Promise Palace.

When the empress walked into the gate of the palace together with Lu Chen and several chief inspectors from the Ministry of Industry and saw the scene inside, she couldn't help being startled.

As we all know, the Promise Palace was one of the battlefields when the Holy King Cangming led his army to defeat the Forbidden Army in Luojing City and helped the Empress ascend to the throne of power over the world.

Where the Cangming army's iron hooves passed, apart from the numerous bones of the imperial guards, there were also pieces of rubble and rubble.

The destructive power caused by the charge of the iron cavalry, while completely defeating the imperial guards, also inevitably caused considerable damage to the Promise Palace, which symbolizes the supreme power of the Jiang family.

Although it has not reached the point of ruins, it is not to the extent that it can be repaired casually.

but now

Looking around, the ground paved with bluestone and square bricks is extremely flat. The potholes that could be seen everywhere when the construction started before, and the dents and cracks left by the trampling of Cang Ming's iron cavalry and iron hooves, can't be seen at this time.

Looking all the way along the road paved with Cangyun stone in the center of the ground, at the end, the white and flawless white jade steps come into view. In the center of the stone steps, there is a huge rectangular stone carving.

On this big and thick stone carving, nine soaring dragons are engraved, with teeth and claws, appearing and disappearing among the clouds.

Each giant dragon is carved extremely delicately and lifelike, as if there are really nine giant dragons hidden among them.

A strong spiritual energy surrounds it, and the dense inscriptions the size of a fingernail flash a stream of light from time to time, and the whole area is inexplicably filled with a solemn and solemn atmosphere.

On the jade steps of Kowloon, the majestic Wuji Palace stands majestically.

Around the main hall, there are towering old trees, green trees, red walls and yellow tiles, resplendent and resplendent, showing the royal air.

Whether it is the palace or the ground, or the palace walls, green plants, etc., there is no trace of the war left at all at this time, and it is even more magnificent than the Promise Palace before the war.

And around the palace, four five-foot-high four-image pillars piled up of purple jade were erected at the corners of the four directions. The surfaces of the pillars were inlaid with one after another high-grade spirit stones, and the surroundings were engraved with mithril. The countless magic circles formed by the runes.

In front of the gate of the Wuji Hall, a three-foot-wide and thirty-three-foot-long corridor has been erected at this time, and the end of the corridor is connected to a high platform with a large array of celestial phenomena.

It was the place where the emperor announced to the emperor of heaven and earth, and it was also the place where the empress looked down on the world during the New Yuan Ceremony.

Looking at the scene not far away that has changed greatly compared to the previous visit to the construction site, Lu Chen suddenly exclaimed "Damn it" in his heart.

Since he came to a meeting last time, announced the implementation of the new regulations, and then appointed Wang Qi and Zhang Xuan to replace Xu Sanping and others as the chief officers, he has not been here again.

After all, unless they do nothing or act recklessly, the Ministry of Industry still has a lot of official affairs to deal with.

Moreover, there are so many things involved in establishing the Tiangong Division from scratch, it is naturally impossible for him to focus on one thing.

Anyway, what should be done has already been done, what will happen to the project of the Promise Palace, whether the project is delayed or completed in time, no matter what the result is, he can accept it, so naturally he doesn't need to pay too much attention to it.

He expected all kinds of results, but he didn't expect this one.

"Lu Qing, you taught me another vivid lesson."

The empress looked at it for a while, and the corners of her mouth suddenly raised.

"Sure enough, I didn't misunderstand the person. You are indeed my good minister of the auxiliary country."

Hearing this, Lu Chen couldn't help but twitched the corner of his mouth slightly.

He naturally knew what the Empress was referring to.

When Zhou Yushi impeached him in the court before, he said that as long as he treats the people with sincerity, the people will definitely repay him with righteousness. expectations.

Nima, he was just talking hard at that time. In fact, he had already made up his mind about the delay of the project. At that time, he believed that as long as the people's nutrition and physical fitness kept up, and they worked and rested normally, even if the working hours were reduced, even if they couldn't meet the deadline It won't be long after the deadline, and there is even a chance to finish it on time.

How could he have imagined that what he said in the court hall had actually become a reality.

Really... the benevolent are invincible?

The current situation of Wuji Palace has undoubtedly confirmed his remarks at that time, and has even become the most reasonable belief of the empress, a wise emperor.

The most important thing is that he seems to have... somehow done something extraordinary.

"Your Majesty, it is too early to say this."

