In just a moment, Lu Chen recalled the female sword fairy Xiao Yi mentioned through the memory of his predecessor.

I remember that it was about five years ago, when the predecessors, Xiao Yi and other rookies who had just passed the Zongmen Grand Competition went out to practice according to the usual practice, and were finally sent to Beiji Province to assist the local government in eliminating demons and defending Taoism.

When returning from the mission, one night, he walked into an abandoned dojo to rest for a while, but suddenly there was a demonic light inside, and a dozen bat-like evil spirits rushed out of it.

Although they reacted and rose up to resist, but the evil spirit inside was extremely strong, and there were all kinds of traps, and they were not evil opponents at all when they were fledglings.

Not long after, all the rookies died and were injured.

But the front body was hit in the chest by a claw, and at the same time, the whole body was sent flying hundreds of meters away.

Just as he was about to bury Xie Chong's incomparably sharp fangs, a sword light descended from the sky, directly splitting Xie Chong who was only a foot away from his predecessor into two halves.

Until now, Lu Chen can still clearly recall the feeling of being vaguely shrouded by the strong death at that time, one can imagine how thrilling it was at that time.

It was only a little bit short, and the predecessor was cold.

That's right, the female sword fairy who descended from the sky had the grace to save the life of her predecessor.

Not only that, but when he realized that his predecessor was seriously injured, he was also invaded by evil spirits. When he was almost hopeless, he immediately took out a precious medicine pill for his predecessor without any hesitation, thus saving his life. The predecessor's life.

After feeding the elixir to her predecessor, she raised her sword and rushed towards the evil spirits in the abandoned dojo, and then killed all the evil spirits in the blink of an eye, saving Xiao Yi and others.

So only the predecessor and Lu Chen, who inherited the memory of the predecessor, knew about this matter.

After killing evil and saving people, the female sword fairy not only didn't report her family name, she didn't even tell them her name, and she didn't expect them to repay them at all. After reminding them to be careful, she turned and left.

When passing by the predecessor, the predecessor endured the severe pain of the wound and asked the name of the female sword fairy, so that he could repay the life-saving grace in the future.

But the female sword fairy still didn't reveal half of it.

In the end, seeing that the wound on the previous body almost burst due to excitement, he said lightly: "If you insist on repaying, then if you have the opportunity to become an official in the future, you should be a good official. Take it as accumulating some for my heart of seeking Taoism." It's a merit."

After saying these words, she floated away and disappeared in front of her predecessor in the blink of an eye.

Afterwards, although everyone inquired many times, they couldn't find the place where the female sword fairy practiced.

I don't know if she comprehended the Tao in a blessed place far away from the world of mortals, or because of other reasons, she no longer walks in the secular world of mortals.

Thinking of this incident, Lu Chen couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

"Of course I remember, she is our savior. If I forget, how can I stand in this world?"

Hearing this, Xiao Yi sighed inexplicably.

"Knew it……"

Lu Chen asked with some doubts: "Why did Brother Ruoyu mention this? Did you find any news about her?"

Speaking of this, a turmoil welled up in the depths of his heart.

That was the last ray of obsession left by the predecessor.

Xiao Yi didn't speak immediately, but hesitated for a long time before slowly opening his mouth: "To be honest, I have already found out the real identity of that female sword fairy, it's just..."

Hearing this, Lu Chen's eyes moved immediately.

"Brother Yu, please speak frankly?"

Xiao Yi put down the teacup, then sighed quietly.

"Huaiyu, if I tell you that the female sword fairy has degenerated into a shameless villain who is greedy for power, abandons her family to follow the demon queen in order to keep her high position, and intends to subvert His Majesty's orthodoxy..."


Before Xiao Yi could finish speaking, Lu Chen interrupted decisively: "She is definitely not such a person."

But for him who spoke so righteously, his heartbeat was gradually accelerating at this time.

Like instinct, he smelled something unusual.

Xiao Yi obviously had expected Lu Chen's reaction at this time, and was not surprised at all.

He looked at Lu Chen calmly, and said softly: "Her surname is Gu, her name is Simiao, and her style name is Yongqing. The fiancée of Zhao Feifan, the eldest son of the Zhao family where he lives later."

Hearing this, Lu Chen couldn't help but his heart beat wildly.

