In a daze, Lu Chen suddenly felt some warmth in his chest and back. One after another, warm currents poured in from behind, flowing continuously in his body, nourishing the spiritual veins in every part of his body, and bursts of crisp and numb comfort came over him, making him feel warm. He couldn't help moaning softly.

As the senses recovered, the touch on the chest became clearer.

It was extremely soft, like cloud cotton.

so comfortable.

This is me... I succeeded in dying, and I was directly promoted to immortality?

Thinking of this, Lu Chen woke up instantly under the excitement.

He flung his eyes open.

However, in the next second, when the line of sight became clear, an extremely familiar and exquisite face appeared in front of him.

After seeing the figure in front of him clearly, Lu Chen suddenly widened his eyes, which were full of doubts.


I saw the Empress, whom I hadn't seen for a long time, was wearing a light golden dragon-pattern veil, sitting at the side with her eyes closed, her right hand sticking out and resting on his chest.

The surrounding area is misty and the fragrance of flowers is overflowing. A little far away, you can see some golden-red screens inlaid with various white jade orbs.

Pearly flow, extremely extravagant!

At first glance, it is not a mundane thing.

At this time, he was quietly floating in a large pool made of jade, and the clear and thick special pool water under his body was continuously bringing him a kind of Vermillion Bird spirit that was somewhat similar to Chai Hongyu. Force energy.

Under the nourishment of this energy, the injuries on his body recovered quickly.

Fuck? what's the situation? !

Finding that the scene in front of him was far from the expected Immortal King's Palace, Lu Chen was filled with question marks.

Nima! Didn't I protect Fu Yu's heroism? Why would Mao suddenly appear in this strange place?

Especially why the empress is here again?

Is this a dream?

As if sensing that Lu Chen had woken up, the Empress slowly opened her eyes.

Seeing that Lu Chen was looking at her with wide eyes, she first breathed a sigh of relief, and then said calmly, "Are you awake? Lu Qing, how do you feel? Is there anything wrong?"

Hearing this, Lu Chen quickly came back to his senses.

He hurriedly struggled to get up, but just as he was about to make a move, the queen's hand on his chest exerted a slight force and pressed him to the spot.

"Lu Qing doesn't need to be too polite, just stay in the Yaochi to recuperate."


Hearing this term, Lu Chen suddenly shivered.

Worth! Isn't this the place where the emperor bathed?

Why am I suddenly lying in the fairyland?

And isn't Yao Chi in Ziwei Palace of Ziji City? Did I travel thousands of miles back to Luojing?

What the hell is this TM?

Thinking of this, he couldn't help asking: "Your Majesty, isn't this humble minister in Yuzhou? Why..."

The empress didn't hold back, and said bluntly: "When I handed over the sword of the extreme way to you, just in case, I set up two spells on it."

Hearing this, Lu Chen's heart trembled.

"What... what kind of spell?"

The Empress said softly: "One is the Taiyi Shield, which can block the blows of the strong in Guiyi Realm, and the other is the Thousand Miles Summoning Technique, which can forcibly recall the sword bearer back to my side."

The Shield of Taiyi... Summoned by thousands of miles...

This amazing spell, which can be known just by its name, made Lu Chen realize what was going on all at once.

No wonder he didn't have any accidents when he forcibly overdrawn his vitality to activate the secret method of the extreme way, but just when he was fatally attacked and was about to be killed and promoted to immortality, he returned to Luojing inexplicably, and even fell on the empress... A place to take a bath on weekdays.

I don't know how many mouthfuls of bath water I drank.

It was a blood loss.

It turned out that the empress had been prepared for a long time, and had prepared countermeasures in advance...

Thinking of this, Lu Chen couldn't help feeling hot.

Just a little bit... just a little bit! !

Moreover, after careful calculation, he was actually backstabbed three times this time!

There might even be an unknown backstab guy.

Backstabbed by the dog system again, and backstabbed by Chai Hongyu again.

Fortunately, the Empress, who was thousands of miles away, also stabbed him in the back.

Bi Qiniang too!

After three consecutive ups and downs, even Lu Chen, who has always been as stable as an old dog, no, more stable than an old dog, couldn't help but angrily said: "Your Majesty, you ****..."


"A virtuous and virtuous person, teach a daughter well!"

Stared at by the empress' bright eyes, Lu Chen trembled slightly, and then his mind instantly woke up.

Not to mention that the person in front of him is the highest ruler in Great Xia, just because of the empress's intentions, he couldn't say much, he could only swallow back the original very quality words, and immediately changed his words:

"It is precisely because of such a great mother that you have cultivated such a wise and mighty king, Your Majesty! Your mother is indeed a model for women in the world, and can be admired by all generations!"

Empress: "?????"

She tilted her head and looked at Lu Chen with a puzzled expression.

What did Lu Qing say inexplicably?

Well done, why mention her mother?

Shaking her head, although she didn't quite understand Lu Chen's sudden mention of her mother because of Mao, the empress still politely greeted her.

That's it for this topic.

The empress withdrew her hand from Lu Chen's chest, and then said in a concentrated voice: "Lu Qing, tell me what happened this time, why Fu Yu is here, and the enemy still has a chance to attack Lu Qing, these daring thugs, what are you doing again? He Fang Xiaoxiao?"

Hearing this, Lu Chen thought for a while, and then directly reported the recent events and experiences to the Empress.

After listening to Lu Chen's narration, the Empress was silent for a while, then slowly got up.

