After the meeting, Jiang Chengwan spoke again and stopped Lu Chen who was about to go to the Tiangong Department.

And he was the only one he called.

Apparently there is another small meeting for two people.

The reason why I say "again" is because since Saint King Cangming returned to the Holy Realm, Lu Chen has become the de facto chief minister.

Most of the major national affairs in Daxia must go through him first as the minister of the Ministry of Industry. Unless he took the initiative to convene the ministers to discuss with the empress, other ministers would not be able to participate in the decision-making immediately.

Even Yan Song, the chief assistant and the nominal leader of the officials, is the same.

The Three Pavilions have almost become an executive agency. After all, there are only two cabinet ministers, Yan Song and Xiao Yun, and the latter just barely needs to be labeled as Lu Chen.

Moreover, the empress is so powerful and extremely diligent, she is involved in every detail, and as long as it is a policy proposed by Lu Chen, she will spare no effort to implement it and follow up the progress personally from time to time.

Therefore, the voting system of the Three Pavilions was almost useless due to the strong imperial power and Lu Chen's detached power.

Naturally, the first decision-making power has nothing to do with the Three Pavilions.

Lu Chen followed Jiang Chengwan into the Zichen Hall, and then sat on the side of the dragon chair opposite the dragon chair, which had not been moved for a long time, as if it was specially designed for him.

"Lu Qing."

After sitting down, Jiang Chengwan took the initiative to speak.

"In a few days, there will be a meeting on fiscal revenue and expenditure. Have the Ministry of Industry's accounts for this year been compiled?"

He looked like he was discussing business matters and his tone was quite serious.

As an emperor, Jiang Chengwan would naturally not act like a young girl in love with her, her mind filled with thoughts of her sweetheart.

In fact, although the time she and Lu Chen spent together was second only to Chai Hongyu, most of the time they communicated were on official matters, and private visits in private were only a few like before.

To her, Lu Chen was not only a special being, but also a veritable pillar of the country in Daxia. Putting aside his personal feelings, his importance to the country was now second only to Holy King Cangming.

Even if her foundation is not shallow, she must rely on the power of the Holy Realm and the absolute combat power of the Holy King to support her rule at this stage. Lu Chen, who has shown amazing talents, is even more important to the Yongchu Dynasty than Cangming Holy King. .

Lu Chen nodded.

"To reply to Your Majesty, all the accounts of the Ministry of Works have been sorted out and checked. Not only that, the income and expenditure of the Tiangong Department were also calculated yesterday. The account books are placed in the Yamen of the Ministry of Works. Your Majesty can send people there at any time. Pick."

The annual financial meeting is about to be held. During the meeting, both provincial and provincial yamen and agencies in the capital must submit a summary of the annual revenue and expenditure statistics, which will then be compiled into a book by the Ministry of Household Affairs after verification.

After that, the budget expenditure for this year will be discussed based on the income and expenditure situation, and each government office will also need to submit applications for funding.

It's very complicated anyway.

It can almost be regarded as the busiest time of the year for officials.

After all, finance is one of the most important matters in the country, and there is no room for carelessness.

Jiang Chengwan waved her hand: "As long as Lu Qing has checked it, I won't do any useless work."

Lu Chen: "..."

Jiang Chengwan asked again: "How does the expenditure of the Ministry of Works compare with last year? What is the profit situation of the Tiangong Department?"

Lu Chen thought about it for a moment, and then responded: "The total expenditure of the Ministry of Industry last year was about 20% less than the previous year, but the total project volume was three times that of the previous year, including road construction and maintenance in the Gyeonggi area, water conservancy projects in various places, and The total expenditure for the reinforcement of strategically important passes, the paving of Chidao, urban re-planning and expansion, and the maintenance and reinforcement of the array is about 2.2 million taels of silver, and now the progress of each project is more than half."

"Especially for the road construction in the Gyeonggi area, thanks to His Majesty's generous donation and General Gu's help, cement roads have now been laid in Luojing and all counties within a thousand miles, and the traffic in the Sili area has now changed. It is extremely convenient. Not only does it facilitate the people, but the mobility of the Forbidden Army stationed in various places is also greatly increased. Even the Forbidden Army stationed farthest from the capital can rush back to Luojing within one day without spending a lot of energy like in the past. The stone opens the magical formation."

