Barren State, Motian City.

City Lord's Mansion.


With a crisp sound, the teacup in Gu Simiao's hand suddenly cracked, and then it was covered with countless tiny cracks in the blink of an eye, and finally shattered into countless pieces with a "bang", and spread them on the table.

A blue butterfly flapped its wings slowly an inch or so from her left eye.

Looking at the butterfly in front of her, she suddenly opened her small mouth slightly for some reason, and a strange meaning appeared in her slightly condensed eyes.

She was always calm and fairy-like in normal times, but at this time she was showing a trace of human fireworks.

The silver-white hair swayed back and forth in the breeze, and the black headband swayed accordingly.

Under the snow-like white clothes, as the breath grew longer, the heaving of the chest became more and more obvious.

After a while, he completely calmed down.

After a while, Gu Simiao stood up suddenly, and with a wave of her hand, the blue butterfly instantly turned into a little brilliance and gradually disappeared into the air.

"Cangyue, Xuanfeng."

She called out softly.

The next second, there was a rush of footsteps, and two figures in light armor, a man and a woman, appeared in front of Gu Simiao, bowing and saluting.

"What orders does the General have?"

Gu Simiao clasped her hands behind her back and said solemnly: "Pass down the commander's order and summon all the generals of all the guards with more than a thousand households to go to the Xuanxin City Lord's Mansion immediately. In addition, immediately open the Tianxing Great Formation and order Wushuangwei, Yonghewei, and Baiyuwei March at full speed, rush to Xuanqing Pass and Tianyu Pass, guard the main roads everywhere, order Shenwuwei Commander Bao He to lead 50,000 armored soldiers to the south, and Tianwuwei Commander Chen Qing..."

A series of plans came out of her small cherry mouth.

Hearing these orders, the faces of the two became more solemn.

After Gu Simiao finished speaking, Cang Yue hesitated for a moment, but still reminded her aloud: "General, such a large-scale mobilization of troops and horses, plus the arrangement of twelve heavenly formations...thousands of miles to expedite and arrange the large formations The required spirit stones, tattoos, and seals..."

Gu Simiao reached into her bosom, and took out a spiritual key from her bosom.

"Don't worry, I would have been prepared."

Seeing the spirit key, Xuanfeng suddenly widened his eyes.

"General, that's not what you plan to use..."

"no need."

Gu Simiao said calmly.

"Unlock the formation inside, and take out all the spirit stones, talismans, etc."

Hearing this, the two couldn't help but look at each other.

After the two of them took orders to leave, Gu Simiao walked to the window without haste, looked at the flying snow outside the window, clenched her fists slightly, her eyes gradually lost focus.


After being released from the sky prison, hundreds of members of the Gu family felt grateful for their survival after the catastrophe.

Only after staying in the dungeon once, exposed to the incomparably rotten atmosphere inside, and the despair permeated by the seemingly never-ending cries of grievances and begging for mercy, can one truly feel how beautiful the outside world is.

The person who was responsible for delivering the female emperor's oral order to release them was none other than Xuanji Wei Qianhu, Zhu Yong, who had arrested them in the sky prison before.

Looking at the Gu family who hugged each other and wept with joy just after they walked out of the dungeon, he impatiently picked out his earwax.

"Okay, don't cry here, cry home and cry."

As soon as Zhu Yong, a big, thick, and flesh-faced evil star, opened his mouth, all the Gu family members stopped crying.

No way, Zhu Yong has been supervised during this time, a little bit out of line, hitting or scolding, that unscrupulous cruelty cast a deep shadow on the bottom of everyone's heart, and they were afraid when they saw him.

Especially Mrs. Gu, when she saw that Zhu Yong was impatient, she faltered immediately and dared not speak again.

Gu Yanming was not afraid of Zhu Yong, but when everyone took two steps back subconsciously, he stepped forward, saluted Zhu Yong, and then said very calmly: "Zhu Qianhu, may I ask which lord is waiting for your majesty for me?" plead?"

Zhu Yong shrugged.

