Endless route

Chapter 237 7 Challenges Let the Triton Leader Brag Himself

Chapter 237 7. Challenge the leader of the Triton Guards to praise himself

In the early morning of the island, the morning sun rose from the end of the sky and the sea. Two cargo ships rode the cool sea breeze and slowly sailed from a distance. The West Factory's Kedester, Deacon Bird and others were at the port to meet them.

The trash fish collected from the surroundings have arrived.

There are six or seven islands around this island, most of which make a living by fishing. Those dark-colored fishermen work day and night. Although their equipment is older, they catch a lot of fish every day.

It's just that the price of fish along the coast is too low. They catch the fish in a net, but there aren't many fish that can be sold at a good price. They are just cheap fish that are not worth transporting, so they can only throw them back into the sea.

Finally last night.

Goode Manor began to list fish.

The price Bird gave was very low, but for the surrounding fishermen, it was much better to have someone take the fish than to have no one take it.

Good Manor will weigh several thousand kilograms every day. From now on, no matter it is windy or rainy, it will not stop for a day.

Buzz buzz.

The sound of cargo ships echoed across the beach.

Zheng Yun came back from Fu'en City. He was woken up by the noise just after sleeping for a few hours. He took a look through the door and window and felt that he was not sleepy at all. He simply put on his clothes and walked out of the wooden house.

Jidao sat at the door with dark circles under his eyes, as if waiting for Zheng Yun, and stood up immediately when Zheng Yun came out.

Something happened in the floating city?

When Zheng Yun saw this, he frowned and asked.

No, Master Immortal, I thought about it carefully last night. Li Huawan is by no means a simple-minded person. She can maintain the manners of the Immortal family in an environment like the Demon Pregnancy Tower and let other deaf girls serve her. After she comes out, Even emotional ups and downs are rare.”

Since ancient times, beauties have brought disasters. This girl is indeed as pretty as an immortal in appearance and temperament. However, her origin is unknown and her life experience is unknown. However, she has reached the sky and entered the core of our sea guards. She can enter and exit the forbidden areas of the Immortal Supervisor at will. Master Immortal, we must be more careful!

Jidao walked to Zheng Yun, bent down deeply and exhorted him with his hands. These words were truly from the heart, full of emotion and sad in tone, with the character of an ancient admonishment officer.

I would rather make Master Xian angry.

He also had to say these words.

Zheng Yun felt a little relieved, sighed and looked at Jidao. Judging from his haggard expression, he might have been thinking about it all night.

What he said seemed reasonable.

The secret realm is the most important place of Jianxian Division, and it is the biggest secret of Jianxian Division, but there is Li Huawan who does nothing and stays there every day.

These words were very contagious and almost made people believe them, but Jidao ignored one issue. Li Huawan was actually a shady soldier. She was no different from the little Taoist priest Zhang Ergou.

It can only be said that he is addicted to Ji Dao and wants to imitate ancient allusions and stage a drama of admonishment in the contemporary Jianxian Division.

But he couldn't bear the blame, and it seemed that he was indulging Li Huawan because of sexual desire, but in fact, Ji Dao was present during the whole process regarding the handling of the girls in the Pregnant Demon Tower.

If you want to defend yourself, just defend yourself. This important task is left to you. Zheng Yun patted Jidao on the shoulder. Even if Jidao was acting awkwardly, he must give him positive feedback on this kind of thing.

The last general takes command!

Jidao immediately smiled and bowed. He wanted Zheng Yun's permission before he could conduct a thorough investigation of Li Huawan.


Zheng Yun nodded calmly.

Ji Dao is actually very easy to coax.

Chief, there was nothing wrong with the floating city last night. There were thirteen abnormal noises in total, and they remained stable. These two boats brought in five tons of fish. Kedester waited for Ji Dao to finish before walking forward.

He is also a sensible person.

But they all know it too well.

Zheng Yun was the head of the Supervisory Immortal Division, and he had almost no feelings at all. He just worked steadily, and he never felt that he was the same as the Supervising Immortal Division Chief recorded in the history books.

Although there are more and more people under his command, Zheng Yun always feels that he is the leader of a small organization. Jianxian Division is the continuation of Jianghe Pawn Shop. He is the manager of the pawn shop, but there happen to be some talented people among his employees.

