As soon as the eunuch's words fell, there was an instant silence in the Taiji Hall, and almost everyone's eyes widened subconsciously, with obvious shock on their faces.

After a while, Liu Dongyang's lips moved.

"Who did you say? Who asked for an audience?"

The eunuch swallowed, and finally heaved a sigh of relief, and the words became very clear:

"Chai Hongyu... is the female rebel who has ravaged the three provinces of Qingning and Ningxia for many years, asking for an audience!"


Zheng Zhong opened his mouth with an expression of disbelief.

"How is this possible? Are you sure it's her? Have you verified your identity? Will someone impersonate..."

However, before his words fell, Gu Simiao, who had fully reacted not far away, suddenly snorted coldly.

"What? Looking back at the woman in red who fought side by side with Lu Shilang in the video, you are 100% sure that it is Chai Hongyu herself, and when Chai Hongyu appears at this time, you can see and touch it, you have to doubt it gone?"

She stared at Zheng Zhong coldly, a cold killing intent suddenly flashed across her pretty face.

"Could it be that in this world, only what you are willing to believe can be true, and what you don't want to believe is false?"

Hearing this, Zheng Zhong couldn't help but see a few drops of cold sweat on his forehead.

"The general misunderstood, and I have absolutely no intention of doing so."

"Then what do you mean?!"

Gu Simiao asked.

"I just find it strange."

Zheng Zhong retorted: "If it's the real Chai Hongyu, how could she take the initiative to send her to your door as a rebel general? Even if Lu Chen is her..."

Speaking of this, he suddenly instinctively felt a terrifying chill rising from the bottom of his heart, and the previous warning from the empress in the court hall sounded in his mind, and he shivered subconsciously, and then quickly changed his words:

"In short, it's too abnormal for a rebel leader to come to Ziji City and throw himself into the trap. Isn't it natural for me to have doubts?"

Gu Simiao sneered.

"Then Lu Shilang, a loyal minister who died for His Majesty several times, has something to do with the rebels, is it normal in your eyes?"

The eunuch also said at the right time: "The watchmen of the Xiexie Division have verified that the spirit of the woman in red is exactly the same as that of the Holy Maiden of Burning Heaven who was pictured on the arrest warrant. It is indeed Chai Hongyu herself."

Hearing this, Zheng Zhong subconsciously wanted to defend himself.

However, at this moment——

"Come on."

It was the Empress who spoke.

She glanced at Zheng Zhong expressionlessly, and said lightly: "Push this daring lunatic who tried to interfere with my judgment out of the Xuanji Gate, and he will be punished twenty times."

The moment the Empress' words fell, Zheng Zhong's complexion turned pale, and he shouted that he was wronged.

Qian Yiqian and others also stepped forward to intercede.

However, the Empress didn't agree with them at all, and waved her hand directly, asking the imperial guards to take Zheng Zhong down.

After Zheng Zhong was taken away, the courtiers who had just stood up to ask the Empress to put the overall situation first, and begged the Empress to kill Lu Chen felt a chill in their hearts and dared not speak again.

His majesty was really angry that he was so resolute in punishing the third rank official!

The people of the Lu faction put down their flags and drums, and the Tai Chi Hall quickly fell silent.

Afterwards, the Empress ordered that Chai and Hongyu be present.

After about a cup of tea, a crisp sound of interlaced metal suddenly sounded outside the Tai Chi Hall.



Everyone's expression froze immediately.

Not long after, Xuanjiwei walked in escorting a pretty woman in red with her hands and feet bound by spirit locks.

The moment he saw the woman in red, Lu Chen knew that he couldn't keep his back.

That's right, the woman in red is undoubtedly Chai Hongyu herself.

After Chai Hongyu entered the Tai Chi Hall, she directly ignored the eyes of all civil and military officials with different expressions, and quickly searched for something among them.

When she saw Lu Chen standing at the forefront of the civil servants, the uneasiness and eagerness that had been deeply hidden on her face disappeared almost instantly, and was replaced by an obvious look of joy. It seemed that Lu Chen was safe and sound now. The big good thing is general.

After a while, the corners of her mouth raised slightly, revealing a reassuring smile.

Seeing the smile on her face, for some reason, Lu Chen felt anxious for no reason, and the words that Chai Hongyu had said to him when he came here on purpose to save (backstab) him at a critical moment suddenly appeared in his mind.

In the next second, a complex look gradually appeared in his eyes.

