Under the watchful eyes of all the courtiers, Gu Simiao spoke slowly, "I beg you to change the title of Taihe County."

Hearing this, everyone immediately showed a look of doubt.

There are seventy-five provinces in the three capitals of the Great Xia, and there are more than 7,000 prefectures and counties. It is impossible for most courtiers to remember the names and locations of all prefectures and counties, but this Taihe County is known to almost every courtier.

And also know the specific situation there.

Because Taihe County, like Xingping County, is a county under Shuntian Prefecture.

It is naturally impossible for a court official who can live in a temple not to remember the county under the Emperor's feet.

But it is precisely because they know that they are puzzled.

Although the land of Gyeonggi is extremely prosperous, it is not all fertile land. There are also many middle-level and low-level counties. That's why Lu Chen, the magistrate of Xingping County, has a particularly high gold content.

Although Xingping County is not as expensive as Luojing, it is also a prosperous and prosperous place with plenty of oil and water. Moreover, with the empress's favor for Lu Chen, as long as Lu Chen is willing, he can definitely bring many wealthy households into the food court. Yap.

You can receive a lot of money, food and spirit stones just by lying down.

But Taihe County is different.

Taihe County is located in the northwest corner of Luojing, more than two hundred miles away from Luojing, and is located between two black mountains covered with coal.

The special terrain and geology make most of the land there extremely barren.

Not to mention being able to grow spiritual food with spiritual energy, even if it is ordinary food, only a small amount of farmland can grow it, and it can't feed many people at all.

Without enough fertile land, there would naturally be no population. The entire county has a population of less than 10,000 households. There are very few wealthy households, and most of them are poor.

Not to mention being compared with Jiangling County, which has a population of one million, it is also far away from Xingping County.

Exchange the magistrate of Jiangling County's three thousand food towns for the magistrate of a worthless county?

They really couldn't understand, what was going on in Gu Simiao's mind?

The empress frowned slightly, and asked softly: "If I remember correctly, then Taihe County is the worst county in Shuntian Prefecture, with very little income every year, Gu Aiqing, you give up the rich land of Jiangling and choose the barren land of Taihe County , but is there any special reason?"

Lu Chen also looked over.

Under everyone's curious eyes, Gu Simiao nodded without hesitation.

"Your Majesty is wise, the reason why this humble minister is like this is indeed because of a special reason."

Hearing this, the empress glanced at Lu Chen imperceptibly, and then asked, "Can you tell me?"


Gu Simiao nodded, and continued:

"Ten years ago, when Weichen was studying in the Zongmen, there was a senior sister who cared the most for Weichen and was like a sister with Weichen. Later, during a sect experience, Weichen walked with the senior sister."

Having said that, her voice became inexplicably heavy, her jaw drooped slightly, and her eyes dimmed a little.

In her low-pitched narration, everyone soon knew the past of this peerless hero who was once in a millennium.

Ten years ago, when she was fifteen years old, she had just stepped out of the sect. During that sect training, because of her youthful vigor and arrogance, she refused to listen to the advice of her fellow senior sisters, so she accidentally fell into the evil spirit. trap.

In order to protect her, her senior sister died tragically under the evil claws.

This incident became the regret of Gu Simiao's life.

After talking about the past ten years ago, Gu Simiao's little hands under the sleeves tightened inexplicably.

"Senior sister was born in a poor family, but she is a girl from an ordinary family in Heitu Village, Taihe County. She told me before she was alive that she didn't have much ambition in her life. She only hoped that after leaving the sect, she would have the opportunity to return to her hometown , to benefit the village."

"If there is still energy left, I will help all the people and benefit the poor people like her back then."

Hearing this, Lu Chen suddenly showed a look of surprise.

The county magistrate of Jiangling, who gave up three thousand households in Shiyi, condescended to be the magistrate of Taihe County. Was it because of his obsession with the savior?

At this time, Gu Simiao said again: "Senior sister risked her life to save this official, and this official will naturally inherit her beliefs and wishes. Therefore, a high official and rich salary is not what this official wants. I just want to replace my senior sister and realize her dream." Ideals and aspirations that have no chance of being realized.”

After finishing speaking, she bent her knees directly, knelt heavily on the ground, and sincerely asked:

"I wish His Majesty the best!"

After the words fell, all the courtiers couldn't help being slightly moved.

The Empress also had a strange look on her face.

The next second, before she could weigh the pros and cons in her mind, Jiang Chengdao's voice suddenly sounded in her ears.

"Promise her, Your Majesty."

