"Damn it!!!"

In the distant sky, as two golden lights passed through, a wail that resounded throughout the world suddenly sounded.

There was endless unwillingness and resentment in his voice.

However, no matter how unwilling they were, they were hit by the Holy King's full blow without hesitation, and they could only watch helplessly as their natal spiritual equipment gradually dissipated, unable to stop it at all.

"Damn stupid man, stupid woman, despicable ant, you actually want to defend that dog official even after death, you ruined my business!"

The moment the words fell, the blood flag began to collapse rapidly, turning into countless red particles in an instant, and completely disappeared into the air not long after.

The moment the blood flags dissipated, two haggard old men suddenly appeared not far away. They were the souls of the two demons.

At this time, they didn't look as proud as before. They were staring at the people and Lu Chen below with their eyes wide open, as if they wanted to eat them alive.

And now, they only have the last bargaining chip left in their hands - the ancient fierce formation that has been more than half completed.

However, with only one spirit body left in their current state, if they wanted to forcefully activate it, they would have to pay a huge price.

For example, annihilate itself.

Conceptual annihilation.

After a while, resentment gradually appeared on the two people's faces.

"You damn untouchables, let me die!"

As they spoke, the two men's eyes suddenly focused, and they actually burned their own souls at the same time, using their souls as a carrier to forcibly convert their souls into spiritual power.

Rumble, rumble! ! !

With the activation of the forbidden technique, dark clouds suddenly gathered in the sky. Accompanied by deafening roars, streaks of bloody thunder flashed and spread in the clouds. The ominous aura filled the entire sky, making people forget about it. Discoloration.

Seeing that the two of them were willing to give up reincarnation and forcefully perform the spell, Jiang Chengdao's expression couldn't help but change slightly.

He gathered his spiritual power again and prepared to prevent the two from casting spells.

However, this is not the Holy Realm after all, but Luo Jing, who is thousands of miles away. The empress's strength is not yet strong enough to allow him to exert the power of his heyday outside the Holy Realm at will.

In addition, the distance was too far, so in the end it was still a step slower.

Hua Hua Hua.

The black wind howled, the thick dark clouds began to roll crazily, and an ominous atmosphere filled the entire sky.

A moment later, amid countless bloody thunders the size of buckets, dozens of blood-colored light balls emitting dazzling light fell rapidly, and in an instant they appeared less than a hundred meters away from the ground.

Gu Simiao reacted very quickly, raised her hand, and punched the air next to her with a hollow fist.


Just like hitting a big bell with great force, the place where she hit made an extremely loud noise. At the same time, powerful energy accompanied by rapidly spreading space ripples covered the entire area within a radius of several hundred meters. .

The light ball landed on the ripples of space and was instantly shattered by the violent energy contained in it.


After the surface of the light ball cracked, a stream of extremely smelly dark red plasma suddenly poured out.

The moment the plasma came into contact with the air, it boiled out of thin air, and then quickly formed a blood mist that spread rapidly around, forming a huge curtain of blood above everyone in a matter of seconds.

Not only that, everything touched by the blood mist, including the air, actually made a harsh "sizzling" sound. Obviously, this blood mist was extremely corrosive, and if you touched it rashly, you would be killed or injured.

Fortunately, Gu Simiao reacted quickly and blocked the blood ball in time, otherwise the consequences would be unimaginable.

However, Jiang Chengdao's eyes suddenly became serious.

His insight was much stronger than Gu Simiao's. According to his perception, the strange blood mist was not just a highly corrosive liquid.

This is an extremely terrifying formation that was forcibly launched without complete preparations. The half-baked effect caused by it is a killing move that two evil cultivators in the Dzogchen Realm would rather burn their souls to launch forcefully. There must be no So simple.

While thinking, his movements were not slow. He directly took out a black heavy sword from the void, held it with both hands and waved it hard——

Holy Way·Dawn!

