
After buying the hairpin, the two continued to stroll around.

On the way, Gu Simiao put it in a silver box that was worth many times more than the broken wooden hairpin, and asked softly: "Besides me, have you ever given gifts to other women?"

? ? ?

Lu Chen looked at her inexplicably.

"I have given a lot of things to Xiao Yu. Why does Miss Gu ask about this?"

This is true.

Over the past year, he has made outstanding political achievements and made countless meritorious services. The emperor's rewards are deserved. He can't even find a reason to refuse, so in addition to various disaster relief donations and spending money to support the research and development of Tiangong Division, he gives almost everything he can. All money and assets were given to Luo Xiaoyu.

Now Luo Xiaoyu's net worth is not much worse than that of Gu Simiao who is sitting in Heishan.

Gu Simiao did not answer Lu Chen's question and asked, "What about Xiao Yu?"

She knew that before Lu Chen became famous, he and Luo Xiaoyu had always been dependent on each other. They were not biological brothers and sisters, but they were better than biological brothers and sisters.

For Lu Chen, Luo Xiaoyu was his only relative in the world. Taking care of Luo Xiaoyu was natural and there was nothing to worry about.

Lu Chen thought for a moment, and then said casually: "Then no."

After receiving this answer, Gu Simiao's little hand holding the silver box suddenly tightened slightly.

"In other words, am I the first?"

She murmured softly.

Lu Chen didn't hear clearly and asked directly: "What did Miss Gu just say?"

Gu Simiao shook her head.

"Nothing, let's go."

With that said, she chuckled and took the box back into her arms, then took steps forward without waiting for Lu Chen to ask again.

It could be seen that she was in a very happy mood and her pace was a little brisker than before.


A thunder suddenly sounded in the originally dark sky.

Immediately afterwards, traces of spring rain fell from the dark clouds. Along with the cold wind of early spring, a chill gradually appeared in the air, making people couldn't help but shiver.

"Oops, it's going to rain again!"

"God won't reward me with food today."

"Quick, quick, close the stall, close the stall, but don't let the things get wet."


The originally bustling streets suddenly became agitated. People were either anxiously looking for a place to take shelter from the rain, or eagerly packing their things. Figures crisscrossed back and forth, outlining a prosperous scene in early spring.

Soon, the rain became heavier.

Gu Simiao subconsciously wanted to hold up a spiritual shield. As a cultivator and a ceiling-level existence, she would naturally not be bothered by the rain.

However, Lu Chen reached out and put his hand on her shoulder, shaking his head at her.

"Before you enter the immortal realm, don't leave the mortal world."

As he spoke, he walked aside, bought two oil-paper umbrellas from an umbrella vendor, and then handed one of the pink oil-paper umbrellas embroidered with lotus flowers to Gu Simiao.


Gu Simiao did not take it immediately, but frowned slightly and kept repeating what Lu Chen just said.

Before entering the immortal world, don’t leave the mortal world

After a moment, a ray of light suddenly flashed in her beautiful eyes.

"What's wrong?"

Seeing Gu Simiao's expression was different, Lu Chen, who didn't hear what she was saying, couldn't help but ask softly.

Gu Simiao still didn't respond, but slowly raised her hand. After a moment, a blue spiritual power slowly seeped out from her fair skin, and in an instant, her hand was covered with a layer of light. faint.

Then, she slowly closed her eyes, as if she was comprehending something carefully.

Seeing this scene, Lu Chen immediately realized that this girl might have suddenly realized something and entered an ethereal state.

So he didn't bother her anymore, but silently opened his umbrella to protect her from the rain.

I don't know how long it took before Gu Simiao opened her eyes.


She exhaled softly, then raised her head slightly, looking at Lu Chen, with a slight smile on her lips.

"Huaiyu, I made a breakthrough."

Hearing this, Lu Chen was speechless.

I thought I just had some insights and improved my cultivation, but I didn't expect that it was a direct breakthrough.

This is the legendary person who is rare in a thousand years and can suddenly have an epiphany while walking down the street. His talent and understanding are too terrifying.

And you are a strong person in the Guiyi Realm!

The higher the realm, the deeper the understanding of the path one pursues, and the harder it is to make further progress. The further back one goes, the harder it is to break the shackles. Every level of the Guiyi realm is no less difficult to break through than the Dongxu realm. The difficulty of breaking through the big realm.

How come when it comes to Gu Simiao, it's as simple as eating and drinking?

"Um, congratulations."

No matter what, his friend succeeded in breaking through, and no matter how much he complained, he would never feel unhappy.

Gu Simiao's eyes were a little deep.

She didn't explain anything, but just looked straight at Lu Chen, who was completely unaware of this. It wasn't until Lu Chen looked confused that he wanted to ask, and then he averted his eyes.

After a moment, she reached out and took the oil-paper umbrella from Lu Chen's hand.

"It's getting late, Huaiyu, let's find an inn to stay."

Seeing that she still maintained a calm state of mind even after her breakthrough, Lu Chen couldn't help but sigh in his heart. She was indeed a genius of a generation. Her breakthrough was so light and calm, and she didn't express any joy at all. This state of mind alone was far superior to that of ordinary monks.

