"Brother Huang, look at this."

Inside Zichen Hall, the empress suddenly took out some hardcover documents and handed them to Jiang Chengdao.

"What's this?"

Jiang Chengdao took it curiously, and asked softly as he opened it.

The Empress didn't give a shit, and said straight to the point: "This is some information about the national policy of supporting the clan that I have compiled and listed, including the number of clans each year since the restoration of the ancestor Emperor Guangwu to the present, the financial expenditure required to support the clan, and There are the annual imperial revenue, the cadastral and household registration changes that have been investigated several times."

As she said that, a cold look suddenly flashed in her eyes, "I deduced some interesting things through the calculation method taught by Lu Qing, and I wrote them all in, please take a closer look, Brother Emperor."

Hearing this, Jiang Chengdao seemed to realize something, and then looked at it seriously.

A moment later, the sword eyebrows on his incomparably handsome face were slightly frowned, and as the content deepened, the frown became tighter and tighter, and his eyes became more dignified.

After a cup of tea, he slowly put down the document in his hand, and at the same time asked with a serious face: "What's your majesty's plan?"

The Empress shook her head, but did not answer right away, but picked up another document from the table and handed it to Jiang Chengdao.

"Brother Huang, look at this again."

While Jiang Chengdao was receiving the letter, she added: "This is some of the thoughts and suggestions he gave me on this matter when I had a long talk with Lu Qing all night before."

"Lu Chen's suggestion?"

Jiang Chengdao's spirit was immediately revived by the Empress' words.

To be honest, although there is no ill feeling towards Lu Chen, a future important minister who is destined to ascend to a high position during his younger sister's reign, as long as there are no accidents, although he has no bad feelings and has a lot of good feelings, but it is limited to his personality and character.

In terms of ability, he felt that this gentleman was still a little immature.

After all, although Lu Chen has repeatedly made extraordinary achievements, the element of luck in these achievements is too great.

When the empress seized power, he just stood up when everyone was silent and devoted himself to the empress at all costs, but in fact, he didn't play any key role in essence.

It's just that being loyal to the emperor is the greatest contribution.

As the saying goes, one handsome man hides one hundred ugliness, with this kind of credit, it is enough for him to be safe, prosperous and rich all his life.

Afterwards about Xia Yan, he only relied on his past impressions to believe that the old county magistrate must have not abandoned his conscience, and he did not find the most critical evidence to reverse the case of Xia Yan, who even gave up on himself at the time.

It was Fang Ping who really noticed something wrong with this case.

So it doesn't reflect his outstanding ability.

It's the same with the barren state this time.

Although Lu Chen performed well when he served as the governor of the two states, it was limited to a corner of the country, and the real pillars of the country are ministers who seek the country, not only to manage the affairs of the court in an orderly manner for the king, but also to take care of the overall situation , with a long-term vision, focus on the world to make profits for the court, and assist the king to open up or continue the prosperous age.

There is no doubt about Lu Chen's loyalty, but his talents and abilities need time to accumulate.

Jiang Chengdao felt that Lu Chen was indeed a piece of beautiful jade worthy of careful carving and needed to be cultivated, but he should not be placed in such a high position from the beginning.

You should start from the official of the six departments, settle down down-to-earth, and grow into a minister of the Zhu Kingdom step by step.

Jiang Chengdao actually had some complaints about Lu Chen relying on the Empress's trust to put forward his opinions and suggestions on such an important state matter.

Isn't this kid a little bit flustered after making outstanding achievements in succession?

However, after seeing the contents of the document, his mind changed completely!

From being very interested at the beginning, it became quite surprising, and in the end, it was full of splendor, as if the door to a new world had been opened.

"Is this really what he came up with?"

Jiang Chengdao asked with a shocked face.


The empress nodded, and asked softly, "What do you think, Brother Huang?"

Jiang Chengdao thought for a while, and then slowly expressed his judgment: "Although it is a bit too aggressive, there is generally no problem with the thinking. It only needs to be improved a little, but it is still a good way to blindly govern the country."

Hearing this, the empress couldn't help but relax slightly.

Jiang Chengdao flipped through the documents again, and then said with emotion: "For being able to come up with such a good strategy for governing the country, this Lu Chen can be called a scholarly man and a pillar of talent. Given time, he might become a famous minister who will be famous in history." Weichen, I have underestimated him a bit."

Hearing that Jiang Chengdao had such a high opinion of Lu Chen, the Empress' eyes couldn't help but move slightly.

"Your brother thinks so too?"


Jiang Chengdao nodded lightly, and then continued: "I can now understand why your majesty is so eager to promote him to the right servant of the Ministry of Industry."

