"It's okay, don't worry."

Lu Chen waved his hand.

"Maybe it's because I've been staying up late recently, and my anger has been strong. Plus I'm a little angry, and my throat is a little uncomfortable."

Chai Hongyu didn't listen to Lu Chen's explanation. She walked up to Lu Chen forcefully, stretched out her hand, and grabbed Lu Chen's wrist. Her index and middle fingers were placed directly on his pulse. At the same time, warm spiritual power surged out instantly. Flowed into Lu Chen's spiritual veins.

Although Lu Chen's strength is already outstanding among his peers, he already has the cultivation level of the Three Talents in his early twenties. However, compared with Chai Hongyu, Gu Simiao, and Fu Hua, who are already in their mid-twenties, Compared with the monsters who climbed to the top, they are still far behind, and there is no comparison at all.

Surrounded by extraordinary talents who are rare to see in a thousand years, if he really wants to use force on him, press him under him and do such and such things, his small body really can't resist.

Like now.

When it comes to his health, Chai Hongyu will never be sloppy at all and must confirm it in person before he can rest assured.

After a while, Chai Hongyu gently exhaled a breath of turbidity.

Lu Chen's judgment was correct. His body was indeed fine.

But even so, Chai Hongyu still frowned slightly.

"Sir Governor, although national affairs are important, your body is more important. Please cherish your body. Only by taking good care of your body can you better contribute to the country."

As he spoke, the spiritual power of the Suzaku, which had extremely strong restorative and nourishing effects, continued to flow rapidly through the spiritual veins in Lu Chen's body. Two weeks passed in an instant, and the complexion on Lu Chen's face became rosy visibly to the naked eye.

This also made him realize that as long as Chai Hongyu and Fu Huan were around, he couldn't even think about death from overwork.

Totally impossible.

Lu Chen casually said a few words before dropping the topic.


Lu Chen looked at the talented man and beautiful woman enjoying the beauty of spring not far away, as if he suddenly remembered something, and said softly: "Miss Chai, it's been a year since you came to the capital, right?"

Chai Hongyu looked at Lu Chen inexplicably, a little confused as to why he suddenly mentioned this, but she still responded honestly: "Well, it's been more than a year."

Hearing her answer, Lu Chen's eyes moved slightly.

“Before you know it, a year has passed.”

He first responded with emotion, and then said slowly: "Miss Chai, you haven't seen your senior brother Ye Fan for a year, right?"

Hearing this, Chai Hongyu was inexplicably startled.

After a moment, she reacted and took a deep look at Lu Chen, and her tone became a little brisk for some reason.

"I haven't seen him for a year, and I don't know how Senior Brother Ye is doing now."

If you look carefully, there is a subtle smile in her eyes when she looks at Lu Chen.

There is a subtle sense of playfulness.

As a straight man, Lu Chen naturally didn't notice the subtle changes on her face.

"Why are you asking this, Lord Governor?"

Lu Chen smiled, with a strange look on his face and pointed at the pair of young men and women outing not far away, and said softly: "It's nothing, just seeing them, it suddenly reminded me of the first time I had with you senior brothers and sisters when I was in Yuzhou. The scene of meeting.”

"I remember that when you and Young Master Ye stood together, it was easy for others to feel that you were a match made in heaven. I thought you were a couple at first."

Chai Hongyu rubbed her clothes with her right hand unconsciously.

"Mr. Governor, do you... care about Senior Brother Ye?"

Under her subtle gaze, Lu Chen shook his head.

"I don't care about anything. It's just that Miss Chai has been doing her duty since she joined the Xuanji Guards and served the imperial court. She has never slacked off for a moment. I see it in my eyes. And Miss Chai is in her prime, so she is When I was deeply in love with my lover or Taoist couple, I couldn't see Mr. Ye for a whole year..."

Hearing this, especially when he noticed that Lu Chen's expression was extremely calm and indifferent when he said this, the smile on Chai Hongyu's face disappeared almost instantly.

Then I heard Lu Chen continue: "Now Luojing is no longer as turbulent as it was a year ago. The capital is under the control of the imperial court, and the Xiaoxiao disciples have completely fallen silent. Besides, there are Xuanji Guards in the capital." The elites are here, including Zhu Yong and other powerful people in the Cave Void Realm. There is no need to worry about your safety. Miss Chai has worked hard for a year, and it’s time to take a vacation with you, Senior Brother Ye..."


With a sudden crisp sound, the concrete floor under Chai Hongyu's feet suddenly cracked without warning, and the small pieces were suspended in the air strangely. Under the red spiritual power, they could not land for a long time.

"Mr. Governor, you misunderstood."

She raised her head expressionlessly and said without any emotion: "My relationship with Senior Brother Ye is purely brother and sister, not partners, and..."

Hearing this, Lu Chen's face suddenly showed disappointment.

Damn, have you read all these years of cultivation novels in vain?

Doesn't it mean that adultery is easy to occur between brothers and sisters... Ah, no, is it love?

Ye Fan went to engage in rebel activities for the sake of his junior sister Chai Hongyu. Isn’t this love?

Is there really such pure heterosexual friendship in this world?

But since Chai Hongyu said this, no matter how unbelievable it was, he could only accept it.

At this time, Chai Hongyu said again: "Your Excellency, please don't mention this kind of thing again. There is absolutely no possibility between me and Senior Brother Ye. Not to mention that Senior Brother Ye already has someone he likes. If this inexplicable misunderstanding spreads, maybe it will happen." It will cause trouble for Senior Brother Ye, and I am already worried about it..."