At this moment, the Empress suddenly spoke.

"You are Chai Hongyu?"

Her voice was cold, but at the same time, there was a majesty that made people want to kneel subconsciously.

However, this coercion did not seem to have any effect on Chai Hongyu.

She raised her head as normal, and the moment she met the eyes of the empress sitting high on the dragon chair, her red lips parted slightly:



The empress held onto the dragon chair tightly, looked at Chai Hongyu, and slowly asked the question that all the courtiers were eager to know——

"You are at odds with the imperial court. Countless court officials died at your hands. There are many people in the imperial court who hate you to the core, and even increase the amount of rewards for this. Why do you, the leader of the rebels, come to Ziji City on your own initiative? , and let the Xuanji Guards catch him without a fight?"


Chai Hongyu turned her head, took a deep look at Lu Chen's back, and said without hesitation:

"I don't want Governor Lu to be framed by treacherous ministers on trumped-up charges. Since the crime of framing Governor Lu is related to me, I must return Governor Lu's innocence no matter what."

Hearing what Chai Hongyu said, although they had guessed in their hearts, everyone couldn't help showing shock on their faces.

Even Yan Song, in those cloudy old eyes, unexpectedly flashed a flash of surprise.

He never expected that the most unlikely thing would actually happen!

You must know that in the laws of Great Xia, no matter what the reason is, no matter what difficulties you have, as long as there is an act of treason, it is a death penalty, and Chai Hongyu, as the number one general of the rebels, has made great military exploits for the growth of Yu Jiuyuan over the years , I don't know how many bloods of court officials have been stained on my hands.

It is definitely a proper super villain who cannot be punished.

As long as such a person is caught by the court, he will definitely die, and his death will be extremely miserable, and eventually he will die.

In order to prove Lu Chen's innocence, Chai Hongyu even gave up her life? !

Although her doing so may not necessarily change Lu Chen's tragic fate of being dismissed from office or even beheaded for public display, but in any case, her determination to return Lu Chen's innocence to death is unimaginable.

Yan Song really couldn't understand, what kind of magical power does Lu Chen have, to let a female traitor who hates the court do this for him?

Is it really because of Lu Chenjun as Chen Cang said before...

The Empress frowned slightly.

"To repay Lu Qing's innocence?"


Chai Hongyu said lightly:

"Other than that, I have no other intentions. I just ask Your Majesty to give me another chance to prove that Governor Lu is innocent. After this matter is over, Your Majesty will behead my head or execute him late, and I will have no complaints. "

Hearing this and feeling the determination in these words, the Empress couldn't help but her eyes trembled, and then she glanced at Lu Chen inexplicably.

The same thought as Yan Song slowly emerged in his mind.

Then she slowly asked: "Why do you, a traitor, do this for a court official? Lu Qing is a great talent. With him, our national fortune in Daxia will flourish. When the world is peaceful, the common people Live and work in peace, how can you and other rebels still have a place to stand?"

After a pause, she continued: "I don't understand why Lu Qing is such a threat to you and the rebels. You should regard Lu Qing as a thorn in your side and a thorn in your flesh. Why did you make countless contributions to that rebel in Jiuyuan?" Instead, you want to clear up Lu Qing's grievances."

After finishing speaking, she stared straight into Chai Hongyu's eyes, as if she wanted to see something from her eyes.

However, under her gaze, Chai Hongyu's eyes did not shake at all.

calm as water.

"Because there are countless people in the world who have been living in dire straits for thousands of years. They need a person who has a heart for the common people and has the ability to help the world. Governor Lu is the only one who can help the world in my mind."

She spoke calmly, as if she was talking about a matter of course.

"Everything that Governor Lu has done for Yuzhou, all the benevolent policies he has implemented, and the changes he has brought to the people all over Yuzhou have made me see a kind of hope, a hope that has never appeared in all dynasties, so..."

Having said that, she raised her head slightly, and there was some special power in her voice.

"I must not just watch Governor Lu, a rare and good official in the world, be framed by treacherous officials in the court, and then die in depression. No matter what, I must keep this glimmer of hope for the people of the world, even if I have to sacrifice everything for it."

It was said that whether it was Liu Dongyang, Fang Ping, or Xiao Yun, Gu Simiao and other people who had a close relationship with Lu Chen, when they were shocked, their faces all showed expressions of emotion.

