Luo Jing, Yan Mansion.

"Lao Yange."

A middle-aged man wearing a fourth-grade court dress came up to Yan Song and saluted respectfully.

"Those people really couldn't keep their composure and were ready to attack Lu Chen."

Hearing this, Yan Song lay leisurely on his back on the recliner and suddenly opened his eyes, and a flash of light suddenly flashed in his muddy old eyes.

"What are they going to do?"

The middle-aged man straightened up and said in a rather excited tone: "Tune the tiger away from the mountain and lure the snake out of its hole."

The corners of Yan Song's mouth raised slightly.

"Which tiger to adjust? How to adjust? What to use to attract the snake?"

The middle-aged man did not dare to show off in front of Yan Song, so he replied directly: "Li Gong has a saying: drive it away with external force, destroy it with internal methods, induce disasters, and kill it with natural disasters. In this way, great things can be accomplished."

Yan Song was silent for a moment, and then laughed inexplicably.

"It seems that the powerful people in the capital have really been cornered and vowed to eradicate Lu Chen."


The middle-aged man nodded with deep understanding.

"The so-called new policies implemented by Lu Chen in the past year are all cutting into their flesh. Now they are almost cutting into their bones. How can they still sit still? Although Mr. Yan Ge gave you good advice last time, not everyone You can keep your composure, but after all, who can watch the flesh and blood on their body being ripped away and remain indifferent."

Yan Song shook his head.

"That's all. It's hard to persuade the damn ghosts. Just let them go and pick us out. If they can succeed, it's best. If they can't, it won't have any impact on us."

Hearing this, the middle-aged man hesitated for a moment, and then asked cautiously: "Mr. Yan Ge, aren't we involved in this matter?"

After a pause, he continued: "Now your Majesty only favors Lu Chen. This guy is doing all kinds of things based on your majesty's favor. He is a merciless scholar, which has led to a loss of dignity and a lack of moral integrity. If you can get rid of him and bring order to the chaos, your majesty might be able to act accordingly." Wake up, with the help of Mr. Yan Ge, we will surely create a truly prosperous age, when the time comes."

"No need."

Before he could finish speaking, Yan Song waved his hand indifferently.

"Although Lu Chen has some talents, he is nothing to worry about. To solve the problem, we must start from the root cause. The root cause of our current predicament does not lie with him. Even if we kill him, the situation will not be the same. It’s not much better than now, and it might even be possible to alert the enemy, and the gain outweighs the loss.”

Speaking of this, he suddenly mobilized the spiritual power in his body.

The next second, accompanied by a sudden strong wind, his slightly rickety body was lifted up by the strong wind, and then landed firmly on the ground.

"We will treat this matter as if we don't know anything about it. After you go back, you should also convey my intention to others, so that everyone must stay calm and not be tainted in the slightest no matter what. When necessary, we must try our best to cooperate with His Majesty."

Yan Song put his hands behind his back and said calmly: "In short, as courtiers of Yongchu, we must abide by our ministerial integrity and not have any petty thoughts."

"Just wait for the right time."

Hearing this, although the middle-aged man had doubts, he still nodded heavily.

"Yes, I understand."

Yan Song glanced at him.

"Xuanping, you have to remember that no matter what, you must recognize yourself and the situation clearly, don't be confused by appearances, understand the root cause, go straight to the point, don't take action, once you take action, you must decide the outcome in one fell swoop. "

Seeing that En Mansion was so solemn about the matter, the middle-aged man named Xuan Ping suddenly looked stern.

"Don't worry, Mr. Yan Ge. I'll save you the trouble of lowering my rank. I will never make my own decisions and go against Mr. Yan Ge's wishes."

Yan Song finally nodded slightly.

"Go ahead."

"Yes, I am resigning."

The middle-aged man bowed to Yan Song, then slowly backed away, and finally turned around and left.

Looking at his leaving figure, something strange gradually appeared in Yan Song's eyes.

"It's a pretty good knife, but it's a pity."

While muttering, he sighed softly.

"I hope this knife can be of some value."


Just when the undercurrent was surging in the capital, Lu Chen looked in confusion at the female shopkeeper who looked at him with a fawning face.

"Only one room left?"

The female shopkeeper rubbed her hands with a philistine look on her face, and even though she applied a thick layer of foundation, she couldn't hide her withered complexion.

"Yes, sir, I'm really sorry. There are too many customers from the county today. If the store hadn't been in a slightly remote location, it would have been full."

"However, although there is only one room left, it is Tianzi Room 1. It is not only very spacious, but also has a bath for guests to wash away the fatigue of the day. The bathroom is also equipped with meditation techniques, Qingling spring, and Although this house is expensive due to the spirit-gathering array and other mysterious formations, I can guarantee that if you two live in it, you will definitely enjoy the enjoyment of a prince."

