Under the apprehensive eyes of everyone, the empress sighed inexplicably, and said quietly:

"Lu Qing, do you think I'm a bloodthirsty person who doesn't distinguish between right and wrong, or just because of a trivial matter?"

As soon as these words came out, Lu Chen immediately understood that the empress did not intend to care about that unlucky commoner at all.

"The humble minister is guilty."

What Lu Chen is most afraid of is taking responsibility and pleading guilty, even wishing for more violent storms. Hearing what the Empress said, he directly said:

"This humble minister thinks absurdly about your majesty. This is a crime of disrespect. Your Majesty please punish him."

"I don't mean to blame Lu Qing."

The empress sighed again.

"Lu Qing, you are a great husband who cares about the common people and serves the people wholeheartedly. Since I value you, I will naturally do the same as you, practicing the way of helping the world, doing acts of benevolence and virtue, and putting the people first in everything. Killing someone for a trivial matter? Not to mention..."

As she spoke, she turned her head slowly, and looked at the horse-faced man not far away, a smile bloomed on his beautiful little face.

"Hearing him say that, I'm too happy to be happy, how can I blame him?"

Lu Chen: "???"

He looked at the Empress in bewilderment.


However, before he could react, the empress coughed lightly twice, and then continued to say as if nothing had happened:

"Although what he said just now is suspected of being a slip of the tongue, I can see that the reason why he did so is because he loves Lu Qing from the bottom of his heart, and Lu Qing, you are enough to represent the imperial court. It is a great fortune for the country that the people support the imperial court so much! How can I not like it?"

Hearing this, the horse-faced man's face suddenly showed ecstasy.

After hearing this explanation, Lu Chen nodded with a clear face.

That's right, that's what I said.

Afterwards, he couldn't help taking a deep breath, looking at the Empress steadfastly, and the tragic situation of the people in Liangzhou in the memory of the people of Yuzhou and Chai Hongyu slowly emerged in his mind.

In this world of high martial arts where monks are paramount, as the supreme emperor in the world, his supreme majesty is absolutely untouchable. Even if it is an unintentional mistake, as long as he offends the emperor, the consequences will be very serious.

The empress is so lenient to the common people, compared with the previous emperors, she is a bit different.

At this point, a thought gradually emerged in the depths of Lu Chen's heart.

Such a benevolent and benevolent king is the one who can fundamentally change the world...

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

The horse-faced man kowtowed heavily to the empress, and his forehead hit the ground, making a rather dull sound.

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for your kindness!!!"

He was so excited after recovering his life, and he was ready to kowtow again regardless of the blood oozing from his forehead after kowtowing.

He is just an ordinary poor man, and his generation is not prosperous. His father died of exhaustion during his hard labor, and his two elder brothers served in the military. There has been no news for more than ten years, and he probably died in a certain place. On the battlefield, the mother was blinded by crying, the mother-in-law had a high fever and burned her brain, sometimes sober, sometimes crazy, a pair of young and ignorant children.

After he was forced to serve hard labor, his family now relies on his married sister to help him at the risk of being beaten and scolded by his husband's family.

If he, the mainstay, dies here, their family will be completely over.

The empress's benevolence spared not only his life.

With such a great kindness, how can we not kowtow a few more times?

However, just as he was enduring the pain and preparing to hit the third one, the Empress suddenly stretched out her hand.

In the next second, a golden brilliance flashed, but the head of the horse-faced man hit directly into a ball of golden light.


Accompanied by a light sound similar to a stone falling into the water, the man's forehead still didn't hit the ground in the end, and was blocked by the golden light.

Immediately afterwards, the golden light suddenly exploded, turning into countless brilliance in an instant, pouring into the man's broken forehead.

The horse-faced man only felt his body warm up, and at the same time, the severe pain from knocking his head began to subside, replaced by a tingling feeling of comfort.

"Your body, hair and skin are the ones you receive from your parents, so you should take good care of them."

The Empress said softly.

"Besides, you didn't do anything wrong, you didn't do anything wrong, and you didn't violate the law of the king. Instead, you have contributed to the court. Lu Qing said that anyone who has made contributions to the court is worthy of respect, so you should hold your head high. You shouldn't be so humble, you don't have to thank me, I just did what I should do, and I have nothing to do with you."

Hearing this, the eyes of the horse-faced man suddenly turned red.

Your Majesty, who is so rich in gold, would actually care about a grass-roots man like a mustard.

As the saying goes, a man does not flick his tears lightly.

But when he thought of the hardships he had suffered since he was conscripted by the imperial court until he met Lu Xianggong, the Qingtian lord, those mediocre officials who did not treat them as human beings at all, treated them like cattle and horses, or even worse than cattle and horses He couldn't help but get a sore nose during that period of life that was simply not human.

Is this... the end of all hardships...

There is a great husband like Lu Xianggong in the court who really treats them as human beings, and the current emperor is a good emperor who loves the people like his son... There is no reason why Daxia should not be prosperous with such a wise king and virtuous ministers?

Similar thoughts slowly emerged in the minds of the people.

At this moment, everyone's eyes changed.

In the eyes that peeked at the Empress, besides the instinctive fear of the Supreme Being, there was also a deep reverence from the heart.

The prosperous age can be expected... They were born at a good time...

Lu Chen suddenly bowed heavily to the empress, and said in a loud voice: "Your Majesty is unparalleled in virtue and virtue, blessing the world, please accept my humble servant's worship."

As soon as the words fell, Wang Qi and Zhang Xuan on the side also bent down at the same time, while the surrounding people knelt down again and bowed heavily to the empress.

"Long live Your Majesty!"

Looking at the scene of all the subjects in front of her worshiping from the heart, feeling the respect of everyone who does not seem to be fake, the empress could not help but lightly clenched her fists.

At this time, she had an inexplicable feeling that the prosperous age was within reach.

After a while, the Empress slowly exhaled a foul breath, then suddenly turned her head, her eyes resting on Lu Chen again.

"Lu Qing, as the saying goes, people have self-knowledge. I can be sure that although I was not stupid before meeting you, I was definitely not a benevolent king. You taught me the way of government, Lu Qing. , when the people are the foundation and profit for the people, only then can the country be rich and the army strong, and create a prosperous world.”

Having said that, she paused inexplicably, and then said with emotion:

"If there is no Lu Qing, even if I can rejuvenate the Great Xia, it will probably be just a flash in the pan in the end, but now, I have seen the foundation of the eternal world and stepped on the brilliant road, so I should thank Lu Qing for your teaching That's right."

Saying that, before Lu Chen could react, the empress bent down to Lu Chen who was bowing to her, and bowed.

One monarch and one minister, one man and one woman, just like this, head to head, hands behind hands, bowing down to each other.

It's like some kind of ancient and solemn ceremony that has continued from ancient times to the present and is held almost every day.

The next second, the moment Lu Chen noticed the red dragon boots in front of him, he hurriedly dodged, and then looked at the empress in front of him with some astonishment, the corner of his mouth twitched slightly.

After a while, the empress straightened up naturally, facing Lu Chen with a subtle smile on her face.

"Let's all be flat."

she said softly.

"I just came here today to check on your situation, and I'm a little curious about how you managed to finish the work ahead of schedule. I don't have any other intentions. You don't need to be so polite."

Everyone got up as promised.

After hearing the Empress' explanation of her intentions, the eyes of the common people became a little complicated for no reason.

Both proud and sad, both excited and apprehensive, all kinds of expressions mixed together, making their expressions strange for no reason.

Among them, there is still a trace of hesitation.

However, after glancing at the empress and Lu Chen, this slight hesitation began to dissipate inexplicably.

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