jade pillow was just a decoration.

Storage fees are not cheap.

Zheng Yun took Ji Dao out of the port, took a taxi and headed west of Fuci City, directly to the Dusi Ruins Museum.

Modern Fuci City was not built on the original site in ancient times, but a new city was built forty kilometers away.

In ancient times, Dusi was also on the seaside, but the water level was too shallow to support the 100,000-ton ship, so a new location had to be chosen.

Zheng Yun could have taken the boat directly to the vicinity of the Dusi Museum, where it would be easier to enter the country, but he still made a special trip around to take a break in the car.

The boat drove for ten hours straight.

It’s really a bit unbearable.

He had greeted Xu Yu before, and Xu Yu had spoken to the local cultural relics bureau of Fuci City, and then the cultural relics bureau called Zheng Yun halfway and said they would pick him up.

As soon as the two parties meet, they will at least talk and have a meal, and they will probably not be able to rest for a while.

So Zheng Yun came up with this strategy. Forty kilometers would take half an hour anyway, so he could take a nap and rest.

The entire journey was silent.

When the taxi arrived at the Dusi Museum, it was already past eight o'clock in the evening, and the Cultural Relics Bureau was off work. When the car stopped at the entrance of the Cultural Relics Bureau, the attic of the Cultural Relics Bureau was pitch black.

This place is really nice.

Noriichi got out of the car, looked around and sighed.

The old site of Fuci City is close to the new city. The ancient buildings along the street have been converted into ancient commercial streets. The streets are full of advertising lights and tourists, making the old site still full of fireworks today.

Today is the weekend.

There are many tourists everywhere.

There is a long queue in front of the milk tea shop, and the streets and alleys are filled with the smell of barbecue and hot pot, which makes people salivate.

Although everything he saw was the familiar style of the ancient Ming Dynasty, Jidao never expected that an old city ruins 40 kilometers away from the city would be so lively and revitalized.

It makes people feel a lot.

I didn't know what to say for a moment.

That's right.

Zheng Yun patted Jidao on the shoulder. He had always wanted to take back Daming's things, but that should be gone now.

Looking back towards the attic.

The local cultural relics bureau was also renovated from an ancient attic. Judging from the scale, it was probably a villa of ancient dignitaries. However, it was indeed after get off work, and only a few lights were on.

Is there a ghost market at eight o'clock in the evening?

Jidao's sharp eyes also saw a ghost market selling literature and toys in an alley at the corner of the street. Because the word ghost market was written on the gatehouse, almost everyone could see it at a glance.

We have thirty hours a day here, and tourists work in two or three shifts. Some people go for a stroll in the morning and sleep in the afternoon, while others sleep in the afternoon and wander around at night.

A person suddenly started talking to me.

Ji Dao followed the sound and found a young junior standing on the street. He had silver-framed glasses hanging on his nose, his hair was meticulous, and his temperament was gentle and bookish.

He was wearing a white antique linen shirt.

The lower body is a pair of black straight trousers.

This outfit also makes him look like a scholar.

As you said, some people sleep in the afternoon, and some people sleep in the afternoon... aren't they the same thing?

Ji Dao asked back.

It's the same thing.

The young man nodded calmly, but he didn't speak too fast, his tone was refined, and he spoke unhurriedly.


Ji Dao glanced at him.

Zheng Yun looked carefully and felt that this person might be from the Cultural Relics Bureau and was waiting for him here specifically.

Mr. Zheng and Mr. Ji, right? My name is Zhai Mo. The top asked us to find a young man to pick up the two of us. We said that young people have common topics and are better than the middle-aged people in the bureau.

And I'm the only young guy in the bureau.

Zhai Mo showed a wry smile and extended his hand to Zheng Yun.

Hello, long wait.

Zheng Yun smiled and stretched out his hand to shake his hand. This man was actually quite interesting in what he said, but his palms had little strength. It was obvious that he must be a little weak.

You can roughly tell it from these two sentences of his.

This Zhai Mo may be the next generation liaison arranged by Xu Yu of the Cultural Relics Bureau, and he may be seen often in the future.

Anything in common?

Ji Dao didn't have a good impression of this person.