"Gu Simiao? The youngest Zhu Guo general in Great Xia's history?"

Xiao Yi nodded slightly.

"That's right, it's her."

Lu Chen's eyes widened suddenly, and an imperceptible excitement flashed across his unbelievable eyes.



Xiao Yi said in a deep voice: "This is reliable news that I only got a few days ago. I dare to guarantee with my life that I will never be wrong!"

Lu Chen clenched his fists violently after receiving the very affirmative reply from this classmate who had helped his predecessor many times.

The last obsession of the predecessor emerged crazily.

Of course, Lu Chen is no stranger to Gu Simiao, a famous and outstanding person who has already stepped into the realm of unity at the age of twenty-five.

Naturally, I also know that as the governor of Huangzhou in the imperial court, she commanded 700,000 Cangling troops, but ignored the emperor's orders, and disregarded all of Gu's family and was "taken" to Luojing for resettlement (control), and was beaten by the Cangming army and fled in a hurry The Demon Empress welcomed and settled in Motian City, which gave her a chance to breathe, and then threatened the important event of the Empress' orthodoxy.

It's just that this matter has nothing to do with him after all, so he doesn't care much.

but now……

This matter can really have something to do with him!

To be honest, he felt instinctively in his heart that the person who could say those words to his predecessor was unlikely to be that kind of out-and-out villain.

There may be something else hidden about this matter.

But in any case, this opportunity can be used.

After all, even if it is the worst outcome, it won't do him any harm.

Anyway, no matter what happens, he will be able to make up for it in the future.

Since there are no worries, what is there to hesitate?


Xiao Yi continued: "Although it's a pity, people will always change. The female sword fairy who acted out of righteousness has indeed degenerated into a villain who is greedy for power and unscrupulous. I know that Huaiyu, you have always had grudges. If it doesn’t happen, it may even affect Dao Xin because of regret for life, but the matter has come to this point, Huaiyu, you should also think about it, don’t care about what happened back then..."

"I still don't believe it."

Lu Chen suddenly raised his head, and said firmly:

"As the saying goes, hearing is believing, seeing is believing, nothing can be judged, but in my eyes, she has the heart of a benevolent person, and she does not intend to repay her kindness. There must be righteousness in her heart, and she is definitely not unfaithful. , A villain who disregards the survival of the country and the safety of the people."

Hearing what Lu Chen said, Xiao Yi couldn't help frowning.

"But, Huaiyu, she welcomes the demon queen and turns a blind eye to the movements of other races..."

Lu Chen directly retorted: "Perhaps she is the same as His Majesty back then, and she has some unavoidable difficulties?"

Speaking of this, the corners of his eyes twitched involuntarily as he was showing acting skills at the actor level.

Recalling back when he clearly had the chance to win and the situation was going well, the Empress suddenly showed her might and joined forces with the Holy King Cangming to beat the Queen Mother Zhao to the west in a panic and regain the supremacy in one fell swoop. Lu Chen instinctively Feeling a dull pain in the back of my heart.

This backstab was too ruthless, directly turning his Tianhu opening into a hell opening.

The difficulty of achieving system conditions increases exponentially.

Alas, the past is unbearable

And when he heard him mention the empress's past, Xiao Yi couldn't help but look a little weird.


He shook his head: "Gu Simiao's situation is different from your Majesty's. She has 700,000 soldiers in her hands, has a lot of masters under her command, and possesses the military and political power in the barren state, without any constraints. Entering the wilderness after serving the demon queen, what she did can only show that she has no majesty in her heart, no righteousness for her family and country, and she is a complete traitor!"


Lu Chen stood up slowly, and said unwaveringly: "I never believe that it was such a shameless villain who rescued us out of righteousness without expecting anything in return."

After speaking, he turned around and walked towards the back room.

Looking at his resolute back, Xiao Yi couldn't help but change his expression.

"Huaiyu, where are you going?"

As he said that, he stood up abruptly, and before Lu Chen could respond, he yelled at him: "Then the Gu family will be ransacked in two days, so don't do anything stupid at a time like this! Moreover, you caused such a catastrophe in Yuzhou, and many people in the court are sharpening their knives at this time, trying to drive you into the abyss of eternal doom. , and absolutely can't keep you!"

