
Hearing the empress's extremely familiar and decisive answer, Lu Chen suddenly had a black question mark on his face.


Just agree?

What about questioning? What about reprimand? What about the disappointed look?

Why is there nothing?

And it's like this again without asking a word, this little girl is endless, right?

Or is it because the Holy King is not here today, so I let myself go?

Thinking about it carefully, Lu Chen suddenly realized that apart from the time he invited him to Yuzhou, the Empress hesitated a little bit, other things, whether it was the retrial of Xia Yan's case, or requesting to reduce the Empress' fee, or this time Buy Gu Simiao time.

Whenever he asked anything, the queen's answer seemed to be so simple and direct.

Didn't even ask a question.

Such trust almost overwhelmed Lu Chen, and he instantly had the illusion that he would never be dismissed by the empress in his life.

However, the moment this idea first appeared, he was thrown out by him.

The expressions of the other ministers who reacted changed almost at the same time.

"Your Majesty can't!"

Liu Dongyang said anxiously: "The case of Gu Simiao has been settled in the court, and the official document for the Gu family's crime has also been issued. Before there is no hard evidence to reverse the case, how can we change it because of Lu's words?"

Several upright ministers who had just been recalled to the capital came out one after another and spoke out against it.

Facing the opposition from everyone, the empress calmly changed to a more comfortable sitting position.

"As Lu Qing just said."

I saw her leaning sideways, resting her cheek with one hand, and said calmly: "Without real evidence, you can't jump to conclusions. Since Gu Simiao hasn't committed any definite treason, then the Gu family is not responsible for anything, it's just that there is some suspicion." , How can I punish the family members of meritorious officials with such unreasonable things?"

Hearing this, Liu Dongyang didn't care whether he would offend Lu Chen, the well-deserved number one favorite of the Empress Dynasty, and said directly:

"Your Majesty, what Lu Jishi just said is very selfish. Since Gu Simiao has saved his life, he is suspected of favoritism. Not only should his words not be trusted, Lu Jishi should also avoid suspicion, and he should not interfere in this matter." .”

Hearing this, before the Empress opened her mouth, Lu Chen's eyes lit up.

This Liu Dongyang...is a friendly army!

When Liu Dongyang opened his mouth to speak for him just now, he thought that this guy was also a follower, but now...he turned around and turned on him. Obviously, the reason why he "helped" him just now was not because he was a big celebrity in the Empress Dynasty.

It's purely a matter of fact.

And such a person, although not as good as those "good teammates" who can't wait to get rid of him, the great threat of the sage Jilong, is still a good teammate, and it is better than those who dare not even fart. Soft eggs are much better.

While thinking, the empress' voice sounded again.

"I, trust Lu Qing."

One sentence sets the tone.

In this Gaowu society where the monarchy is supreme, when the emperor is the real emperor with absolute authority, the courtiers will always only have the right to make suggestions, not the right to make decisions.

Since the empress said so, the matter is basically settled, no matter what Liu Dongyang says, it is meaningless.

Realizing this, Liu Dongyang and Lu Chen froze slightly at the same time.

Liu Dongyang sighed slightly and didn't speak again.

At this time, the empress said again: "Liu Aiqing, the focus of the matter in the barren state is on Gu Simiao, the demon queen who fled to the west, and the rebellious officials and thieves who followed her. The Gu family is not important. Whether it is killing or releasing, it has little impact on the overall situation." , killing them is certainly to relieve hatred, but in essence it doesn't make much sense, as Lu Qing said just now, the harm outweighs the benefit."

All that said, the empress had given Liu Dongyang enough face.

What else can Liu Dongyang say?

So he had no choice but to bow down in response, and then obediently returned to his original place.


After Liu Dongyang and others retreated, the Empress suddenly raised her voice.

"Immediately release the Gu family and his family without charge, and order them to return to their residence in the capital. Apart from being unable to leave the capital, their freedom will no longer be restricted. At the same time, all communication techniques and information channels will be blocked, and no horses will be allowed to enter the wilderness. In addition, Order the Cangming Army to garrison the pass near the barren state, the original defenders will be used as auxiliary troops, and local labor labor is strictly prohibited..."