There will be. You haven't eaten yet. Let's find a place to eat and drink. The bureau attaches great importance to it and wants to approve a lot of funds, but I declined. I will pay for this meal.

Zhai Mo spoke calmly with a smile, and even if Ji Dao was a little aggressive, he easily passed him by.

Then let's have hot pot.

Ji Dao glanced at Zhai Mo's white shirt.

Okay, I know an old store. Zhai Mo immediately took out his mobile phone to look for a place and took a taxi.


Ji Dao stopped talking.

Zheng Yun smiled. Ji Dao was quite evil-minded, but with Zhai Mo's reaction like this, Ji Dao couldn't be evil anymore.

After waiting there for a while, the three of them got in the car and went straight into the old street of the old site. They sat down at the door of an old hot pot restaurant, placed a copper pot in the open air and ordered several plates of mutton.

The ancient city wall is behind you.

The hotpot here is quite delicious.

Zhai Mo is good at choosing a location, but he probably doesn't know that Zheng Yun and Jidao often eat hot pot in the secret Tiangong. They eat spicy pot with the scenery of Tiangong, and they have already experienced it.

The phone said you two are coming to the museum. Is there something going on at the museum? I have the museum key with me. If you are in a hurry, we can go there after this meal.

Zhai Mo opened a soda and served it to Zheng Yun Jidao.

He had also been observing Zheng Yun and Jidao. Their identities were not clearly stated, and the description was vague. They only said that they would go to the museum and meet their requirements.

There are actually quite a few people who can enter the museum in the middle of the night, but there are probably not many young people, who have not yet been led by teachers, and the person who called the leader of their cultural relics bureau was Mr. Xu.

The phone call also said that they should find a young person to receive them, have more contact with them, and try to make as many friends as possible.

Get in touch.

Make as many friends as possible.

These words are quite strange.

It is worthwhile for the Cultural Relics Bureau to find someone to wait for them after get off work, but the requirement is just to make more contacts and make friends, which means that they are not from the Cultural Relics Bureau, and I am afraid they have a lot of background.

I heard some time ago that the museum is haunted, so we stopped by to take a look. I wonder if you've heard about this.

Zheng Yun smiled and started to set the trap.

Haunted? I really don't know about this. Zhai Mo was shocked, why did he suddenly switch to being haunted?

It's okay. Just ask the security personnel. We came here to look for the ghost this time and caught it easily.

Ji Dao held a piece of mutton with chopsticks and said happily.

Catch ghosts? Haha, Brother Ji is really good at joking. Zhai Mo spoke with caution. He believed Zheng Yun when he said it, but Ji Dao said with a smile, and he thought it was a joke.

Who told you it was a joke?

Jidao glanced at Zheng Yun quietly, and asked without Zheng Yun stopping him, How did you know it was a joke?

Are there ghosts in this world? I've often heard about them but never seen them before. Could it be that there really are ghosts in museums? Then I really got to see a lot of ghosts today. I'm lucky enough to see what ghosts look like.

Zhai Mo said the pros and cons in a leisurely manner. No matter what the situation was, it was always the right thing to say.

But he looked a little ugly.

In fact, I already believed half of it.

It depends on your luck. Ji Dao laughed. Ghost is just a term. They came to find the tunnel, and they could find any reason to send him to other places.

We'll set off after dinner.

Zheng Yun nodded to settle the matter.


Zhai Mo took a careful look at Zheng Yun, and suddenly had a hunch in his heart that something might really happen tonight.

Although he did not believe that there were ghosts in the world, the people his leader allowed him to come into contact with, no matter how powerful they were, would not keep teasing him with catching ghosts. Moreover, Ji Dao looked like a disciple of the Taoist sect at a glance, so there might really be ghosts in the museum.

It’s not going to be easy this time.

The Dusi Museum is actually haunted.

Jidao saw Zhai Mo's thoughtful expression, smiled and winked at Zheng Yun, which shocked Zhai Mo.

Zheng Yun said nothing.

This friend doesn't seem to be very courageous. He can't do anything too outrageous for a while, but it's more or less what he means.

But you still have to catch it.

They had to give an explanation to the Cultural Relics Bureau to avoid suspicion. Even if it was a fake ghost, they had to find a way to 'catch' one and let Zhai Mo see or feel it so that he could report the situation later.

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