After regaining his senses, Lu Chen's expression quickly returned to his usual indifference.

"The project of the Promise Palace has not yet been completed and accepted. There may be omissions in some aspects. It needs to be checked carefully before a judgment can be made. Moreover, the closer it is to success, the more cautious it should be."

Hearing this, Wang Qi and Zhang Xuan immediately looked at Lu Chen with admiration.

How excellent is it to be neither arrogant nor impetuous, keep a clear mind at all times, and not be affected by external objects and appearances?

And the Empress smiled.

"Lu Qing is as rigorous and conscientious as ever, and she is not surprised by favor or shame."

"Your Majesty is overrated."

Lu Chen responded casually, and then said to the inspectors behind him: "It's not too late, let's go and verify the completion of the project now."

"Yes! My lord."

The crowd did not drag their feet. After bowing their hands, they bowed to the empress again, and then strode forward.

After the examiner left, the Empress spoke again.

"Let's go, Lu Qing, follow me to meet those people who are touched by your benevolence. Now I am eager to know how they did it, and why you implemented the new policy of treating them extremely kindly in Lu Qing. After the charter, there will be such amazing results."

Lu Chen nodded, and then led the Empress towards the labor camp in the distance that had obviously been repaired and whose conditions were many times better than the refugee camp at the beginning.

Not to mention that the empress was curious, he also wanted to know what was going on.

According to the past file records of the Ministry of Industry and the judgments made on the people's power based on the experience of many projects, no matter how squeezed and overdrawn the people's power, according to the progress of the project of the Promise Palace, the original method can barely ensure the completion of the project.

Based on the previous experience of judging people's strength, even if Lu Chen gave the laborers delicious food and drinks to keep their physical strength at its peak, it stands to reason that at most they can only finish work on time.

Why is it early?

Could it be that they can collectively explode into small universes?

Before reaching the camp, the Empress saw that even if they didn't have to work, even if there were no guards around, there were still some laboring people spontaneously cleaning the corners around the camp with cleaning or polishing tools. At the same time, the edges and corners of some humble stone slabs were carefully polished.

Seeing this scene, the empress couldn't help but let out a breath of foul air.

And at this moment.

"It's Lord Lu!"

The sharp-eyed Zhao Dahu immediately saw Lu Chen and the others walking unhurriedly, and couldn't help but shouted.

"Lord Lu is here!"

And his voice was like some kind of horn, instantly attracting everyone's attention.

Immediately afterwards, all the workers, whether they were resting or working spontaneously, looked at Zhao Dahu who made a sound, and then followed Zhao Dahu's gaze.

After seeing Lu Chen and a woman in a red robe coming over, they immediately looked happy, and then ran towards Lu Chen.

Seeing the people rushing towards him with excitement, Lu Chen's heart trembled inexplicably.

Not long after that, dozens of people from Zhao Erhu rushed to Lu Chen, and then, like before, knelt down on their knees and bowed heavily to Lu Chen.

"Xiaomin Zhao Dahu pays homage to Mr. Lu!"

The others also knelt down on the ground one after another, saluting Lu Chen imitatively, but ignored the empress beside her.

Although the empress is extremely honorable, it stands to reason that as long as she is present, everyone must salute her first, but Zhao Dahu and others who are just ordinary people have never seen the empress at all, not only do they not know what the empress looks like, even the gold with red background I don't even recognize the red dragon robe with the same pattern.

What's more, they were extremely grateful to Lu Chen. After seeing Lu Chen, they would subconsciously ignore other things, let alone think that the Supreme Emperor, who has power over the world and is high above him, would come to visit them like ants. common people.

In addition, the empress didn't show off, and this trip was extremely low-key. How could these ordinary people know that this girl who was so beautiful, who stood with Lu Chen like a pair of gifted scholars and beautiful ladies, would be the master of this world?

Lu Chen was slightly stunned, looking at the people kneeling on the ground in front of him, his eyes shook a few times inexplicably.

But after only being dazed for a moment, hundreds of people immediately ran over and knelt down one by one.

"Meet Master Lu!!"

Their voices were loud, shouting almost with all their strength, as if they wanted to express their heartfelt gratitude to Lu Chenna in this way.


Lu Chen subconsciously waved at them.

"Get up, I'm not in the mood to kneel down."

Hearing what he said, Zhao Hu and the others slowly got up, and then looked excitedly at Lu Chen, who was about the same age as their son, but almost equivalent to saving their lives, and being kind to them.