Hearing this, Lu Chen, who just drank too much and was a little anxious to urinate, wanted to go to the latrine to drain the water, and his heart suddenly moved.

The whole family of the Gu family copied and executed?


Isn't this a good entry point?

Anyway, the dozens of lives of the Gu family and his family, whether they died or not, had no effect on the overall situation.

If Gu Simiao really has the intention of treason, as long as he protects the Gu family before she has a clear act of treason, and the day she sends troops to attack the pass that the imperial court has already laid down heavily guarded, he will take off this obstructive official uniform hour.

Thinking of this, Lu Chen said without looking back, "Go to the toilet."

Xiao Yi: "..."

In the early morning of the next day, under Xiao Yu's obedient service, Lu Chen put on the seven-rank court uniform for the event, came to Ziji City, stepped into the gate of Taiji Hall after a long absence, and participated in today's grand court meeting.

From time to time, courtiers around him pointed and pointed at him, mocking, indifferent, resentful, gloating, all kinds of eyes filled the surroundings, and so on.

However, Lu Chen didn't seem to have heard or noticed, just quietly waiting for the court meeting to start.

Not long after, the figure of the empress appeared in the apse, accompanied by a group of eunuchs and maids, she walked slowly to the dragon chair and sat down.

After a while, the formulaic early court etiquette began, and all civil and military officials bowed to the empress in salute.

The empress raised her hand as a gesture of excuse.

After all the officials thanked and straightened up, a slightly rich eunuch stood up and shouted loudly:

"Start playing if there is something to do, and leave the court if there is nothing to do!"

As soon as the words fell, Jiang Xu, the Zongzheng of the Tianzong Mansion, stood up before Lu Chen came out first, bowing slightly.

"Your Majesty, I have a copy."

The empress looked at him expressionlessly: "Zongzheng, please tell me."

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

Jiang Xu cupped his hands towards the empress, and then said in a deep voice: "I, Jiang Xu, the magistrate of the Tianzong Mansion, implore Your Majesty to kill Lu Chen, a daring and rebellious traitor, and use the law of the whole country to shape the universe!"

Hearing that someone actually asked him to beheaded directly, Lu Chen, as the person involved, immediately raised his eyes and looked at the impassioned warrior standing among the senior officials in front.

I saw Jiang Xu talking endlessly about Lu Chen's crimes, ranging from killing King Yu with his own hands, recklessly dispatching warriors to govern the local area, violating the law of the ancestors for the crime of disrespect, down to indiscriminate killing of officials ordered by the court, without multiple trials He hastily executed Luan Yu and others.

This eloquent and eloquent thousand-character pleading essay almost turned Lu Chen into an ultimate villain who cannot be punished. If he is not punished, the Great Xia will have no peace in the country.

When Jiang Xu said that his mouth was dry and his throat was burning, the empress slowly raised her eyes and said lightly:


Jiang Xu's heart skipped a beat.

"Your Majesty, this Lu Chen has committed a heinous crime, and he must be sentenced immediately, otherwise the power of heaven will be damaged, and the country will be in turmoil!"

After finishing speaking, he knelt heavily on the ground, and said sadly: "For the sake of Great Xia's ten thousand years, please kill this thief immediately, Your Majesty!"

As soon as the words fell, immediately behind him were several Fuguo generals who rarely went to court once, including the royal family with titles and more than 20 courtiers bowed at the same time, and shouted in unison: "Please kill this thief immediately to protect the country." Book!"

Nearly thirty royal family members and courtiers spoke out at the same time, and their momentum was quite astonishing.

But Lu Chen himself, who was so targeted by them, didn't show any panic on his face.

There is no wavering in my heart, and I even want to laugh a little.

Work hard! Work harder!

If you can give me a happy time, I will be grateful to you all my life!

The courtiers around who were peeping at Lu Chen could not help being slightly surprised when they saw his calm appearance.

This guy really has the calmness of a mountain collapse in front of his eyes without moving!

The wind of celebrity!

But the empress was invited by the crowd who could almost be said to be forcing the palace, but she didn't even look at Lu Chen who was beheaded by them, and gave her answer expressionlessly:


As soon as this remark came out, almost everyone except Lu Chen couldn't help but change their expressions.

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