"Who else could it be? The loyal and unparalleled Lu Keshi, besides him and Lord Shengwang, who else in Luojing can save you now?"

As he spoke, he pursed his lips inexplicably.

Hearing this, Gu Yanming couldn't help but startled.

Having stayed in the capital for a while, I naturally know something about Lu Chen, a man who has become the emperor's favorite because of his passion.

In terms of admiration, there are some, but not to the point of admiration. After all, in his eyes, Lu Chen did not gain the emperor's trust because of his merit and ability, but just made the most correct choice at the most correct time That's all.

Simply put, it's just bad luck.

Most of such people are "happy and dead", and they have nothing to care about.

If there was no such thing, with Gu Yan's experience of knowing the destiny, he would definitely keep Lu Chen at a respectful distance, and he would never violate the river.

But now, when their Gu family was in danger, the other party reached out to give them a hand.

Although it didn't make their Gu family completely out of danger, it at least gave them a glimmer of life.

This favor is great.

Gu Yanming immediately asked: "That Lu Geshi...why did he help us?"

Zhu Yong yawned, and said boredly: "Fortunately, your precious daughter once saved Lu Geshi's life when he was young."

Hearing this, Gu Yanming was stunned for a moment, and then frowned inexplicably.

On the other hand, Mrs. Zhao's eyes lit up.

Zhu Yong said again: "Lu Geshi has always been a person who knows how to repay his kindness. In order to repay His Majesty's kindness, he dared to stand alone and be loyal to His Majesty when the Demon Queen's power was in power. Now it is the same. In order to repay you Your daughter's life-saving grace back then, she did not hesitate to protect your daughter with her future and life, which made His Majesty change his mind and temporarily spare you, otherwise, at three quarters in the afternoon the day after tomorrow, your heads will fall to the ground."

As soon as the words fell, Zhao's face suddenly showed ecstasy.

She opened her mouth, wanting to ask Zhu Yong something, but Gu Yanming suddenly stepped forward and cupped his hands at Zhu Yong.

"Thank you, Zhu Qianhu, for telling me that the Marquis has thanked you here. If there is another chance in the future, I will definitely come to thank you in person."

Zhu Yong's complexion improved a bit for this very polite words, and he was no longer as impatient as before.

He first glanced at Mrs. Zhao, and then said indifferently: "Although Lu Geshi knows how to repay his kindness, he has always been fair and dedicated to the public. He will not beg His Majesty to let you go because of personal interests, but just ask His Majesty to let you go." Before you have any real evidence, don't make things difficult for you and the Gu family, if Gu Simiao really betrays the imperial court, your ending will still be the same as before."

"The whole family is copied and chopped, and the nine clans are implicated."

Hearing this, Gu Yanming's complexion did not change at all, but Zhao's and the family members of the Gu family turned pale, apparently startled by Zhu Yong's words.

After Zhu Yong finished speaking, he didn't say any more. After asking Gu Yanming to sign the confirmation document, he turned and left.

After Zhu Yong left, Mrs. Zhao approached Gu Yanming, and said softly, "My husband, this matter about Lu may be our Gu family's last hope."

Gu Yanming didn't say a word.

Mrs. Zhao thought that he didn't understand what she meant, and said again: "Didn't Zhu Yong say that? Your Majesty believes in Chong Lu's affairs very much. His holy family is comparable to the Holy King Cangming who helped His Majesty seize power. His words can even affect the Holy King. Miao Er saved his life, as long as we take the initiative and persuade him to intercede for us in front of His Majesty."

"Go back first."

Before Mrs. Zhao could finish speaking, a look of impatience and boredom flashed in Gu Yanming's eyes, and then he suddenly stepped forward and walked forward.

"I'll go to Lu's house."

Hearing what he said, although Mrs. Zhao was somewhat dissatisfied with his actions just now, her eyes twinkled and she said excitedly: "Husband, wait for me, I will go with you."

"No need."

He didn't stop at all, and even accelerated a lot.

"Some words, you'd better not listen."

The moment the voice fell, his figure disappeared around the corner.