Hearing Jiang Chengdao's sound transmission, the Empress was taken aback for a moment, and then said silently in her mind:

"Brother Huang was moved by Gu Aiqing's words?"

"A little bit."

Jiang Chengdao responded casually, obviously, his focus was not on this.

"It doesn't matter how this kind of thing is. What Wei Chen wants to say is that it is almost time to prepare for Wei Chen's arrangement after returning to the Cangming Realm."

Hearing this, the Empress' complexion suddenly sank.

"Is the emperor leaving?"


Jiang Chengdao responded lightly:

"The Holy Realm is related to the stability of the world. No matter what happens, there can be no accidents. It has been nearly a month since I left the country. Before leaving, the evil-sealing array arranged with the help of His Majesty's supreme holy power and my minister's holy spirit power is about to reach its limit. , before the evil spirit breaks the seal, I must rush back to the Holy Realm, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous."

"Your Majesty cannot be without the support of a general, and now the only one who can make you rest easy on this matter, besides Fu Yu, is Gu Simiao."

"Although the other generals of the Zhu Kingdom who have the strength of Guiyi have joined His Majesty, their hearts are far away, and their loyalty has yet to be verified. Besides, except for the barren state, other borders are still under the threat of alien iron hooves and cannot be moved lightly. , and Gu Simiao performed outstandingly in the matter of the Demon Empress."

"So, taking advantage of this opportunity to award meritorious ministers, keeping her in Luojing and serving as your Majesty's right-hand man with Fu Wei who is about to return to Beijing is the most suitable choice at present."

After the words fell, the empress thought for a while, then nodded secretly.

What Jiang Chengdao said was correct, during the six months when he returned to the Cangming Realm with at least half of the Cangming Army to rebuild and repair the Great Formation of Fengxie, it was impossible for her to rely entirely on his supreme power as before.

Someone has to take his place to some extent.

And the strongest under the Holy King is none other than a martial artist in the Unity Realm.

Both Fu Wei and Gu Simiao are excellent candidates.

After thinking up to this point, the empress stopped hesitating, and the moment her eyes regained focus, she slowly opened her mouth and said to Gu Simiao who was half kneeling underneath:

"Gu Aiqing is so affectionate and righteous to her savior, how can I be that hard-hearted villain?"

Hearing this, Gu Simiao's expression relaxed slightly, and then she cupped her hands and said, "Thank you for your kindness, Your Majesty."

The empress raised the corner of her mouth slightly, showing a meaningful smile, and then said: "It's too early to thank you now."

As she spoke, she suddenly glanced at the somewhat loose queue of the military officer system, and then raised her voice:

"Gu Simiao, governor of the barren state, deeply understands righteousness and is loyal to the country. He was granted the title of county magistrate of Taihe County, added the title of Prince Shaobao, and was granted the title of governor of all Chinese and foreign military forces, a general of martial arts, and in charge of the military affairs of Sili."

As soon as these words came out, the officials were stunned for a moment.

Even Gu Simiao herself was taken aback.

She never expected that after this operation, not only did she not anger the emperor, but she got a lot of compensation.

After the other courtiers reacted, they couldn't help looking at Jiang Chengdao.

The county magistrate of Taihe County and the prince Shaobao are all false.

The official position that really needs attention is the Shenwu General, the head of the military attache.

This is the top military officer commanding 800,000 forbidden troops!

The previous Great General of Shenwu was Xia Houyan, the same teacher of the Demon Queen. He is one of the most core figures in the Demon Queen's clique. .

Of course, Gu Simiao is fully qualified to sit in this position.

Whether it is merit, or loyalty, or birth.

She met almost all the criteria.

But meeting the conditions does not mean that she will be able to sit in that position.

The key to the problem lies in the Holy King Cangming.

Although the Forbidden Army has been reorganized now, the soldiers and horses that maintain the order in Luojing and replace the Forbidden Army Wu Shoujing Division who betrayed the emperor before are almost all the Cangming Army brought out by the Holy King Cangming.

As long as he doesn't nod his head, no one can touch Luo Jing's military power.

Even the emperor is the same.

However, under the worried or expectant eyes of everyone, Jiang Chengdao turned around without hesitation, and shouted to the empress:

"Your Majesty is wise!"

Seeing his straightforward statement, Fang Ping, Liu Dongyang and other courtiers immediately breathed a sigh of relief, and then unanimously bowed their hands together, shouting that Your Majesty is wise.

With the finalization of Gu Simiao's change of rewards, this grand ceremony with the theme of meritorious deeds came to an end.