At this point, she suddenly paused.

"Forget it, it's nothing. In short, I just want to stay with the Governor and protect him. Other than that, I have no other thoughts. Please don't have any other messy thoughts."

That last sentence was extremely firm.

Hearing this, Lu Chen couldn't help but be speechless.

Sure enough, the more talented a monk is, or the higher his achievements in practice are, the more likely he is to be born alone.

Sighing, he stopped thinking about it, just shook his head helplessly, gave up the idea of ​​persuading him to quit, and then walked slowly towards home.

Looking at Lu Chen's back, Chai Hongyu also sighed inexplicably.

This man is really not ordinary slow.

Time flew by, and in the blink of an eye, three days passed.

Preparations for the financial meeting are in full swing. Accounts of money and food, fiscal revenue and expenditure, and taxes from various local governments are constantly being submitted to the Ministry of Revenue. The top and bottom of the Ministry of Revenue, including Wu Yue, the Minister of the Ministry of Revenue, are all working hard to approve the envoys, prefects, and county magistrates. Number reported.

Of course, there will inevitably be discrepancies between the specific amount received and the amount reported. After all, there will inevitably be losses in the physical item alone. As long as the amount is not too far off, the Ministry of Accounts will generally not reject it.

However, among the courtiers at this time, the busiest ones were not the officials of the Ministry of Revenue.

It is one of the three pavilions, Donghua Pavilion where the first assistant Yan Song is located.

Yan Mansion.

Although it was a rare rest, Yan Song did not go to the meditation room to meditate. Instead, he stayed alone in the bamboo pavilion and sat cross-legged.


Along with a gust of breeze, Yan Song's eyelids suddenly moved, and then he slowly opened his eyes.

A glimmer of light quietly flashed in his cloudy eyes.

"Here he comes."

The moment the soliloquy-like voice fell, the air not far away in front of him suddenly became violently distorted, and in just a moment, seven human-shaped shadows appeared.

"Brother Yan, long time no see."

One of the shadows made a slightly older voice.

"Counting the time, it has been twenty years since Brother Yan came to my Qingyun Sect to congratulate me."

Another phantom spoke at the same time: "Old Yan Ge, it's been a long time."

Everyone else said hello.

But the shadow that spoke last was not as polite as those in front of him, but straight to the point:

"Junior brother, have the south and east sides been negotiated?"

Yan Song's expression was not as calm as usual. When he heard this voice's question, his expression instantly became extremely solemn.

He first responded to those polite greetings politely, and then said to the phantom standing at the front:

"Everything is ready, Brother Master. Although it has cost a lot, it is within the expected range. The plan is going very smoothly."

Hearing this, the shadowy figure whom Yan Song called the headmaster's brother just nodded slightly.

"Very good. With these words from Junior Brother, I feel relieved."

Yan Song said sternly: "The monks are the foundation of the world and cannot be compromised at all. However, the current ruler's ways are not upright, allowing the treacherous ministers and ghosts to take advantage of them and bring disaster to the world. The world is turned upside down, the right path is not prosperous, and the country of Great Xia is on the verge of overturning. , how can we, who have been blessed by our country in this life, sit idly by and ignore this? Now is the time for all the talented people to step forward and try to turn the tide..."

He spoke a long series of opening remarks eloquently, and the shadows floated quietly in the air without making a sound.

"I, Yan Song, am not talented. I am willing to sacrifice my life for the country to eradicate the traitors, to bring peace to the court and the country, and to thank the people of the world. I also ask you to give me a helping hand!"

After saying that, he suddenly stood up and bowed heavily to everyone.

"Brother Yan (Mr. Yan Ge) said something serious. This is what we should fulfill. There is no need for this."

All the shadows said one after another.

Then Yan Song’s head teacher spoke again.

"It will take at least one year and three months to set up the [Zhuxian Formation]. Junior Brother Yan, during this period you must work with all parties to stabilize the government. Give up what you need to give up, and try to make them relax their vigilance."

Yan Song nodded, then raised the corners of his mouth slightly, outlining a meaningful smile.

"Don't worry, Brother Master, no matter what, I won't let anyone notice our plan."

As the chief minister who has been involved in the temple for decades and has survived two dynasties, he can freely mobilize various resources of the civil servant group to represent the interests. Naturally, he will not lack the means to achieve his goals.

It's just a matter of concealing the truth, it's easy for him.

What's more, anyone with a discerning eye can now see that if Lu Chen is allowed to continue to act recklessly, not to mention the wealthy families, including the major sects that have lasted for thousands of years, the lives of all the monks in the world will not be easy.

Monks are the cornerstone of a stable world. If even monks have a hard time, sooner or later the world will be in chaos.

Scholars, farmers, industry and commerce, all dynasties have valued monks and despised the people. It is not unreasonable.

Not to mention other things, the spiritual disaster alone is enough to cause the destruction of all living beings.

He, Yan Song, did this to stabilize the world. Even if the means were disgraceful, he had a clear conscience.

"Then, without further ado."

One of the shadows said in a deep voice.

"I'll start preparing now."


Then everyone began to discuss the specific details of the operation.

Which party will provide how much materials, which party will be responsible for blocking the secrets, which party will provide how many manpower, etc., all need to be determined as soon as possible.

It wasn't until night fell and the lanterns were turned on that the seven phantoms slowly disappeared.

Yan Song still sat where he was, looking at the scene in front of him that was gradually returning to calm, his eyes twinkling.

Sorry, something happened during this period and I have been unable to update. Now that the matter is done, updates will resume today.

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