The only thing that makes people feel something.

It was Jidao and the others who did this.

Either the general was ordered to obey the immortal order, or he was waiting outside the tent for timely reporting. In the past, there were some messy rules, which made people feel uncomfortable all over.

It’s okay for Ji Dao to understand, he does understand.

But Westerners like Kedster also understand very well.

Are there any hidden dangers? Good Manor needs so many fish every day. Where these fish go may arouse some people's suspicions. We must find ways to eliminate the trouble in advance.

Zheng Yun dispersed his thoughts and asked about business.

As long as you do things, it will be normal.

There are no hidden dangers in this area. No one will care about this issue because the surrounding fishermen know everything. They know that Good Manor murders explorers, and they also know that Good Manor is in the drug business, and they will occasionally help.

The special business run by Goode Manor has started since they were sold here as slaves. Compared with killing people and producing drugs, the fish we collect is nothing.

Kedester shook his head and explained.

As expected, I said something was wrong with the fishermen around me. It turned out they were accomplices. Ji Dao nodded.

No, the manor has great influence. The surrounding islands are actually the legal private islands of Goode Manor. The ancestors of those dark-colored fishermen are all slaves of the manor.

With Bird's financial power and ruthless methods, he could have driven them away at any time, but Bird chose to use wine mixed with jellyfish and teachings to control the surrounding residents. Bird said this is called semi-slavery and is a common practice in the church.

Kedester continued to explain.

Common practice?

Zheng Yun frowned slightly and looked towards the seaside.

The people who drove the cargo ship were also dark-colored. After parking the ship into the port, they stood in the cab with their hands on their heads and their backs to the shore, so that the people on the island could see their movements.

This scene looks quite scary.

There is no other way. The Endless Sea Route is too big and there are too many inaccessible and remote areas. It has only been a few years since we entered the 21st century. Perhaps this situation is the mainstream of sea routes.

Several well-known contemporary large churches, even if they are divided into many factions, can easily have billions of believers. From ancient times to the present, it can be said that they are the largest force in the West.

Especially after getting involved with gods and ghosts.

Many of the contents are convincing and even evidence-based.

Yes, jellyfish juice is highly consistent with their teachings. They say that humans are the chosen ones, and pleasure is the greatest gift given to humans by the Creator. No matter they are poor or seriously ill, everyone can enjoy this gift.

Kedester nodded and roughly translated using Eastern vocabulary. The original text was actually far more tempting than this translation.

Moreover, this church gives out things for free. When faced with the poor believers, it will really give gifts for free.

It's similar to the Fallen Temple.

Ji Dao was not surprised. Although the behavior of the extreme hedonistic explorers was a cultural shock, this kind of deception is essentially common and was not a minority in the ancient East.

Are you surrounded by Bird people?

Zheng Yun sighed softly and looked into the distance. Many things were far more complicated than the dangers of ghosts and ghosts. Even the Quan Sheng Supervisor and Immortal Division could not eliminate them completely, let alone what they could control.

Ji Dao didn't say anything this time.

He also knew that this matter was not a trivial one. Considering his current abilities, he could only choose to turn a blind eye and mention it less in the future.

And that's the West.

What nonsense does Guan Haiwei have to do?

The Supervisory Immortal Division only looks after the east, and the people of Yan and Huang descendants are not white, black or brown.

Byrd has been in business for so many years and has taken care of all aspects. He can cut off the Internet and power to the islands with just one sentence. Any explorer who lands on the island can get the information immediately. We have gained a ready advantage.

Kedester changed the subject and joked.

Several people watched quietly in front of the wooden house. Everyone from Tiangong and Xichang, as well as Deacon Bird and his slaves who were labeled as underworld soldiers, worked together to unload the fish from the cargo ship.

A water tank is used.

Still on oxygen.

Make sure Hanxian doesn't eat dead fish.

What kind of life did Hanxian live in the past? He ate tongueless things. Those things were also primates. They probably tasted the same as humans. They fell from a high altitude and were brought to his mouth.

It can't be too bad now.

Although Han Xian eats almost anything, after such a long and good life, if he eats smelly fish and rotten shrimp and gets upset, he will really feel regretful.

