As expected, the fact that Lu Chen and Chai Hongyu depended on life and death and fought side by side was completely exposed, and pictures of the two of them sharing weal and woe and not giving up each other continued to spread at an extremely fast speed.

At the same time, many "people with lofty ideals" from Yuzhou beat the Dengwen drum, and some people went to the Metropolitan Procuratorate to report.

Not only that, Lu Chen's residence in Xicheng was also patronized by some capable people with a heart for the country. After digging three feet, they actually found some suspicious things that were very likely to be related to the rebels. It was spread out at the first time, and it spread in just two days.

When they learned that the recognized No. 1 loyal minister of Yongchu was so close to a rebel leader, many people with lofty ideals were completely angry and felt deeply deceived.

Not only them, many courtiers who disliked Lu Chen, as well as wealthy families in Beijing, dignitaries, aristocratic families, and even ordinary people who didn't know the truth, began to scold Lu Chen severely at this time.

As Yan Song said.

Looking back at the picture recorded in the stone, it doesn't matter what happened in it, nor who recorded it. Whether it can be used as ironclad evidence to directly let the empress take down Lu Chen is not the key to a certain extent.

The key point is the relationship between Lu Chen and the rebel general.

As we all know, whether it is a retrospective stone or a talisman, or a phonogram and a projection talisman, the things recorded in it are unchangeable facts. After all, there is no PS in this world.

As long as Lu Chen can't prove that he and Chai Hongyu are innocent, he will be deeply involved and unable to extricate himself.

Rumors are an extremely terrifying force in this world where information is not well-developed.

Although the empress is strong and able to control the court, she is still unable to control the hearts of the people.

And obviously, empty words are never as easy to win people's trust as obvious evidence.

Although Lu Chen proved himself, this kind of empty self-proof seemed pale and powerless.

Even if Fu Wei, who was also a party involved in the catastrophe, testified in person, it could not change the fact that Chai Hongyu gave up his life to save Lu Chen.

It is obvious what ordinary people would think of when a traitor desperately tried to save a court official who was a great threat to them.

Lu Chen couldn't prove himself, even if Chen Cang and the others stopped talking, the situation would become more and more unfavorable for him, until he fell into the abyss completely, beyond redemption.

There is no need to rush.

In this case, unless another person involved in this incident comes forward in person and presents strong evidence to prove Lu Chen's innocence, Lu Chen's reputation will be completely ruined.

But is it possible?

When Lu Chen's reputation is completely discredited and he is branded as a traitor, if the empress forcibly favors him, she will really put the country and society at risk.

As the matter continued to ferment, more and more people joined the denunciation of the collapse under the impetus of caring people.

However, no matter how much they condemned, the Empress never ordered Lu Chen to be dismissed from office. Instead, she tried her best to comfort and encourage him, allowing him to work with peace of mind. Everything else is up to her.

Gu Simiao, who was the great general of the current dynasty, was on and off duty with Lu Chen every day, and they never left each other.

With this strong man in the Unity Realm, even if he left Ziji City, no one would be able to do anything to get Lu Chen.

Except for the other generals of the Zhu Kingdom who came to Luojing one after another to participate in the New Yuan Ceremony, few people in Beijing could withstand Gu Simiao's terrifying coercion.

Amidst countless insults and denunciations, Lu Chen still lived a fulfilling life as a senior official, handling all the official duties of the minister of the Ministry of Industry every day.

And on the fifth day after the Lu Xiwen was issued, this incident finally ushered in its climax.

The entire Guozijian was completely shut down, and almost all the supervisors, tribute students, teachers, and celebrities came to sit cross-legged in front of Xuanji Gate, as if they would not give up unless Lu Chen was punished, and were even willing to die for it.

After the mobilization of the Imperial College, many people of insight went to Xuanji Gate one after another, and many wealthy families sent people to the streets to hold up banners, scolding Lu Chen for being treacherous and cunning, and his crimes cannot be punished.

At this time, in the Tai Chi Hall.

The empress stared gloomyly at the bottom and knelt down on the ground, with Chen Cang as the leader, begging to kill Lu Chen to secure the world's courtiers.

"That is to say, if I don't follow their wishes, they will not be able to kneel at the Xuanji Gate?"