"Master Lu, you finally came to visit us!"

"Lord Lu, do you still need labor in your yamen? We still want to work with you!"

"Serving under your master Lu, it's the first time in my life that Xiaomin has enough to eat...Master Lu, if you need labor in the future, Xiaomin will definitely sign up for it!"

"Master Lu, how is your health recently?"

Lu Chen: "..."

Seeing that Lu Chen was so loved by the hard-working people, the corners of the Empress's mouth turned up again, and a moving gleam appeared in her eyes.

As we all know, in the Great Xia Dynasty where the emperor and monks shared the world, the status of ordinary people was extremely low.

The vast majority of common people have a kind of fear from the bottom of their hearts when they see officials. They almost always hide from officials if they can. Very few.

Naturally, there is no way to talk about love and admiration.

But now, Lu Chen is so loved by the people, and because of this, he has made great achievements in governing the country. In the eyes of the Empress, this is the real minister who assists the country...

As for those so-called "celebrities" who are highly cultivated, have rich knowledge in cultivation, and have a thorough understanding of the sage books, the Empress is increasingly looking down on those so-called "famous scholars" who are admired by countless monks.

Such as Qian Yiqian, Zhao Bingliang and others.

These people are all well-known celebrities, but their performance in the court... is really hard to describe. If there is no one, their fame is of some use, and the power of the Ministry of Punishment is not great, otherwise she These people have been withdrawn long ago.

A high level of cultivation does not mean being able to govern the country, especially for those mediocre officials who improve their level of cultivation through Qingxiu and do not care about the lives of the people. No matter how high their level of cultivation is, these people will not have much substantial benefit to the people .

A monk like Lu Chen who is dedicated to the country, caring for the common people, and focusing on helping the world is the pillar of the country!

Thinking of this, she subconsciously moved closer to Lu Chen.


Lu Chen, who had completely recovered, opened his mouth, and was about to say something.

The empress, the righteous lord, was by his side, and as a courtier, he couldn't leave the empress alone, so he prepared to remind these people to pay respects to the empress.

However, at this moment, a commoner suddenly raised his head, looked at Lu Chen, and then at the Empress, a look of understanding suddenly flashed across the red-faced Ma's face.

"Lord Lu, this is your wife, right? Sure enough..."

As soon as these words came out, Lu Chen's expression changed instantly, and then he hurriedly interrupted: "Shut up!"

The sudden shout made everyone startled.

In their impression, although Lu Chen was very cruel to those mediocre officials and reprimanded them from time to time, he never got angry with them, otherwise they would not have dared to get so close to Lu Chen, a senior official of the third rank.

And just when they were doubtful, Lu Chen continued, "Your Majesty is here, so hurry up and kneel down!"

Hearing this, everyone turned pale with shock, especially the laborer who spoke first, but reacted instantly, and then his face suddenly turned extremely pale.

"Your Majesty...Your Majesty!"

Almost everyone was dumbfounded.

However, under the strong will to survive, they reacted almost instantly, and then knelt down heavily towards the empress.

"Caomin greets His Majesty!"

"Long live Your Majesty, long live, long live!!!"


Thousands of people shouted at the same time, and the loud voice instantly resounded in every corner of the Promise Palace, even the inspector who was conducting the completion inspection was startled.

"Get up, everyone."

The empress said lightly.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Everyone responded anxiously, then stood up tremblingly.

Only the commoner who said the wrong thing still knelt on the ground, not daring to get up.

"Your Majesty, grass people grass people"

He opened his mouth, but his mouth was trembling, unable to utter a complete sentence.

At this moment, he had only one thought.

It's over, it's over!

How can I say such a bastard! what to do? Your Majesty will not punish my nine clans, will he?

Will Master Lu be implicated?

However, just when he was terrified and all kinds of desperate thoughts appeared in his heart, Lu Chen stood up, stood in front of him, and said to the empress:

"Your Majesty, as a ruler, you should have the tolerance of the world. Although this person speaks nonsense, speaks indiscriminately, and speaks nonsense to His Majesty, but he did not know the identity of His Majesty before reading it. If you think about it, please Your Majesty, don’t argue with him.”

Hearing this, the people were immediately moved.

Lord Lu was still the same Lord Lu, for the sake of an ordinary commoner who had nothing to do with him, he did not hesitate to plead with His Majesty who was already furious.

What kind of benevolence and righteousness this is, what kind of love for the people like a son!

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