If Hanxian likes to eat fish, then the fishermen on the surrounding islands can meet Hanxian's daily needs. They can easily provide ten tons of fish every day.

Kedester said with a smile.

Hanxian eats fish. I have tried it before. It seems that this place is suitable for raising Hanxian. It can be kept here for a short period of time.

Ji Dao nodded and made a judgment.

It is not difficult to support Hanxian with modern capabilities, but it is mainly a matter of convenience. If the fairy gate of the museum is not opened, then this place is not far different from the Immortal Sacrifice Cave.

Opening the Immortal Gate is easier.

From the Dusi Heritage Museum on W-07 to this island, it can be reached in just over ten hours by sailing straight by speedboat without detouring around Kate Harbor and Gold Rush Paradise Island.

As long as the immortal gate is opened.

No matter where they are, they can invite Han Xian to the scene within ten hours. In the past, it would have taken nearly a month to go back and forth from Fu'en City to Jixian Cave.

This island should have a name. Master Immortal, let's call it Immortal Prisoner Island. There is a place for Immortal Prisoners under the deep sea.

Ji Dao then spoke.

Okay, you go and watch, don't let Hanxian eat people. Zheng Yun asked Jidao to personally preside over Hanxian's feeding.

Ji Dao immediately stood up and went forward.

Zheng Yun watched him and Kedester walk away.

Hanxian is currently on the underground bank directly below Goode Manor. They built a stone door to block it. They have to carry a jade lantern when feeding, otherwise they will die without a complete body once the door is opened.

If you want to foster Han Xian here, you have to leave a jade lantern and have someone to guard it all year round.

This is not good.

It can only be used as a temporary measure.

It is most convenient to raise Han Xian in the Heavenly Palace.

Alas, let's buy Ji Dao an excavator and a concrete mixer later, and let Ji Dao go to Tiangong to build a place. Anyway, he has been thinking about it for a long time.

As for this location.

Hanxian cannot wade out of the island, so Tiangong Thirty-Six Immortal Island is a suitable choice. It depends on Ji Dao's choice. Anyway, there is an excavator, and he can dig wherever he wants.

In a flash it was two days later.

Qixian Island is calm and the temperature is just right. The entire island is bathed in sunshine. The scene is the same as when they first landed on the island. Living on the island is almost like a vacation.

The environment is very comfortable.

Every day was a bonfire on the beach and ocean.

Zheng Yun spent most of every day in the monitoring room, always observing the situation of the floating city in the deep sea, but except for the occasional abnormal noise every day, there was no abnormal movement in the floating city.

The situation stabilized.

The floating city in the deep sea seems to be in a very delicate state. Several iron ropes near the bronze gate have broken. The southwest corner of the floating city is downwards, and the entire floating city is tilted more than thirty degrees.

Perhaps it has reached a critical mass.

Any further and something will happen.

As long as a few more iron cables break, the floating city will lose its balance and either sink to the bottom of the sea or float to the surface. After all, this is a dangerous place and no one can predict what will happen next.

However, based on observations over the past few days, there is no risk of the other iron cables breaking. Licia and Cadest are preparing to thoroughly understand the situation under the sea within the next few days.

This is a complex task.

The detection submarine moves too slowly in the salt water layer of the deep sea. Since the abnormal sound of the floating city in the deep sea, the detection submarine has not dared to leave even a step and did not dare to lose the floating city scene.

Therefore, during this period of time, their understanding of the deep-sea floating city and its surrounding environment was still based on the detection results of Nia, Jia Si Erin and others in the past few days.

Waiting for more new equipment to arrive.

Xichang will start a large-scale exploration 24 hours a day, check out every chain in the floating city, detect whether there are secret passages on the surrounding rock walls, and then go deeper to see the situation.

Zheng Yun fully supports them.

Nia and others have been searching for a year and found a lot of clues. Everyone in the West Factory will continue to search.

This kind of investigation is likely to continue for another year. Maybe when something happens to the deep-sea floating city, they may not be able to find the key, but such an investigation is necessary.

Maybe the key can be found.

Even find a way down.

Master Xian, the ship is ready, shall we set off now? Ji Dao walked into the control room from outside.