The cold voice made everyone tremble.

They knew that the empress was completely angry.

But... now, if they back down, it is uncertain whether there will be a chance to drive Lu Chen, an ignorant lunatic, out of the court in the future.

Chen Cang knocked his head heavily on the ground.

"Your Majesty, the government and the public are in a state of turmoil. Things have come to this point. The matter of Lu Chen has now aroused great public resentment. The court must give an explanation to the people of the world as soon as possible. Otherwise, your majesty's holy name will be damaged, the court's prestige will be lost, and the national law will be majestic. There is mourning, the consequences are really unpredictable!"

Zheng Zhong said very solemnly: "I beg your Majesty to put the Daxia River, Mountain and Sheji as the most important thing!"

As soon as the two finished speaking, the others raised their voices and shouted.

"I beg Your Majesty to give priority to the Great Xia's country and society!"


The empress clenched the armrest of the dragon chair tightly and smiled coldly.

"What if I don't agree?"

Hearing this, Chen Cang and the others immediately became tense.

At this point, His Majesty still refuses to give up. Is Lu Chen really that important to His Majesty...

At this time, Yan Song suddenly stood up, with a serious expression on his face:

"Your Majesty, the old minister has a message."

The Empress narrowed her eyes.


Yan Song coughed twice, and said slowly:

"Your Majesty, the situation is so serious this time, it's no longer the time to care about truth and falsehood. The most urgent thing is to appease the hearts of the people. The imperial court can no longer stand the toss."

He spoke slowly, neither accused Lu Chen of the same crime as Chen Cang and the others, nor exonerated Lu Chen, but looked at the current situation rationally from the perspective of a neutral person.

"If your Majesty can't bear to kill Lu Shilang to appease the public anger, I have an expedient plan. You might as well decree to remove Lu Shilang from his official position and put him in prison, so as to appease the people, and at the same time secretly send someone to investigate the truth. Collect evidence, or wait for this turmoil to pass and the matter to fade away, and then find an opportunity to rehabilitate Lu Shilang, and it will not be too late to reactivate Lu Shilang."

Hearing this, Lu Chen's eyes moved immediately.

This Yan Song, there is something...

However, no matter what calculations the old fox had in mind, these words still fit his heart.

It couldn't be more suitable.

So, without waiting for the empress to speak, he stood up and bowed to the empress.

"Your Majesty's kindness, I am deeply grateful to you, but the current situation is not optimistic. In the current state affairs, I am insignificant. Your Majesty should focus on the overall situation. In any case, I can only be grateful to Your Majesty, and have no complaints!"

Hearing this, the empress was slightly moved.

Even if he knew it was slander, he would sacrifice himself without hesitation for the sake of the overall situation.

Sure enough, this is Lu Chen, a unparalleled national soldier who only has the righteousness of the country in his heart, as long as it is for Da Xia, he will give everything without hesitation...

Such a courtier, how could she let him suffer the slightest grievance? !

After a while, she opened her mouth and was about to say something.

But at this moment——

"Your Majesty... Your Majesty!"

There was a sudden sound of urgent footsteps outside.

Immediately afterwards, a flustered eunuch with an indescribably shocked look in his eyes hurriedly stepped across the threshold of the Tai Chi Hall, walked to the Central Avenue, knelt down heavily on the ground, and panted heavily. Angrily, he stammered and said:

"Outside the Xuanji gate... there is a woman in red... please... ask for an audience!"

The woman in red?

Hearing this word, everyone couldn't help but startled.

It's about this time, what about the woman in red and the woman in blue, just drive them away and it's over.

Your Majesty's golden body, can anyone see it if he wants to?

However, a familiar premonition suddenly rose in Lu Chen's heart.

Could it be that……

The next second, as if to confirm his guess, the eunuch suddenly raised his head and said surprisingly:

"The woman in red...the woman in red looks exactly the same as the woman in the Shadow Transmission Formation who was dependent on Master Lu for life and death, and she also claimed that she is Chai Hongyu!!!"

Sorry, I overestimated myself, and I still didn't control the rhythm well. I will continue to explode tomorrow, and I must finish writing Chai Hongyu's plot as soon as possible!

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