Hearing the demon's arrogant words, Gu Simiao's mind tightened again, and she immediately shouted angrily without hesitation: "Shameless thief, don't spit on anyone!"

After saying this, she looked at Lu Chen nervously.

At this time, she suddenly felt that the spiritual power that had been sealed by Lu Chen surged out of her body again, and her connection with the Netherworld was inexplicably restored.

Realizing this, she didn't hesitate for a moment, directly in front of the Holy King Cangming, she summoned the weird Netherworld from the void, then broke through the surrounding imprisonment with a sword, and ran quickly towards Lu Chen.

"Spite? Ha!"

The demon's sneer sounded in everyone's ears at the same time.

"Although I am a so-called evil cultivator, I do need a large number of souls, but I am not so arrogant that I come all the way to the capital to kill souls."

"There are more than a thousand people living in the world, and ants can be seen everywhere. As long as they are souls, I can use them to refine soul puppets. Why take such a big risk to provoke the imperial court?"

At this point, he paused for a moment, and then said coldly what Gu Simiao didn't want to hear: "Mr. Lu, you are the most popular figure in the imperial court today. You are a scholar and a man of heaven. You should be able to guess Why would I single out the people of your fief to attack?"

Lu Chen seemed to have just regained his consciousness at this time, looking at the large number of people kneeling in front of him, his eyes were a little dazed.

It seems that he has not completely recovered.

After hearing the demon's words, the scene just now began to quickly appear in his mind.

After a moment, without waiting for Lu Chen to respond, the demon seemed to be afraid that he would not have a chance to speak again, but he couldn't wait to speak again: "Yes, the reason why I came all the way to slaughter all of your people, Mr. Lu, is Trusted by others.”

"The reason why this person is so targeted at Xianggong Lu, even at the expense of a county, I think it goes without saying that Xianggong Lu knows it too, right?"

Hearing this, Lu Chen was completely silent this time.

Yes, he had basically guessed the cause and effect of this incident. It was precisely because he knew all this that he couldn't bear it.

He really wants to become an immortal.

But he never wanted to kill innocent people.

No matter how much he yearns for the life in the fairy world, he does not want to affect the fate of others.

Otherwise, even if he can embark on the path to immortality, his conscience will be uneasy and he will live in the shadows all his life.

The Taoist heart is unstable and inner demons are everywhere. Even if he becomes an immortal with the help of the system, how long can he be free?

At this time, the demon's words were like sharp knives piercing his heart, making him feel a deep suffocation and extremely heavy.

In his heart, a thought that made him uncomfortable rose quietly.

The people of these towns will probably hate me to death after knowing all this.

"Shut up!"

Gu Simiao scolded her coldly, and subconsciously wanted to open a barrier around Lu Chen's body.

Jiang Chengdao's eyes narrowed, and his huge spiritual power exploded instantly.

Whoosh! !

Two golden arrows suddenly rose into the sky, straight into the sky, and flew towards the location of the two demons.

The two demons naturally noticed that Jiang Chengdao had already taken action. In their current state, it was impossible to avoid such a terrifying killing move. What they could do now was to make the other party pay at all costs before being killed. .

Naturally, they ignored Gu Simiao's scolding.

Not only that, but they said in a faster tone: "The big shots are fighting with knives in the court, but they are slashing at the people who are relying on the court to survive, but you are still licking your faces and kneeling before the big shot who killed you. In front of you, what is this but stupidity?!"

"If it were me, I would bite off a piece of flesh from them even if it meant death!"

"If you don't take action now, when will you wait? Even if you die, don't you dare to raise your head and make the person who killed you pay the price?"

After the words fell, Gu Simiao's face turned extremely ugly.

It’s still a step too late!

After all, she still couldn't set up a barrier before the two demons spewed feces, allowing them to say these extremely inciting words.

Then she looked nervously at the souls kneeling in front of Lu Chen, her eyes full of wariness.

The spiritual power gathered crazily towards Netherworld's sword, and with just one thought, those souls would be killed by her in an instant.

At this point, she can no longer control so much.

No matter what, she wanted to make sure that Lu Chen was safe.

She no longer wanted to experience the feeling of powerlessness she felt just now, watching Lu Chen being killed but unable to do anything, and the cold and suffocating feeling all over her body when she thought of losing Lu Chen.


"Fuck your motherfucker!"

A roar suddenly sounded among the crowd.

The next moment, not far in front of Lu Chen, a man who had just been kneeling on the ground suddenly stood up, turned to face the demon in the sky, and angrily scolded:

"It's obviously you thieves who have been bullying and harming good people like us, so what does it have to do with Mr. Lu?"

As soon as he finished speaking, several figures stood up next to him.

"Li Da is right, you are such a shameless thief! How dare you beat up the young master! If I wait for death, I will die. You can only blame me for waiting for a bad life. What does it have to do with the master?"

The person who said this was a young man dressed as a scholar.

"You shameless old thief, you confuse right and wrong, fool us, and try to incite us to harm the father-in-law. Do you really think that we are blind?"

"Before the father-in-law came, I was no better than a pig or a dog, nothing more than a zombie. Since having the father-in-law, we can finally live a human life."

"What Mr. Chen said is right. With my father-in-law, we become like human beings. Before that, I couldn't wait for a dog or a horse, and even worse. It would be better to die than to live. It would be better to die cleanly and suffer less punishment." A relief."

"Even if the father-in-law only allows us to be human beings for a year, the joy will be greater than that of others in a lifetime!"

"My father-in-law must be a saint and benevolent. He didn't want us to suffer all our lives, so he was specially sent to benefit people like us all over the world. You, an old thief, who slandered my father-in-law like this, really deserve to go to the 18th level of hell, and never die. Super life!!"

"My lord is unparalleled in his benevolence and righteousness. Don't listen to this old thief's nonsense!"

"In my heart, I am only grateful to you. How can I not blame you at all?"

"As the old thief thinks, he must be a wolf-hearted person!"


At the end of the sentence, the people turned their heads and knelt down in front of Lu Chen again, shouting: "Please don't pay attention to this thief. The people were killed by the thieves only because they were not blessed. In this life, It is destined that I will not enjoy much happiness. Even if there is no father-in-law, the little people may be kidnapped and killed by the damn evil spirits or evil cultivators. The father-in-law can allow the little people to enjoy a year of blessings before death. In this life, the little people will It’s already worth it, it’s not too late to be grateful, so why should I blame you?”

"Yes, sir, please don't think too much about it. This is the fate of the common people, and it is also the life of many people like the common people. We have long accepted our fate and only hope to be freed as soon as possible, sir." It is an unexpected joy for us, we are already satisfied, how dare we have extravagant thoughts?"


Gu Simiao was pleasantly surprised when she heard the common people talking about their gratitude to Lu Chen. Not only did they not mean to blame at all, but their words were full of comfort.

Jiang Chengdao looked at Lu Chen deeply, his eyes inexplicable.

As the person involved, Lu Chen felt extremely heavy at this time.

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