Just when Luo Jing was getting more and more turbulent.

Thousands of miles away in Yuzhou, under Lu Chen's series of actions such as repatriating laborers, helping the people, mobilizing the army to control the flood, killing corrupt officials, and punishing the rebellious king, Yuzhou, where the people were struggling to survive, has become more peaceful and peaceful now, as if A picture of the coming prosperity.

Zhao Ping, the former magistrate of Yuzhou, and his accomplices were murdered by the former governor of the two states, Lu Chen, and involved in the case of empty warehouses in the three provinces of Qingjiang, together with those wealthy families who dared to reach out to the official warehouses, were sent by Xuanjiwei and Yu, who were sent by Xiao Yun to reinforce them. Suizhou guards took all of them and escorted them to the capital.

In her rage, the empress didn't care about the law and blamed the public, and directly ordered all the officials involved in the case, especially the officials involved in the attack and murder of Lu Chen, and those who were in charge of the aristocratic family to be killed, and the rest of them were reduced to slavery.

There is absolutely no room for negotiation.

Only a few big families whose crimes were relatively minor or not involved in the case, and small and medium-sized families who were not qualified to participate in this feast of gluttony survived the catastrophe.

Most of the food, grass, spiritual stones and other materials transferred by them were also recovered, and then used to fill the official warehouse and compensate the local people.

As the "nobles" who were domineering and bullying men and women fled one by one, the common people finally realized that the sky in Yuzhou had finally changed completely.

Yuzhou, where they have lived all their lives, is finally about to clear the clouds and see the blue sky!

Afterwards, they stopped resisting Xuanjiwei's relief, and every time Xuanjiwei brought food, they greeted him with happy faces, and then bowed to him without waiting for Xuanjiwei to send food, thanking him a thousand times.

Some caring people with missions spared no effort to publicize Lu Chen's deeds in Yuzhou, so that countless people in Yuzhou remembered the name of this benefactor who brought them hope.

All of a sudden, hundreds of thousands of people set up longevity tablets for Lu Chen at home.

At this time, by the Tianmen River Dam.

More than 20,000 soldiers from Yuzhou Wei and Suizhou Wei are working hard, constantly strengthening the Tianmen River Dam, which has completely stopped the decline, and keeping the increasingly rapid flood out.

With sufficient human, material and financial resources, and the right time and place, the progress of various projects is surprisingly fast. In just ten days, most of the progress has been completed, and it will be completely completed in another ten days.

About an hour later, the officers and soldiers arrived for their shifts. They all had tired backs, rubbed their shoulders, followed Yuzhou Guard Commander Zhang Shiping, and walked towards the barracks.

Although they were very tired, there was not much dissatisfaction on their faces, but a kind of joy that never tired of it.

"Your Majesty has worked hard!"

As soon as they left the construction area, thousands of people who had been waiting outside trotted over with all kinds of food and handed them to the guards with smiles on their faces.

Looking at all kinds of melons, fruits, soups and congee and other snacks in front of them, feeling the love and affection from the hearts of the people, everyone just felt that the fatigue on their bodies was swept away. Meridians.

The blood in my heart was boiling, and an inexplicable emotion surged up.

Some warriors even have a faint feeling that they are about to break through.

At this moment, they seemed to have inexhaustible strength, and they stood up straight at once, instinctively not wanting to be seen by the people looking tired and embarrassed.

Including Zhang Shiping, a commander from a family of generals.

But Lao Zhang is used to being serious, as if his face is paralyzed, he has a stinky face all day long, and he doesn't pretend to be serious to anyone.

Even after receiving the gruel from the common people, he just nodded slightly, expressing his thanks without expression, and didn't say anything more.

Ordinary people would be scared away just by seeing his bear-like physique and that stinky face, how dare they be presumptuous in front of him?

Don't even dare to say a word.

But these people are different.

Not only did they not stay far away, but they moved closer together, watching Zhang Shiping with a bowl of porridge with smiles on their faces.