Wait a mininute.

Zheng Yun turned around and spoke to Jidao.

They plan to go to the W-07 Museum to catch a ghost today. If everything goes well this time, they will probably be back in a day or two at the earliest, and it won't take too long.

This software is surveillance software. There are a total of twenty-two camera images. From Goode Manor to this camp, every corner of Immortal Island is under surveillance.

You can view it anywhere there is an Internet connection, and you can also talk to us through this button. However, after leaving W-07, there will be a screen delay of varying lengths.

I paid someone to customize this software, and the network channel is also a private channel. The servers are all over the air route and will never be intercepted by a third party.

Olivia held Zheng Yun's mobile phone and stood close to Zheng Yun. She explained various functions to Zheng Yun with pride on her face, looking like she was begging for praise without any pretense.

Her family is extremely wealthy. It is an emerging family in the 21st century, but it is richer than the old upper-class nobles.

Because her family is engaged in hotel chain and social media, especially the latter social media, which has users all over the Western countries and territories in the Endless Route.

There are many social media software, and Olphia’s may not be at the top, but it is still in the top ten.

Her so-called private network channel is actually separated from the social media server, so she said that the servers are all over the air route, which is true.

Safety is also unquestionable.

Her social media software is so famous that even Zheng Yun has heard of it and even used it when he was in college.

In addition to its normal functions, it is famous for its eclectic and unsupervised, point-to-point encrypted communication, and is often used by various criminals to conduct illegal transactions.

Okay, okay, you did a good job.

Zheng Yun rarely used three good words in a row to praise Oleifea, and even wanted to give her a hug.

This monitoring software.

It is the first step for Jianxiansi to enter the modern era. It marks the embrace of technology by contemporary Jianxiansi. It is the key to the scientific and technological reform of Jianxiansi and is a landmark historical process.

Not only the Immortal Prisoner Island, but the Pregnant Demon Tower is actually not very far from the Qianfu City offshore. Even the Fairy Cave and the Christmas Islands can be connected through network coverage.

As long as it's safe.

That Jian Xian Si gained clairvoyance.

But Zheng Yun didn't know anything about software, so he didn't dare to try it rashly. There was no way Olephia could deceive him, but she was not a professional after all, and she might not be proficient.

I still need to find someone to take a look.

Let’s make sure it’s safe.

What if Olivia's family, or the person who made her software, also has permission to view the surveillance footage?

“But this time we don’t want to upload images from the depths. We only need to upload images from above the island, not involving gods or ghosts.”

Zheng Yun acted cautiously.

In fact, this ability alone is enough. They only need to observe the situation near the dangerous place.


Olivia smiled happily, put Zheng Yun's mobile phone on her lap, turned her back to Zheng Yun, quickly took out her mobile phone from her pocket, and leaned her upper body on Zheng Yun's shoulder to take a selfie.

Click click click.

The flashbulbs flashed wildly.


Zheng Yun was stunned for a moment.

Her speed was so fast that as soon as Zheng Yun reacted, she was afraid of twenty or thirty pictures in a second.

I'll just watch it myself, okay?

Olivia took her phone back. She was so smart. She had planned for this moment for a long time. She wore a beautiful dress today, and her hair and makeup were all specially designed for taking photos.

If you want to post on social media, the tag this time must be: [ # Challenge the leader of the Ming Dynasty to praise himself]

It's a pity that it can't be posted.

The leader will punish her.

You'd better just watch for yourself.

Zheng Yun didn't ask Olifea to delete the photo. She had indeed made a contribution, and a photo was nothing.

Then let's go to the beach and take another photo, okay?

Olivia took advantage of the victory. She was wearing a cool skirt that she would wear to the beach. Her long blond hair was specially curled into waves at the ends, which was suitable for shooting on the beach.


Zheng Yun was silent for a moment.

With Olivia's character... no wonder she was trapped in La Maine Town. Girls who are too bold will be punished.

I want to take a picture too, is that okay?

A voice sounded from beside him. Zheng Yun turned around and saw that the person speaking was the always steady Li Xiya.

Even Kedester was interested in making a move.

I don't understand this part of the Internet, so I might be wrong. I hope Haihan will understand.

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