Listening to Lu Chen's previous story, especially when he mentioned his generous donation, when the national treasury was empty and many of Lu Chen's project plans were restricted, he generously gave away all the money earned by Tiangong Division through patent law and all internal funds. When the money was handed over to Lu Chen and he was asked to completely let go, a smile gradually appeared on Jiang Chengwan's face.

But when she heard that Gu Simiao had also spent all her money to donate money and food to the Ministry of Industry, the smile on her face suddenly disappeared.

Even if Gu Simiao's move solved the court's urgent need, it would be the same.

After all, she knew better than anyone else that although Gu Simiao was loyal to Daxia, as a pure warrior, she definitely did not do this purely for Daxia.

If someone else had been the Minister of the Ministry of Works, Gu Simiao would definitely not have spared no effort, not even donating money.

Lu Chen was still paying attention to himself, but he didn't notice the slight change in Jiang Chengwan's expression.

"Tiangong Division approved a total of 78 projects last year, invested 600,000 taels in R\u0026D, and completed 30 R\u0026D projects on coal, cement, colored glaze, ironmaking technology, and refrigeration technology, with a cumulative profit of 2 million taels, and significantly improved its technology. It saves the treasury expenditure, which is roughly estimated to be about 1.2 million taels, and truly achieves the goal of increasing revenue and reducing expenditure."

Hearing this, Jiang Chengwan's attention was immediately attracted by this rather exaggerated figure. Her eyes widened and she said in surprise: "We invested 600,000 taels, but the total benefit is more than 3 million taels? So much?"

Lu Chen smiled: "This is the way to study things, to turn decay into magic, to seize the good fortune of heaven and earth, and to strengthen the country and benefit all people."

"And this is just the beginning. If the people are safe, the country will be stable, and if the people are prosperous, the country will be strong. I believe that as long as we continue to vigorously implement the method of studying things, take advantage of the situation, constantly adjust policies based on the actual situation, and guide the country to become prosperous and strong, our Daxia It will definitely break through the shackles of the dynasty and be passed on to generations to come.”

Hearing this, Jiang Chengwan couldn't help but feel a surge of emotion.

When she first regained the imperial power, she needed to prove herself with sufficient political achievements and establish her political prestige. At first, she just hoped that this year's tax revenue would be raised to a higher level than last year. The world would be stable and the people would rest and recuperate. Don't come too much Multiple spiritual disasters and natural disasters are enough.

But he didn't expect that Lu Chen would bring such a big surprise to him.

That’s more than three million taels!

It was almost equal to half of the book tax of the previous year.

This day's engineering department is really extraordinary!

Although taxes were low in the past few years because the Empress Dowager Zhao was in power, the court was extravagant and imposed numerous excessive taxes, which made people in all parts of Great Xia miserable. In some places, taxes either could not be collected, or after a few years of collection, the people's resources were extremely overstretched, and the people were overwhelmed. Production is sluggish and there are many tricks, so the book data will naturally not be extremely ugly.

But even so, the achievements of the Tiangong Division, which had only been founded for a year, were enough for Lu Chen to step into the ranks of famous ministers, and it was also enough for her to establish her prestige and gain a firm foothold in the supreme position.

You must know that more than three million taels are only direct benefits. Indirect benefits, such as the benefits brought to the court by various industries that gradually prospered after the roads were opened, have not been taken into account.

There is also the loss that will be reduced for the court after the society is stable and prosperous, which is also a big account.

Just think about it, it is an unimaginably huge political achievement.

Re-employing Lu Chen and unconditionally supporting his various ideas, although personal feelings were mixed in, Lu Chen's outstanding performance and outstanding political achievements were not the most powerful proof of her vision.

After a while, Lu Chen finished reporting on his work as Minister of the Ministry of Industry and Secretary of the Tiangong Department.

Jiang Chengwan took a deep breath, and then took a deep look at Lu Chen.

"Lu Qing, thank you for your hard work."

After a pause, her tone became solemn.

"With the help of an unparalleled national warrior like you, I feel that I am truly destined."

These words seemed to be in response to Lu Chen's previous thought that "no one is irreplaceable".

Lu Chen was startled for a moment, then shook his head inexplicably.