This female devil, who was rumored to be extremely hostile to the imperial court, murdered without blinking an eye, and took pleasure in slaughtering court officials, actually had the common people of the world in her heart...

And Lu Chen, who has always advocated putting the people first, turned out to be a fellow!

In this way, it makes sense that she risked her life to save Lu Chen!

It's not a concubine's love at all, the husband and wife are deeply in love, it's just a simple sympathy for each other.

Chai Hongyu saw Lu Chen doing his best to benefit the people in Yuzhou, and was greatly shocked. The hatred for the court in his heart did not affect Lu Chen at all. Instead, he forgot his position as a traitor. Chen is a huge threat to kill him, but he is at all costs to keep him safe.

This is all because what they pursue is the same way!

Thinking of this, the eyes of several people looking at Chai Hongyu gradually became complicated.

It's a bit of a pity for such a strange woman who has a heart for the common people and does not lose her benevolence...

Alas, the beauty of Qingben, how can I be a thief...

But after Lu Chen himself heard these words, a certain kind of throbbing that had been hidden in his heart began to rise rapidly, pouring into his mind continuously, making him feel inexplicable and inexplicable.

But he knew that he did not reject this feeling.

In the past, he insisted on morality at all costs on the surface, and made all kinds of incomprehensible but inexplicably shocking astonishing acts, but now, someone is desperate for him and sacrifices his life for righteousness...

He hasn't become a fairy yet, and he still can't be hard-hearted.

Chai Hongyu's move deeply touched his heart.

Seeking happiness for the common people...and benefiting the common people...

What I saw and heard in Yuzhou City, those people who were hungry and cold, but were oppressed by the government and the king of Yu, killed wantonly like ants, the dilapidated farmhouses, the expressions of the people crying with joy when they received the relief food he personally delivered... ... Scenes kept hitting his mind.

Although he was silent, with an unresponsive and calm appearance, in fact, his heart was overwhelmed.

Lu Chen was not the only one who was silent. The courtiers who criticized him before and threatened that "If Lu Chen is not punished, the country will be destroyed", also fell silent, without saying a word.

After a while, the voice of the Empress resounded in the Tai Chi Hall again.

"So that's the case, I know."

As she spoke, she turned her head slightly, and looked at Lu Chen who was silent at the bottom of the jade steps, who seemed to be thinking about something important.

"Lu Qing, this is what you said before, the truth is that those who have attained the Dao will be helped more, and those who have lost the Dao will be helped less?"

Hearing the empress asking himself, Lu Chen suddenly came back to his senses, then sighed inexplicably, and said softly:

"Yes, Your Majesty."

"Lu Qing really has a good idea."

The Empress gave a heartfelt admiration.

"Governing benevolently, doing righteous deeds, even the enemy can be influenced, Lu Qing, you really taught me a good lesson."

Having said that, she looked at Lu Chen with a look of reverence gradually.

"This truth, I will definitely keep it in my heart from now on, and I will spend my whole life implementing it to the end. I... will also embark on the way of helping the world that you are pursuing, Qing Lu!"

Lu Chen: "..."

Just when Lu Chen was constipated, the expressions of the other courtiers suddenly became complicated when they heard what the empress said.

Especially Chen Cang.

Seeing that the Empress recognized Lu Chen so much, Ai Wu Ji Wu Xia had no doubts about the female traitor Chai Hongyu's words that were obviously beneficial to Lu Chen. Seeing that the matter seemed to be settled, his complexion suddenly turned extremely pale, Even breathing became a little rough.

A stern look flashed in his eyes when he thought of what would happen to him after this matter ended in this way.

Then, when the Empress and Lu Chen met each other, he suddenly stood up, fixed his eyes on Chai Hongyu, and asked in a cold voice:

"Chai Hongyu, didn't you say you want to prove your innocence for Lu Shilang? Could it be that these words are your way of proving?"

As soon as the words came out, the empress frowned instantly.

Immediately afterwards, without waiting for others to speak, Chen Cang said again: "As the saying goes, there is no proof, evidence is needed to handle the case, and corresponding evidence is also required to reverse the case, otherwise who knows if you said this to keep Lu Chen lie?"

"Of course not."

Chai Hongyu responded to Chen Cang expressionlessly, then suddenly knelt down on one knee, and at the same time cupped her hands towards the empress.

"Your Majesty, I would like to use the technique of soul searching to prove that Governor Lu and I are innocent and have absolutely no connection with each other!"

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