A series of orders were uttered from the mouth of the empress, which became the main content of the imperial decree issued by the early court.

In the end, she lowered her head inexplicably, and looked deeply at Lu Chen who seemed suspicious of life for some reason.

"From today, within half a month, no matter what Gu Simiao said or did, no matter what happens in the barren state, it has nothing to do with the Gu family. I will never ask anyone guilty!"

Hearing this, Lu Chen felt his scalp go numb for a while.

Within half a month? !

Regardless of whether Gu Simiao openly betrayed the imperial court or even launched an attack, the Gu family would not be implicated?

Damn, no matter how much you save face, there has to be a limit, right?

Your Majesty, do you think the 502 under my ass is not stable enough? !

The faces of Liu Dongyang and others changed suddenly, and even Fang Ping, who had always admired Lu Chen, couldn't help frowning.

"Your Majesty... this..."

"I have made up my mind."

The empress waved her hand, and said without a doubt: "You don't need to say more, just do what I say."

Hearing these domineering words, Liu Dongyang and others had no choice but to swallow back what they wanted to say, and then glanced at the place where Lu Chen was, with obvious dissatisfaction in their eyes.

Lu Chen: "..."

Soon, the court meeting ended in an increasingly weird atmosphere.

As always, Lu Chen left first and walked towards the direction of the Sixth Section Corridor.

"It's about Lu."

Liu Dongyang's voice suddenly sounded behind him.

Hearing someone calling him, Lu Chen turned his head, and then saw Liu Dongyang walking towards him quickly.

He stopped slowly, then cupped his hands towards Liu Dongyang, and said neither humble nor overbearing: "Is there something wrong with Liu Shangshu?"


Liu Dongyang nodded, and then said solemnly: "Master Lu really thinks that there is something hidden about the barren state, and Gu Simiao refused the imperial edict and welcomed the demon queen into the barren. Because there are other difficulties?"

Lu Chen lowered his eyes and said calmly: "I believe that she is by no means a shameless villain who abandons the righteousness of her family and country."

Liu Dongyang asked again: "Do you really have no selfish intentions?"

Lu Chen shook his head: "Yes, but not many."

This rather ambiguous answer obviously did not satisfy Liu Dongyang.

He frowned, then focused his eyes, and said solemnly: "Mr. Lu, Your Majesty trusts you very much now, and his trust is the highest in history. Even throughout the ages, there has never been a subject who trusts you so much as His Majesty." king, so..."

Having said that, his voice inexplicably became heavier.

"Your words and deeds will have a huge impact on His Majesty, on the Great Xia court, and even on the whole world. Although I don't want to admit it, Lu Geshi, you do have the ability to touch the general trend of the world."

Hearing this, a light flashed in Lu Chen's eyes.

Liu Dongyang said again: "The more this is the case, the more cautious people should be in their words and deeds. After all, if this trust is used in the right way, it can bring blessings to countless people in the Great Xia and extend the country's fortune for the Great Xia. Otherwise, it will harm all people, and even threaten the survival of Great Xia.”

As he said that, he suddenly raised his hand, and at the same time bowed slightly, bowing his hands to Lu Chen regardless of his official position.

"I also ask Lu to take the community into consideration and make good use of this trust to benefit the common people. Only in this way can we be worthy of His Majesty's absolute trust."

After the words fell, Lu Chen inexplicably fell silent.

Liu Dongyang remained motionless, just looking at Lu Chen like this.

After a while, Lu Chen slowly raised his head.

"Liu Shangshu's golden and good words, I will remember them in my heart."

He raised his hand and saluted Liu Dongyang back.

Seeing his extremely clear eyes, Liu Dongyang finally withdrew his hand and smiled slightly.

After a while, the two bid farewell to each other and left, and walked towards the public houses in diametrically opposite directions.

And the moment Lu Chen's figure disappeared by the wall.

From an inconspicuous eave above, a blue butterfly slowly flapped its wings and flew out, then flew outside naturally, until it disappeared completely, without attracting anyone's attention.

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