"Your Majesty's words are serious. Even if there are no ministers, or even if there is no destiny, Your Majesty is still Your Majesty. I am the only supreme being in the Great Xia Dynasty. When the Holy Lord comes to the court, the knowledgeable people in the world will follow them to the death. If they show their ambitions, without me, Lu Chen, there will also be Zhang Chen, Su Chen, Your Majesty, please don’t overly praise your humble ministers.”

Seeing that he had no intention of changing his mind, Jiang Chengwan couldn't help but sigh secretly.

Lu Chen was good at everything, but he was a little too abiding by his duties.

It's okay to say that it's a little bit out of line.

"Okay, let's not talk about this anymore."

Jiang Chengwan didn't say much more about this kind of thing, but changed the topic at the right time.

"By the way, Lu Qing, now that all the affairs of the Ministry of Industry are on track, it's about time you moved to another position, right?"

As soon as these words came out, Lu Chen's heart suddenly trembled.

Damn it, I am already a third-rank official at the age of twenty-one, do I still want to move up?

Further up is the Three Pavilions!

Do you want me to join the cabinet at the age of twenty-one and become a first-class bachelor?

He subconsciously wanted to refuse, but before he could speak, Jiang Chengwan pursed his lips and continued softly: "I intend to let Wu Yue, the Minister of the Ministry of Revenue, join the cabinet, and Lu Qing will be transferred to the Ministry of Revenue as the Minister of the Ministry of Revenue. "

Hearing this, Lu Chen frowned.

Okay, okay, just flat.

Although under normal circumstances the status and power of the Minister of the Ministry of Revenue is much more important than that of the Minister of the Ministry of Industry, in terms of official rank, both are third-rank officials. Even though they have a lot more weight, they are still nominally equal.

It's not just a matter of joining the cabinet.

Don't panic.

Thinking of this, Lu Chen raised his hand.

"I respectfully obey your Majesty's instructions."

Seeing Lu Chen agree, Jiang Chengwan secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

A fulfilling working day always passes quickly, and before you know it, it’s time to get off work again.

Lu Chen rarely stayed in Ziji City to work overtime, but left Ziji City with Chai Hongyu as soon as the time came.


Just after stepping out of the Xuanji Gate, drizzle slowly fell from the slightly dark sky.

During the plum rain season, Luojing in early spring is always shrouded in hazy drizzle.

However, even so, the east and west streets are still bustling with people.

Chai Hongyu opened her spiritual shield to block out the drizzle and cold wind. As usual, with her around, Lu Chen didn't need to hold an umbrella at all.

It can play and read, and is fully functional.

The top tool guy really is.

Soon, the two came to the East Lake one after another.

At this time, many pairs of young men and women were holding umbrellas and going for an outing by the East Lake and near the stone bridge. It was a perfect picture of "full of spring".

Seeing those talented men and beauties passing by chatting and laughing, although Chai Hongyu's face was expressionless, there was a hint of desire in the depths of her fiery red eyes.

After a moment, she quietly turned her head and looked at Lu Chen who seemed to be thinking about something.

The red lips were slightly opened, but after hesitating for a moment, she still said nothing.

"What's wrong?"

Lu Chen noticed something strange about Chai Hongyu.

"Is Miss Chai worried?"

Chai Hongyu shook his head gently.

"It's nothing. Thank you for your concern, Mr. Governor."

The voice was hard.

Lu Chen glanced at her inexplicably, but didn't ask any more questions.

Then, out of boredom, he casually looked around. When he saw pairs of handsome men, talented men and beauties walking together, he seemed to suddenly think of something, and subconsciously glanced at Chai Hongyu beside him.

Then, he saw Chai Hongyu staring at a young man and woman talking and laughing under an umbrella on a stone bridge not far away.

The next second, he narrowed his eyes inexplicably.

Tsk, tsk, this girl. Could it be that she misses her sweetheart?

By the way, she seems to have a fellow senior, what is his name? Ye Fan? Wo Ri, this name is a bit domineering.

The Junjie in Tsing Yi whom he had met once in Yuzhou came to mind, and a look of understanding gradually appeared on Lu Chen's face.

That’s it, it’s spring.

Since I miss my sweetheart, why not just go to him directly?

When he thought of this, his eyes suddenly lit up.


He coughed lightly, instantly attracting Chai Hongyu's attention.

Chai Hongyu asked nervously: "Mr. Governor, what's wrong with you? Are you catching a cold?"

As she spoke, she subconsciously wanted to use the Suzaku spiritual power in her body.

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