At this point, she glanced at Gu Simiao who was not far away, and said: "Besides, Master, the girl you are traveling with is so beautiful and beautiful, do you have the heart to let her stay in an ordinary guest room? What's more? , Didn’t you just say that you and her are not related to each other? This man and woman lived together in the same room for a long night..."

She didn't finish her sentence, but paused just right, and then gave Lu Chen a "you know" look.

As soon as the last words came out, Gu Simiao's little feet, which were dangling in boredom, suddenly stopped.

Then, her eyes moved slightly, and finally she glanced quietly in the direction of Lu Chen.


Lu Chen was a little embarrassed.

"Shopkeeper, you have misunderstood. I don't think anything wrong about Miss Gu. Don't say such things again."

If you keep talking nonsense like this, Gu Simiao's sword light might fly over!

Hearing this, the female shopkeeper did not misunderstand the other people's consciousness at all, but gave Lu Chen a "Don't worry, I understand" expression.

Then she approached Lu Chen and whispered: "Don't worry, the room has been equipped with soundproofing techniques that day..."

Lu Chen: "..."

Sister, if you continue to play so many roles, you will be in trouble...

In order not to implicate innocent people, Lu Chen did not dare to talk nonsense with the female shopkeeper anymore, and quickly told her to shut up, for fear that she would say something mean again, and then turned around and walked towards Gu Simiao.

"Are there no vacancies again?"

Gu Simiao asked as if she didn't know anything.

Lu Chen shook his head.

"There are guest rooms, and they are superior rooms, but..."

"But what?"

Lu Chen exhaled: "There is only one room."

Hearing this, Gu Simiao was stunned for a moment, and then said decisively: "Then make a reservation. Let's stay at this inn tonight."

Lu Chen "???"

Girl, do you want to listen to what you are saying?

"What's wrong?"

Gu Simiao tilted her head slightly and looked at Lu Chen with confusion.

"Any questions?"

It’s a big problem, okay!


Lu Chen scratched his temples and said, "Miss Gu, if people know about the incompatibility between men and women, and spread the word, I am a grown man and it doesn't matter. But if it affects your reputation, Miss Gu, then I will be guilty of a big crime." ”

He gave a little reminder and then said: "So Miss Gu, you will stay here alone tonight, I will go look for A Niu, and I will stay in the carriage tonight..."


Before he finished speaking, Gu Simiao suddenly interrupted.

"Your Majesty has said that the well-being of thousands of people in the Great Xia and the hope of a prosperous empire are all tied to Huaiyu. Therefore, Huaiyu and your safety are no less important than your Majesty. There is no room for any mistakes and must be unified. A perfect plan.”

Speaking of this, her expression gradually became serious.

"Now that Miss Chai and Commander Fu are away, I have to make sure that Huaiyu is in perfect condition. How can I be too far away from Huaiyu?"

Hearing this, Lu Chen's eyes couldn't help but twitch slightly.

Depend on! There is always love in thousands of mountains and rivers, can you give me a chance? !

"Then let's go find A Niu and ask him to bring the horse over..."

Gu Simiao said calmly: "When I have just broken through and consolidated my realm, my consciousness will be affected, so Huaiyu, you can't stay too far away from me, otherwise, an accident may occur."

Lu Chen was speechless.

Do you want to be so serious...

Gu Simiao stood up slowly.

"Let's go, Huaiyu, go and book a room, lest this last room is snatched away, or we will have to stay in the carriage tonight."

Lu Chen: "..."

Compared with the embarrassment of spending a night in a carriage with Gu Simiao alone, he thought it would be better to stay in the presidential suite for one night.

It's the lesser of two evils.


At this time, Gu Simiao spoke again.

"Not to mention that we are disguised, no one knows our true identity. Even if word does get out, it won't be a big deal if we are in the same room with you Huaiyu."

Lu Chen was startled.

After a moment, he seemed to have thought of something, and said rather helplessly: "Miss Gu thinks highly of me, but I am not an ancient sage."

"I don't want you to be either."

After leaving these words, Gu Simiao walked towards the female shopkeeper.

After Lu Chen reacted, a strange look gradually appeared on his face.

But soon, he suddenly thought that no matter what kind of person he was, it made no difference to Gu Simiao.

How could a Guiyi Realm expert care whether a novice monk at the Three Talents Realm had thoughts about her...

Let alone staying in the same room with him for one night, even if she sleeps on the same bed and face each other, as long as she doesn't want anything to happen, nothing will really happen.

So, nothing to worry about.

Thinking of this, Lu Chen felt a little relieved.

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