"Indeed, with Lu Chen's talent, putting him in the position of Lang Guan to start training is simply a waste of time and waste of time."

Obviously, the policies in the document on the use of the method of counting and the reform of the method of clan support are very much in line with his wishes.


Jiang Chengdao gently closed the document, put it aside, and then continued: "Such a rare pillar of the country should have a higher starting point than others, and the position of servant is just right."

"Well, it's fine if the emperor doesn't object."

The empress nodded slightly.

"Lu Qing is not only loyal, but also has a pure character. He is also extremely knowledgeable and capable. I have great expectations for Lu Qing. In my heart, he is my only candidate for the cabinet chief."

Hearing this, Jiang Chengdao couldn't help but feel his heart move.

"The head of a hundred officials is not so easy to sit firmly."

"I know."

The corner of the queen's mouth raised slightly.

"So I plan to let Lu Qing rotate all the important positions in the six ministries. If conditions permit, the confidentiality of the three courtyards and nine temples can also be considered."

Hearing this, Jiang Chengdao was stunned for a moment.

Six important posts

Most of the world's affairs are in the six departments, and all the departments of the six departments are in charge. This... I'm afraid it's not going to heaven!

Is your foundation too exaggerated?

He wanted to persuade her, but Jiang Chengdao felt a little relieved when he thought that his sister was the supreme being who was once in ten thousand years and could be fully recognized by Yuxi.

This pair of young Mingjun and virtuous ministers acted a little out of line, but it didn't seem to be a big deal.

Soon, he turned his attention to the document in front of him.

Now the demon queen is under execution, and Gu Simiao's design lures them to the barren state to eliminate most of the unstable factors in the provinces.

Although there are still rebels such as Shenggong Yu Jiuyuan who took advantage of the chaos during the chaos of the Empress Dowager Zhao to ravage the place, but as long as the court is not chaotic and the Holy Lord is in court, they have little chance to disturb the world.

So, it's almost time to focus on martial arts.

But if one wants to open up a prosperous age, one has to face all kinds of long-standing disadvantages of the Great Xia Empire that have continued to this day.

"This reform policy favors the clan"

Jiang Chengdao groaned, and said slowly: "Your Majesty, you are going to let the humble minister come out with this trick, aren't you?"

"Brother Huang is really smart."

The empress gave a compliment.

"That's exactly what I plan to do."

However, her praise not only did not make Jiang Chengdao happy, but was inexplicably speechless.

The Empress continued: "This matter involves the interests of hundreds of thousands of clans. Those who rely on the blood of the royal family to seek pleasure and have short-sightedness cannot easily back down. The person who did it hates it to the bone.”

"So, this matter must be led by someone who is extremely important and able to suppress the clan. Brother, you are the master of the holy realm, and you are a detached existence. There is no better candidate than you."

Jiang Chengdao didn't answer right away, but looked at the documents on the desk and sighed with emotion.

"Your Majesty, you missed something."


The Empress looked at him suspiciously.

There was a heavy color in Jiang Chengdao's voice.

"As the saying goes, one small change affects the whole body. Any political change will affect the original distribution of interests. As the co-lord of the world, His Majesty must distinguish the pros and cons before issuing decrees, especially the law of change, and know right from wrong. Who is the beneficiary and whose interests will be harmed, predict the reactions of all parties, and identify risks."

The empress frowned suddenly.

"Brother Huang means"

"The target of this law is not only the clan."

Jiang Chengdao's voice became deeper and deeper.

"If it is implemented, the imperial court will naturally save a large amount of financial expenditure, and under the thunderous means of the imperial court, if the clan wants to maintain the extravagant life in the past, they have to focus on the semi-permanent annual income, which is more or less, and the annual income , is linked to the local people.”

"Your Majesty, think about it, if under the premise of strict supervision and no increase in tax items and many other restrictions, according to Lu Chen's thinking, if the local clan wants to increase their income, they will probably have to make the cake bigger, so that they can I got more, even more than the original fixed salary."

"Once they taste the sweetness, they will definitely be crazier than when they opposed it. In their eyes, those people are no longer livestock that can be trampled at will, but food, silver and spirit stones for walking. At that time, Local conflicts will change, so it’s hard to say who the real interests are damaged.”

"And one more taxpayer, or one more taxpayer, they can share more money. In this way, this national policy that monks and gentry don't pay taxes. Tsk tsk"

Hearing this, the Empress gradually revealed a thoughtful look on her face.

