"Fuck you!"

Tang Bin suddenly pulled out the long knife in his hand.

"When will it be your turn, Zhang Shiping, to take charge of my people? What qualifications do you have to take charge of my subordinates? You really think you are lucky enough to get some credit. Do you think your Yuzhou Guard is the strongest guard of the Qingning Army?" "


The tip of the long knife was pointed at Zhang Shiping, and Tang Bin's face was full of anger.

"This general's Qingzhou Guard is the strongest Qingning Guard, the first guard. You, a guard commander who ranks at the bottom, are nothing in front of me! Are you teaching me a lesson for my subordinates? Are you damn worthy?"

As he spoke, a terrifying spiritual power suddenly surged out, instantly forming a mysterious magic circle near the long knife in Tang Bin's hand.

The long knife received the blessing of spiritual power, and in just a moment, it burst out with a burst of dazzling white light, and at the same time let out a vague dragon roar.

Obviously, this knife is nothing special.

As the first general of the Qingning Army, Tang Bin's strength is obviously not bad. It can even be said that, except for Wang Gan, the commander-in-chief of the Qingning Army, he is the most powerful.

However, Zhang Shiping snorted coldly when facing the most powerful general of the Qingning Army who was highly relied upon by Wang Qian.

"What? You can't defeat me, so you want to take action?"

As he spoke, he drew out the long knife in his hand without hesitation and faced off with Tang Bin.

"Tell me your size!"

Tang Bin no longer hesitated, and directly burst out his spiritual pressure, sweeping towards Zhang Shiping and others.

"Well done!"

Zhang Shiping held his sword in front of him, and the long sword in his hand instantly released an extremely huge spiritual power.

The two powerful forces collided fiercely in constant rotation and twisting, and countless spiritual flakes bloomed in an instant.

Terrible coercion swept away in all directions, and the soldiers on both sides felt their bodies sink inexplicably, as if their bodies were filled with lead, and they were completely unable to move.

In the fading glory, Tang Bin smiled coldly.

"Don't overestimate your capabilities!"

As he spoke, his eyes suddenly condensed, his aura increased rapidly, and his spiritual pressure also expanded several times at this moment.

If the dignified chief general of the Qingning Army really wanted to show his true strength, how could he take Zhang Shiping, an ordinary general at the bottom of the ranking, seriously?

He even felt that as long as he took a little action, it would be the limit that Zhang Shiping could not reach in his entire life.

Moreover, he had long been dissatisfied with Zhang Shiping. This guy was unlucky enough to have a traitor and traitor join him, yet he didn't even report to him. He simply didn't take him seriously.

Almost all the benefits and military exploits went to the Yuzhou Guards and Suizhou Guards. Those who took action later could only drink some soup. Even His Majesty's imperial edict of commendation only focused on the Yu and Sui Guards. Although other guards also received praises , but anyone with a discerning eye can see that it is just incidental. If we really want to reward according to merit, it is estimated that 90% of the credit must be attributed to the two guards of Yu and Sui, who have always been inconspicuous.

Nowadays, Nanyang Mansion only has Qingzhou Guard, the second-ranking figure in the Qingning Army, and Zhang Shiping's Yuzhou Guard. He should make the decision here, but Zhang Shiping refuses to give in at all, and there is no distinction between superiority and inferiority at all, even in this kind of situation. Argue with him about small things.

After conquering the city, it is natural to find ways to reward the soldiers, and the simplest and cheapest way is undoubtedly to turn a blind eye.

Zhang Shiping deliberately broke this rule. In his opinion, it was obviously a challenge to his position in the Qingning Army.

This guy is swollen!

Tang Bin already had a fiery temper. If he realized this, how could he let Zhang Shiping climb on his head to shit and pee?

He did not hold back at all, and used all his strength to release spiritual pressure, preparing to cripple all the guards behind Zhang Shiping.

However, after a moment, he suddenly widened his eyes and looked at the expressionless Zhang Shiping not far away, his eyes full of disbelief.

"This...how is this possible?!"

He had exerted all his spiritual pressure, but was unable to break through Zhang Shiping's spiritual defense and was firmly blocked.

That's right, he, the number one person under Wang Qian, couldn't do anything to an ordinary guard commander!

The next second, an incredible possibility suddenly occurred to him.

"You...you have enlightenment?!"


Zhang Shiping sneered, and his right hand holding the long knife suddenly tightened.

Bang! !

The majestic spiritual power exploded again, completely crushing Tang Bin's spiritual pressure in the blink of an eye.


Tang Bin suddenly cried out in pain, then covered his heart, with obvious pain on his face.

"The officers and soldiers of the Yuzhou Guard obey the order!"

The moment each other's spiritual pressure disappeared at the same time, Zhang Shiping waved his hand and raised his voice: "I will take down all the scum who harm the people. Anyone who resists will be killed without mercy!"


All the Yuzhou guards behind him responded in unison.

Upon seeing this, the expressions of Tang Bin and the Qingzhou Guards officers changed drastically, and they all pulled out the sharp blades in their hands.

The people who were guarded by Yuzhou looked at Zhang Shiping who was giving orders not far away with moved expressions, and felt an unspeakable strange feeling in their hearts.

There is such a benevolent and righteous teacher in the imperial court, or in this world...? !