"Lu Qing, this incident in Yuzhou has worked hard for you. Next, you should take a good rest at home for a while. I will send an imperial doctor to your residence and ask her to help you take care of your body without leaving any sequelae."

Hearing this, Lu Chen's face changed slightly.

"Your Majesty, as the governor of the two states, the matter of Yuzhou and Suizhou..."

"The matter of the two states is over."

The Empress said softly: "Now Yuzhou and Suizhou are under the governance of Lu Qing and you, who have forgotten to sleep and eat. Deli, the flood is basically under control, so you don't have to go to Yuzhou and Suizhou anymore."

Although the voice is soft, there is no doubt about it.

Apparently a decision has been made.

"But Your Majesty, the case that I have investigated this time..."

"Do not worry."

The corner of the queen's mouth raised slightly, revealing a meaningful smile.

"The Xuanji Guards that I sent to the three provinces to investigate secretly have all returned to Beijing yesterday. Each of them has something interesting in their hands, so... there is nothing to worry about."

Interesting stuff?

Inexplicably, a deep sense of foreboding surged in Lu Chen's heart again.

My heart started to ache again.

He wanted to struggle again, but the empress was unmoved.

When talking about Fu Yu, the empress said that she had asked the Holy King of Cangming to use the sound transmission method of thousands of miles to contact Fu Yu.

Now Fu Yu has survived the catastrophe without any danger, and has killed all the rebels who attacked them. Even if the Holy King Cangming had not contacted in time, she would have set off to the three provinces to start a massacre.

In short, one word: no.

It was as if he was afraid that something unexpected would happen to him in the past, and heaven and man would be separated forever.

The Douzhuan technique in the Sword of the Ultimate Way is a precious spell that can only be used once. If Lu Chen encounters any danger again, she will really be beyond her reach.

Even Fu Yu was able to have such an accident by her side. Although there was an irresistible factor like Heavenly Tribulation, the Empress really couldn't believe Lu Chen's luck anymore.

In the end, after Lu Chen's body was completely cured by Yaochi Qiongjiu, he could only run home in despair.

There was no plausible reason to go to Yuzhou. Under the setting of honest people who were loyal to the monarch and the country, he could not forcibly resist the edict, otherwise he would not be able to pass the system restrictions, let alone a special institution such as the Execution Division.

For three days in a row, Lu Chen could only stay in the small courtyard in Xicheng, dejected.

Although the empress gave him a luxurious mansion, the procedure is still going on, and he needs to rest and hire some servants. It will take at least a few days to complete it.

And three days later, the court officials gradually learned of the news of his sudden return to Beijing.

Some quick-minded people have already started to make small calculations.

Lu Chen's commotion in Yuzhou this time was too great.

It is to rectify the officialdom, to rectify the aristocratic and powerful families and so on, and to slaughter King Yu's mansion and kill King Yu with his hands.

One by one, it is a big event to bring out one by one, but such a big event happened, but Lu Chen returned to Luojing without a sound. Before that, the empress did not issue an edict he came back...

Some politicians with a keen sense of smell quickly sniffed something extraordinary.

Then, start to figure it out.

On the afternoon of the fourth day after returning to Beijing, Xiao Yi's hearty laughter, which he hadn't seen for a long time, slowly rang out in the small courtyard in the west city, finally breaking the three-day peace and tranquility of this humble courtyard.

Lu Chen asked Xiao Yu to take him to the living room, and then walked over slowly.

"Brother Ruoyu, long time no see."

"Huaiyu, long time no see."

The two sat opposite each other.

Xiao Yi's visit this time was just a simple visit between old friends. After hearing that Lu Chen was injured and the imperial doctor came here every three days, he wanted to come over to see how Lu Chen was doing. Concern for friends, but no other thoughts.

While chatting, Xiao Yu brought up the dishes that Lu Chen taught her to cook one by one.

Lu Chen and Xiao Yi chatted while eating.

During this period, Lu Chen didn't take the initiative to find topics. Most of the time, Xiao Yi was talking, mainly because Lu Chen's invaluable loyalty was rewarded, and the world was impermanent.

And when it came to the impermanence of the world, he seemed to think of something suddenly, sighed heavily, and put down the chopsticks directly, as if he suddenly lost his appetite.

"What's wrong? Brother Ruoyu?"

Lu Chen asked casually.

Xiao Yi shook his head, and continued: "Huaiyu, do you still remember that when we were practicing in the sect and our group fell into the trap of evil spirits and were almost killed, the woman who suddenly fell from the sky and killed all the evil spirits saved us? Sword fairy?"

Hearing this, Lu Chen couldn't help but startled.

In the next second, a strong memory from the previous life suddenly came to my mind.

7K words completed today~

Also recommend a friend's book: "One Man Transforms Gods into the Heavens"

Incarnate as a god and manifest the holy heavens.

Born as a boy, Qingyuan Miaodaojun.

Embryo transforms into a shape, Lord Bai Yulong.

Under One Man (Republic of China), Draw Bad People in Jianghu, Under One Man (Jiashen Rebellion), Angry Xiangxi, Old Nine Gates, Ghost Blowing the Lantern, Notes on Tomb Raiders, Under One Man (Modern), Jiang Ye, Fighting in the Snow Sword Walk, Zhu Xian, Eight Immortals, Super God, Devouring Starry Sky, Shrouding the Sky, Great Master...

Randomly interspersed with other worlds.

Actively listen to the opinions of book friends!

There will be everything that should be there.

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