He deserves to be able to reach a state at such a young age that most cultivators cannot reach in their lifetime.

After sighing, Lu Chen nodded.


When your realm suddenly breaks through, you need to find a quiet place to stabilize your realm.

Although the main way for cultivators in this world to improve their strength is not through cultivation, they still have to digest it after achieving enlightenment and breakthrough. He himself has made breakthroughs several times, and he can understand Gu Simiao's thoughts at this time.

You can go shopping at any time, but opportunities for breakthroughs don’t come often.

As a practitioner, it is still important to practice cultivation.

Before I knew it, night had fallen.

When the lanterns first came on, the streets in Xingping County had become extremely hazy under the cover of the plum rain.

Fine water droplets combine with dust and turn into white mist, casting a mysterious veil on everything around you.

The streets were still full of people and noisy sounds could be heard. However, walking in such a busy city, Lu Chen and Gu Simiao not only did not feel noisy, but also felt an unprecedented peace and tranquility among the fireworks in the world.


Gu Simiao suddenly spoke again.

She slowed down her pace, turned her head at the same time, and raised her gaze slightly.

"Is this prosperous age what you want?"

Lu Chen looked around in a daze for a while, then shook his head.

"It's still far from it. The prosperity of the capital city means nothing. Only if the country of Daxia is prosperous, and the people all over the world can have enough food, clothing, and live and work in peace and contentment, and everyone can enjoy relatively equal rights and interests, can it barely count. Go to the prosperous age in my mind."

Although Daxia is relatively stable now, local turmoil has not stopped.

Especially the provinces far away from Sili.

Gu Simiao used Queen Mother Zhao's conspiracy to eliminate the threat of the Rouran alien race in one fell swoop. Huangzhou and neighboring provinces would not have to worry about border problems for at least several decades. This was also one of the capitals for her promotion to the Shenwu General.

However, Rouran in the northwest is not the only external threat Daxia faces.

Empress Dowager Zhao has been in chaos for six years. In addition to leaving a devastated mess, border troubles from all directions cannot be ignored.

The Turks in the northern frontier are rising, the alliance of hundreds of nations in the western region, the sea tribes are raging in the East China Sea, and the hundreds of Vietnamese are roaring in the south. Further afield, the Western Continent is not at peace at this time. The magical continent has been coveting the rich land of Central Continent for more than a day or two. The numerous internal problems brought about by various long-standing shortcomings of Daxia's thousand-year empire, on the whole, Daxia's road to prosperity still has a long way to go.

Now it's just a foundation.

The Sili area can achieve such results because the Gyeonggi area is completely under the control of the empress, and there are not many obstacles to the passage of government orders.

It is not that simple to take advantage of the great situation in the center to radiate to the surrounding areas. Countless energy and resources must be spent on the layout alone, not to mention other things.

Daxia's country was really huge. Lu Chen did some hasty calculations and found that it was at least the territory of ten Ming dynasties. Such a vast land had countless talented people and strangers, so it was understandable how difficult it would be to rule it.

In other words, Lu Chen’s political ambitions still have a long way to go.

Although the capital was prosperous, it was only a corner of the city.

Gu Simiao raised her hand, covered her mouth and chuckled.

"I am as strict as ever with myself, and I have no intention of slacking off."

Lu Chen shrugged his shoulders.

"When the world is not at peace, how can a minister of others relax?"

Gu Simiao lowered her eyes and did not answer, making no comment.

While talking, the two of them strolled through the bustling streets and came to a street full of inns.

Then Lu Chen took the initiative to go in and prepare to open two bedrooms.


"Excuse me, sir."

In front of the stage, the fat shopkeeper took out a handkerchief for no apparent reason and wiped the sweat from his temples.

"The inn is full today, why don't you go check out other inns."

Hearing this, Lu Chen didn't think much, nodded, then turned and left.

Gu Simiao was waiting in the outer hall. When she saw him coming out so quickly, she immediately stood up and stepped forward to ask.

"What's wrong?"

"There's no room, let's go to the inn next door."

Hearing this, Gu Simiao frowned slightly.

She subconsciously looked around and looked around the lobby.

The waiters at the inn were busy carrying various things upstairs and downstairs. From time to time, shouts came from the corridor, which looked very busy.

After thinking for a moment, she finally withdrew her gaze.


Seeing the two people leaving, the shopkeeper suddenly breathed a heavy sigh of relief.

Lu Chen and Gu Simiao walked towards the inn opposite.

However, within a short while, they came out. It was obvious that the inn had no guest rooms.

Then they walked to the next room.

In the end, I went to a dozen inns in a row, even the next street, but couldn't find any empty rooms.

"Are there so many merchants in Xingping County now?"

Lu Chen was a little speechless.

"It seems that we are not very lucky today. We happened to come here when there are the most people."

Gu Simiao said softly, then she seemed to suddenly remember something and raised the corners of her mouth slightly.

"However, isn't this scene exactly what you want to see, Huaiyu?"

Lu Chen smiled helplessly.

"Let's go, there are a few more there."


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