After the eunuch screamed "retreat", all the courtiers filed out and left the Tai Chi Hall, while Jiang Chengdao followed the empress and went to the Zichen Hall with her.


Just as he walked out of the Tai Chi Hall with a few colleagues who congratulated him on his promotion, Gu Simiao's voice came from behind him.

Those guys bid farewell to Lu Chen tactfully and left quickly, while Lu Chen turned his head and looked at Gu Simiao.

"Miss Gu, what's the matter?"

Seeing his indifferent look, Gu Simiao was startled for a very brief moment, then chuckled lightly and said, "It's nothing, I just came here to congratulate you."

Lu Chen: "."

Please don't congratulate me, I feel bad afterward.

Gu Simiao smiled again and said: "It is not without precedent to be directly promoted from the seventh rank to the third rank, and even promoted to the ninth rank, but it is very rare. Your Majesty treats you so well that you are so enviable." Woolen cloth."

Hearing this, Lu Chen felt numb in his heart.

Then he shook his head calmly and said: "There is nothing to congratulate. In the eyes of the subordinates, no matter what the position is, its essence is to be loyal to the country and the society, to benefit the people of the world, and to do things." It's just different, there is no distinction between high and low."

"As the saying goes, to seek his own government in his position, to be in an important position, especially to be promoted in an exceptional way, means to shoulder countless times heavier responsibilities than before. Your Majesty loves the officials so much. The officials must do everything for the affairs of the state. This errand should be perfect, and only in this way can we repay Jun's kindness."

Hearing this meticulous answer, Gu Simiao's face that was originally smiling lightly became a little solemn.

"Huiyu is indeed as rumored, always so dedicated to his duties and conscientiously."

"Miss Gu won the prize."

Gu Simiao shook her head lightly, then sighed inexplicably.

"Huaiyu, although it's our duty as courtiers to eat the king's wealth and worry about the king's worries, life can't just be about business. When you should think about yourself, you still have to think about yourself."

Lu Chen frowned slightly: "Forgive me for being blunt, I don't know what Miss Gu is referring to?"

A meaningful smile spread across Gu Simiao's face.

"I have to say, Huaiyu, you really haven't changed a bit in the past few years. You are still as dead-headed and dull as when I rescued you."

Lu Chen frowned slightly.

Immediately afterwards, without waiting for him to ask, Gu Simiao said again: "Speaking of which, Huaiyu, I heard from Xiao Yi that you and he have been looking for my whereabouts these past few years, and now you finally know my identity. It's easy to meet again, don't you have anything special to say to me?"

Speaking of this, she suddenly narrowed her eyes, looking at Lu Chen with a hint of deep meaning.

However, after thinking about it pretendingly, Lu Chen simply shook his head.

"Besides thanking you, I have nothing to say to Miss Gu."

Gu Simiao: "."

The delicate little face was full of speechlessness.

This person is indeed a piece of wood.

Shaking her head, Gu Simiao shook off the distracting thoughts in her heart, and then said to Lu Chen calmly, "Huaiyu, remember not to leave in a hurry when you are on duty, wait for me in the Sixth Division Lang Gongfang."


At the same time, inside the Zichen Hall.

Gu Simiao was not the only one who lamented Lu Chen's rapid promotion, Jiang Chengdao was also a little emotional about it.

It's just that the empress has already declared the decree directly, so he can't openly oppose his sister in court and attack her authority.

Of course, it's not that he doesn't look down on Lu Chen, but he just thinks it's a bit of spoiling the seedlings.

After all, Lu Chen is really too young.

"Although the political achievements are enough, isn't it too early for Lu Chen?"

Hearing this, the Empress shook her head.

"When Lu Qing served as the governor of the two states, he did a very good job in all aspects. Not only was he able to coordinate all parties, allowing Xiao Aiqing to focus all his energy on water control, but he also managed the government affairs of the two states in an orderly manner, which was well received by the people. Love."

"And he is not only able to do things, but also dares to do things. He is not afraid of the powerful, dedicated to the public, and dares to be the first in the world. He is a rare and capable minister in the world. He is the right servant of the engineering department. I even feel that he is a bit overqualified. Woolen cloth."

"If it wasn't for worrying about his refusal, I would even directly promote him as Minister of the Ministry of Officials."

Seeing the empress' regretful expression, Jiang Chengdao couldn't help being a little speechless.

They have reached the sky in one step and directly became the servant, but my sister is still not satisfied.

Why don't you just let him join the cabinet directly.

It's finally the weekend, and the next two days will be used for codewords, adding more updates! ! !

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