As soon as Su Ning's words came out, everyone's hearts suddenly surged.

Yes, if the way of studying things can help the world, bring peace to the people, and benefit the world, and it has such merits, who would dare to despise the way of studying things?

The way of investigating things is by no means a small path, but a broad road leading to the immortal sage! !

A great avenue that can keep pace with the ways of saints and martial arts!

Seeing the heated looks on everyone's faces, Lu Chen couldn't help but be speechless.

Avenue or something, is it too early to talk about this now?

These people don’t want to think about it. The emergence of new things will inevitably have a huge impact on the old things. There is no perfect good thing in this world. Once the fundamental interests are touched and the right to speak is threatened, especially when the orthodoxy is challenged, those who are rentier will How can the class sit still and wait for death?

However, he felt relieved when he thought that these people were full of ideas about things, dealing with all kinds of bottles and jars all day long, and it was normal for them not to understand the ways of the world.

Shaking his head, Lu Chen responded rather perfunctorily.

Never mind him, as long as he is here, no matter how bad things get, how bad can they get?

As the saying goes, if I don't go to hell, who will.

He came to take the blame and die, so naturally he was allowed to die.

Afraid of eggs.

"Okay, don't talk about such distant things."

Lu Chen said softly: "If you don't accumulate small steps, you won't be able to reach a thousand miles. If you don't accumulate small streams, you won't be able to reach a river. No matter you are a person or a business, you must be down-to-earth. You should do the things in front of you first."

The moment Lu Chen finished speaking, everyone suddenly looked stern, and the excitement in their eyes faded slightly.

"Sorry, Mr. Lu, I got too carried away."

Several Tiangong Department officials lowered their heads and said apologetically.

Lu Chen waved his hands, indicating that it was okay, and then continued: "Let's work hard next, follow the desulfurization method, verify the impurities in the coal one by one, and then find a way to remove them, and try to remove the impurities in the coal as much as possible. All harmful substances are removed.”

After a pause, his expression gradually became serious.

"I have proposed to Your Majesty the establishment of the Tiangong Department. The purpose is to start from allowing people all over the world to use safe and reliable combustibles to relieve the suffering of all people in the cold winter. We will continue to introduce new things and create various things that can benefit the world. Use new things to rejuvenate the country and strengthen the country through the investigation of things, and determine the prosperity of Daxia for all generations!"

"This is destined to be a difficult and tortuous road. I hope that you and I will work together to overcome the thorns and thorns, carry forward the way of investigating things, use the investigation of things to their principles, and help your majesty create a prosperous world!"

At the end of his speech, he actually stood up and bowed slightly to everyone.

Upon seeing this, everyone immediately stood up, not daring to accept Lu Chen's courtesy. At the same time, they turned sideways and looked at Lu Chen, the founder of the Tiangong Division. Since the end of the Hundred Ways Contest in the Warring States Period more than 10,000 years ago, until now, he is the only one who has faced up to the investigation of things. The superior of the Way bowed heavily.

"Lord Lu is a very righteous man, and I will do my best to repay my kindness when I am a low-ranking official."

Among them, Su Ning's head was lowered the lowest.

Under the long bangs, in the delicate little face, a pair of bright star eyes are full of determination.

At this time, she had already made up her mind in her heart that even if she never married, she would dedicate herself to Mr. Lu's grand ideal.

After some encouragement, Lu Chen did not leave the Tiangong Division. Instead, he and everyone else began to conduct material analysis and separation experiments on pebbles.

Although the laws, regulations, and material composition of this world where supernatural things exist are somewhat similar to Blue Star, they cannot be completely the same. Therefore, let alone Lu Chen does not understand how to develop coal mines, even if he does, It is impossible to apply Blue Star's technology.

What can come in handy is a different way of thinking.

With efficient methods of doing things, although it can achieve twice the result with half the effort, it cannot be achieved overnight, and the effort must be put in.

And now that the affairs of the Ministry of Industry are on the right track, all he needs to do next is to implement the new regulations he formulated. Anyone who dares to violate the rules will be destroyed directly.

Anyway, he has no one to fear in officialdom.

No matter what the other party's background is, whether he is a prince, noble, or a relative of the emperor, as long as he is offended, he will fight to the end.

It's hard for anyone to speak.

Of course, he still has many ideas for the Ministry of Works, the core functional department of the empire, but in order to realize these ideas, he cannot do without money, and if the Tiangong Department is done well, it will be a huge source of wealth.

Moreover, this financial source has nothing to do with the Ministry of Accounts, and all the proceeds belong to the empress' internal funds.

With the empress' trust in him, it would not be a matter of minutes to get money from internal funds.

In other words, he can use the money earned by the Tiangong Division however he wants. Unless the empress suddenly becomes stingy, there will be almost no restrictions.

Therefore, for the next few days, unless the Empress came to her rescue, Lu Chen would have to stay in the Tiangong Division to conduct experiments.

Time passed quickly, and ten days passed in the blink of an eye.

After continuous attempts by Lu Chen and a group of officials from the Tiangong Department, the impurities in the coal were finally thoroughly analyzed.

Knowing the composition of the impurities, the next thing to do is simple. It is nothing more than what substances need to be added to the solution used to clean the coal to dissolve all the impurities in order to obtain coal that does not emit thick smoke when burning, solving the world's problems. The heating problem of all people.

And just when Lu Chen was conducting the last step of the carbon harmless experiment.

Tianlan Province, Nanyang Mansion.

"Zhang, what do you mean?"

A middle-aged man wearing armor worn only by commanders put his right hand on the hilt of a knife at his waist, glaring at Zhang Shiping and the Yuzhou Guard generals and personal guards not far away.

And the dozens or hundreds of people who were protected behind them looked like just ordinary people.

The majority of the people were women, and many of them had rosy looks on their faces. The linen clothes on their bodies had obviously been violently torn in several places, revealing their red skin. They had obviously suffered some kind of misfortune. More The human face has an expression of surviving a disaster.

They clung to the Yuzhou Guard in front of them, obviously regarding him as their only savior.

Around them, more than a dozen soldiers wearing Qingning Army armor were lying quietly at this time, lying on their backs on the cold snow, without making any movement.

I don’t know if I’m dead or alive.

The middle-aged man pointed at Zhang Shiping and said angrily: "My personal guards are just relaxing around, and many of those people are family members of rebels, which is equivalent to rebels. My people are just exterminating rebels." He's just a thief, and he didn't provoke you Yuzhou Guards, so why do you kill my own people?!"


Zhang Shiping smiled coldly.

"Just because your subordinate is a member of the Qingning Army and a member of Daxia's army, he attempts to harm the people of Daxia. For this reason alone, this general will not tolerate such scum!"

"If you, Tang Bin, can't discipline them, then let me discipline them for you!"

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