The moment the spiritual power evaporated, the heavy sword's blade suddenly glowed brightly, and then suddenly flew out a dazzling sword light, flying very fast towards the blood curtain covering the heads of Lu Chen and others.

boom! !

The sword light exploded the moment it touched the blood curtain, and then countless tiny golden light thorns flew out from the dazzling golden light, constantly passing through the blood mist, and as soon as it touched the light thorns, the blood mist became visible to the naked eye. Speed ​​dissipates quickly.

Not long after, the blood mist that fell on the heads of Lu Chen and others dissipated, and the sword light also disappeared.

Everything was calm again.


Behind him, the bodies of all the government officials suddenly became weak and collapsed to the ground.

To be honest, when the ball of blood fell down, they were already scared to death. If their legs weren't so weak that they couldn't move, they might have run away long ago.

How could these miscellaneous fishes dare to join in this kind of fight between gods and gods?

Jiang Chengdao raised his head slightly, looked at the distant sky, and frowned slightly.

But they saw that the souls of the two demons were extremely weak under the intense consumption, and looked extremely illusory. If it weren't for their amazing eyesight, they wouldn't even be able to see what they looked like at this time.

However, even so, there was a strange smile on their old and blurry faces.

Jiang Chengdao knew what they were laughing at.

The blood ball that fell just now was not the only one that landed on Lu Chen's head. Although he took action when he realized something was wrong, he also stopped many blood balls that landed in other places.

But in a hurry, even he couldn't block all the blood cells, and some of them must have landed in a corner of Xingping County.

The technique they paid such a heavy price to forcibly activate, even if it was only 10% of the original effect, would most likely still be a disaster for Xingping County.

Not long after, the remaining souls of the two demons completely disappeared, leaving no trace of their souls left in the world.

They died completely, but Jiang Chengdao was not as relaxed as the dust had settled.

"That's all."

Shaking his head, Jiang Chengdao gathered his thoughts and walked towards Lu Chen.

"As long as this kid is fine, let's deal with the rest as soon as possible."

At this time, he couldn't help but feel a little lucky. Fortunately, before returning to the Holy Realm a year ago, just in case, Fu Huan specially handed over the Holy Spirit Scroll with the Douzhuan Formation engraved on it to Lu Chen. Whenever Lu Chen was in danger, he would It took effect automatically, and he was able to arrive in time.

Otherwise, if Lu Chen was left here, it would be an immeasurable huge loss for both Daxia and his sister.

Compared with Lu Chen's own value, that precious ultra-order scroll was completely worthless.


As if he suddenly thought of something, Jiang Chengdao looked inexplicably at the people kneeling in front of Lu Chen, who were constantly comforting Lu Chen.

In his eyes, a strange color flashed quietly.

It was not his fault that these people had escaped the control of the demon and returned to their original appearance from killing puppets.

In fact, although the holy relics are extremely powerful, they are not omnipotent. Each holy relic has its own unique power. Each of the four holy kings of Central Continent is good at different aspects.

And Jiuyou is the supreme holy object for killing.

As the Holy King of Cangming, he can indeed kill all evil things easily, but he cannot save innocent creatures that have been harmed by evil spirits.

Therefore, it was Lu Chen who saved those people, not him.

A low-level monk can actually forcibly restore the soul that has been refined into a killing puppet to its original state, and he is facing two Dzogchen evil cultivators in the Cave Void Realm. This is a miracle in itself.

The power to achieve such miracles.

as well as

Jiang Chengdao glanced at the heavy sword in his hand.

In his mind, it slowly emerged that the Holy Relic, who had always been "docile and well-behaved" when he first came through the scroll, was unusually restless for some reason when facing Lu Chen at that time.

If he hadn't held it down forcefully, he would have flown towards Lu Chen.

This was the first time he encountered this kind of thing.

Let alone him, I am afraid that all the Cangming Saint Kings throughout the ages have never encountered such strange things.

It was related to a sacred relic, the foundation of the Cangming Realm, and the key to the stability of the Central Continent. He couldn't help but think too much about it.

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