Are they...are they dreaming?

"Zhang, do you really want to touch my people?!"

Tang Bin asked angrily.

"Why not?!"

Zhang Shiping said without hesitation: "Governor Lu once said that our salary and salary are all due to the people's support. Instead of repaying the favor, we abuse the people and enrich ourselves. This is a crime that cannot be justified by heaven. I will do justice for heaven today. I will not be kind to you." The righteous scum will be escorted to the capital and let Governor Lu make his decision!"

Seeing that Zhang Shiping didn't look like he was joking or trying to scare people, but that he was serious about it, the look of surprise in Tang Bin's eyes was even worse.

Could this man named Zhang be crazy?

Are you going to completely fall out with them over such a trivial matter?

He wanted to say something else, but Zhang Shiping was too lazy to talk nonsense with him. He directly grasped the long knife and rushed towards Tang Bin and others.

Seeing how brave and courageous the boss was, the soldiers behind him immediately stepped hard and followed closely behind.

When Tang Bin and others saw this, they had no choice but to restrain themselves and hurriedly stepped forward to block and parry.

But when they fought, all the Qingzhou guards felt numb.

They suddenly discovered that the Yuzhou Guards, who had been ranked low in every military competition before and even had a record of being at the bottom, seemed to have taken the wrong medicine. Each one was more ferocious than the other, which was different from the crane tailman in their impression. If two people.

Caught off guard, they were no match for the Yuzhou Guards and were beaten down one after another. In the end, they could only watch helplessly as their comrades who had just been rescued were escorted away by the wolf-like and tiger-like officers of the Yuzhou Guards.

After achieving his goal, Zhang Shiping stopped entangled with Tang Bin, forced him back with a sharp knife, and then asked everyone to leave.

"That ends today's matter."

Zhang Shiping stared coldly at Tang Bin who was not far away with an extremely ugly face, and then looked around at the Qingzhou Guard soldiers behind him who were all decorated, and said coldly: "If I find out that you dare to bully the people, these scum, This is what you will end up with!"

"I will do what I say and will show no mercy! If you don't believe it, just give it a try!"

After speaking these words domineeringly, Zhang Shiping turned around, walked at the end of the Yuzhou Guard, and left with his subordinates and people, ignoring Tang Bin's insults.

Tang Bin wanted to take action, but when he thought of the combat prowess displayed by the Yuzhou Guard just now, no matter how reluctant he was to admit it in his heart, the Qingzhou Guard officers he had always been proud of were indeed no match for them. Even he himself was not able to do so. In the brief confrontation just now, Zhang Shiping was suppressed to death and had no time to care about him.

Obviously, Zhang Shiping is no longer the weakling who can be manipulated.

God knows why he suddenly became so violent.

Looking at Zhang Shiping's back as he walked away, Tang Bin looked extremely gloomy.

"Lord Commander."

A bodyguard with a bruised nose and face came over.

"What do we do now?"

Tang Bin gritted his teeth and said bitterly: "Call the secretary, I am going to edit a letter and send it to the capital."

Hearing this, everyone's eyes suddenly lit up.

Commander Tang Bintang is not only the number one person in the Qingning Army, he is also backed by important figures in the court!

It’s done now!


Just when the Yuzhou Guard was showing off its power in Nanyang Mansion, Lu Chen was staring expectantly at the light gray turbid solution in front of him.

Not only him, but all the officials of the Tiangong Department gathered together at this time, surrounding a large wooden barrel with Lu Chen, as if they were witnessing some sacred moment.


Su Ning held a shovel and shoveled the coal pile next to the barrel without any image, and shoveled it into the barrel.

Gudu Gudu~

The moment the coal fell into the barrel, the solution in the barrel suddenly seemed to be boiling, with dense bubbles constantly emerging.

After a while, the bubbles gradually disappeared.

When the bubbles completely disappeared, Lu Chen had someone fetch the iron mesh he had prepared in advance, and then he personally carried the wooden bucket and poured it into the iron mesh. He got a pile of coal that had been processed to become even blacker.

Then Lu Chen put the iron mesh containing the charcoal into a bucket of water and washed it several times before taking it out.

Immediately afterwards, Su Ning couldn't wait to come over and used a secret technique to quickly dry the charcoal.

It didn't take long for the surface of the coal to become extremely dry.


Lu Chen suddenly took a deep breath and slowly took out a few Fierce Fire Excerpts.

"The time has come to witness the miracle."

With that said, he was about to open the Fierce Fire Folder.

Everyone held their breath and gazed nervously at the fierce book in Lu Chen's hand.

After nearly a month of tireless efforts, whether the method of studying things can rejuvenate and strengthen the country, everything will be verified at this moment.

And at this moment——

"Your Majesty is here!"

Outside the door, a high-pitched shout suddenly came.

Everyone suddenly looked stern, then quickly calmed down, put down what they were doing, and all looked towards the door.

Then there was a burst of rather rapid footsteps outside.

A few breaths later, the empress wearing a red dragon robe appeared in everyone's sight. A pair of bright eyes fell on Lu Chen for the first time. Her world-famous appearance was unreservedly reflected on Lu Chen. Morning eyes bloom.

"Lu Qing, am I not late?"

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