I searched the entire Great Xia and couldn't find many places where the army and the people were happy and harmonious, but it happened to appear in the Qingning Army, which has always been known for its rebelliousness.

After Zhang Shiping finished drinking the porridge, an old man with a rickety figure and white beard and hair suddenly came over, then suddenly fell to his knees, and said in a hoarse voice: "General Zhang, on behalf of all the villagers, I would like to ask There is one thing about the general, I hope the general agrees."

Hearing this, Zhang Shiping's big hand holding the bowl tightened slightly.

"Old man, let's get up first. If you do this, your life will be shortened. If you have anything to say, stand up and talk."

The old man stood up tremblingly under the support of the two men.

A group of soldiers noticed the strangeness here and looked over one after another.

Zhang Yu walked over slowly, stood behind Zhang Shiping, looking at the people in front of him who were hesitant to speak, his eyebrows frowned slightly.

Immediately afterwards, without waiting for him to think too much, the old man said in a trembling voice: "General, since the Governor-General entered Yu, he not only got rid of those damned corrupt officials and wealthy families who oppressed kindness, but also took their money-greedy and tyrannical tyranny. All the money and food that came were returned to me and other small people, and even a lot of compensation was given.”

"Everyone's life is much better, and life finally has something to look forward to. The imperial court treats us and the people so kindly, and sends a good official like the governor to Yuzhou to benefit us. How can we not give up our lives to repay us?" ?”

Hearing this, Zhang Shiping couldn't help but widen his eyes suddenly, and Zhang Yu's face on the side also showed surprise.

After a while, Zhang Yu didn't know what to think of, and a touch of shame flashed inexplicably in Zhang Yu's piercing eyes.

At this time, the old man bowed heavily again: "The matter of water control has always been the labor that we and the people should obey. It is just that the court is benevolent and righteous. Your Majesty loves the people like a son. Governor Lu cherishes the power of the people. He knows that we and the people of Yuzhou are not happy. It's a good thing, my stomach is not full of oil and water, and if I wait to do heavy work, I will wait to die, so that the military men can do what we should do for the common people. Now, with the help of the masters of Qingtian, the peasants have food After eating, I have recovered all my strength, how can I watch the soldiers wait so hard for me?"

"Besides, when I was suffering from hunger and cold, the military masters not only did not force me to work hard, but instead gave us money and food to send us back to the village. If it weren't for the unparalleled benevolence and righteousness of the military masters, I'm afraid I would have starved to death long ago. , old man, I don’t understand the big truth, but whoever treats me well, I should repay twice as much, and I ask the general to allow me to do my part in water control!”

The hoarse but extremely heavy voice fell, and all the people knelt down on the ground almost at the same time.

"Please allow me, General, to let us contribute to the water control!"

"Permission, General"

More than a thousand people shouted at the same time, and the gathered petition sounded like a turbulent wave crashing on the shore, hitting the hearts of all the soldiers around them heavily.

The people voluntarily petitioned to submit to labor labor, just to reduce the burden on the government.

This kind of story, which mostly only exists in the storybooks, actually happened in front of their eyes!

And the protagonists are still them!

Everyone's heartbeat accelerated suddenly, and their blood surged wildly.

Especially the few Qianhu and Zhangyu who were following Zhang Shiping, as well as the tens of hundreds of Baihu officials, general banners, etc. who were closer, and even Zhang Shiping himself, their breathing became inexplicably heavy.

In their minds, what Lu Chen said before inexplicably echoed.

"The people are like water, and the army is like fish. Water cannot be without fish, but fish cannot be without water."

"As the saying goes, the kindness of dripping water should be reciprocated when a spring springs up, and you have received the kindness of the people. If you don't think about repaying the people, how is it different from animals?"

Military and civilian fish and water!


It was like a thunderbolt flashed in my mind.

At this moment, they could only feel that the already hot blood in their bodies began to boil rapidly.

In the spiritual vein, a powerful force continuously poured in, rapidly widening the spiritual wall, increasing the speed of the spiritual power flow, and at the same time increasing the spiritual power that can be accommodated by a level in an instant.

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