Jiang Chengdao said again: "Although the clan has no right to govern the place, nor does it have food, even under Lu Chen's proposal, even the privileges have been reduced a lot, but they are still nobles with royal blood."

"The clans within three generations are not ordinary people. Every member of the clan has the right to file a letter to the Tianzong Mansion. If anyone hinders them from making profits, they will dare to file a letter, and even go directly to Beijing!"

Hearing this, the empress fully reacted, and a deep light suddenly flashed in her eyes.

"So... it's not just about the clan, it's the lifeblood of some people?"

Jiang Chengdao suddenly sneered.

"Those people are not like the clans that are raised like pigs by the imperial court. Among them, there are quite a few smart people with long-term vision. It is impossible for no one to realize that this matter is likely to endanger their own interests, so once they come to their senses, , the resistance to changing the treatment of the clan is not something ordinary people can bear."

The empress picked up the teacup, and took a sip expressionlessly.

"Sure enough, this matter can only be borne by you, Brother Huang."

Jiang Chengdao laughed.

"Your Majesty is right to ask Weichen to take the lead in this matter. Except for Weichen, no one can afford this burden. Lu Chen probably knows that although the innovation will benefit the world, it will bring countless benefits to Great Xia. The benefit of this is to continue the national destiny, but it is extremely dangerous, in order to prevent His Majesty from worrying and shrinking, this was not mentioned."

Hearing this, the empress couldn't help but sighed softly, but said nothing.


Jiang Chengdao seemed to suddenly think of something, and said with a smile: "Your Majesty asked Lu Chen to start with the right servant of the Ministry of Industry as a good move."

As he said that, before the empress could speak, he went on to say: "Lu Chen first ascended to a high position, and his foundation is not stable. Without the support of the head of the Ministry, it will be difficult to convince the public. There may be a lot of trouble at the beginning, but in the Ministry of Industry But there is no such problem.”

"He used to be an engineering teacher, so he is no stranger to the affairs of the Ministry of Industry, and he has dealt with many people in the Ministry of Industry, and he has a good personal relationship with Xiao Shangshu. I heard that when the Demon Queen was in chaos, Xiao Shangshu He came forward several times to solve troubles for him who had just entered the officialdom at that time."

"Now that the water control is over, she has already set off to return to the capital. When she returns to the court, Lu Chen will just complete the handover and be officially promoted to the position of the right servant of the Ministry of Industry. By then, the two will be a perfect match."

Hearing this, the empress interrupted with a calm face: "Xiao Yun has shared worries for the country for many years, and has outstanding political achievements. In addition to the achievements in water control this time, when she returns to Beijing this time, I will let her join the cabinet and add Lingyun. He is a Bachelor of Ge University, and also a secretary of the Ministry of Rites."

Jiang Chengdao: "???"

While the empress and Jiang Chengdao were discussing the secrets, Lu Chen was scribbling in the engineering office, constantly sorting out the things he thought of about the changes in the treatment of the clan and writing them into the documents.

Before I knew it, most of the day passed.

More than half of the memorial was written.

Seeing that it was almost time for the next shift, Lu Chen remembered that he had promised Gu Simiao to go back with her, so he stopped the pen in his hand, started to pack his things, and prepared to leave.

However, at this moment——

"Lord Lu."

A familiar voice suddenly sounded outside the door.

Lu Chen looked up, and suddenly saw the little eunuch Xiao Li, who had met a few times before, walking towards him with a smile on his face.

The smile on the face is like a chrysanthemum.

"Huh? Eunuch Li, why are you here?"

Li Ying walked up to Lu Chen, bowed slightly to salute him, and then said, "Your Majesty calls you over, let this servant come over and show you the way."

Hearing this, Lu Chen suddenly had a strange feeling.

It's almost the end of the shift, and the empress let him go, obviously wanting him to work overtime...

Inexplicably, when I was a social animal in my previous life, I was specially selected by unscrupulous leaders to hold meetings or assign extra work when I was about to get off work.

And they don't give overtime pay and compensatory time off

Shaking his head, Lu Chen shook off the messy thoughts in his head, and then asked Li Ying: "Did your majesty say what you are summoning me for?"

Li Yingdao: "Your Majesty said that I need to ask you about some arithmetic problems."

Lu Chen understood immediately, then nodded, and said to Li Ying: "Eunuch, wait a moment, let me prepare."

Li Ying quickly agreed.

Afterwards, Lu Chen explained to a few colleagues beside him that if Gu Simiao came to look for her later, he would say that he was summoned by His Majesty and he was not sure when he would come back, so she should go back first.

After the confession, Lu Chen and Li Ying walked towards Zichen Palace together.

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