Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 4107: Tasted sweet

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I chatted with Fang Xiaoru for a while.

After hanging up the phone, Shen Ning went to sleep in a good mood.

This night, she slept extremely sweetly.

The mother and daughter of Chen Mingli in the luxury suite, however, were in a hurry and couldn't sleep at night.

I heard that Shen Qingshan was coming to the capital. Chen Mingli's heart seemed to be caught in a cat's claw. Where else could he sleep?

She was covered with thorns, lying down and sitting up, and sitting up and lying down.

Tossing back and forth.

Shen Ruyun, who made another room, couldn't sleep either.

She pushed the door into Chen Mingli's room and fell into her mother's arms with fear.

"Mom, Dad is coming tomorrow. He must have known about our business. What can we do? You think of ways."

She was really scared.

She was afraid that her father would drive them out of the house in a rage, so she would have nothing.

Shen Ruyun followed Chen Mingli when she was a child, and what days did she spend!

After Chen Mingli married Shen Qingshan, she became a city girl by a country girl, and became the official lady who made everyone envious.

Later, relying on her father's relationship, she gradually emerged in the film and television circle. Some manufacturers in City D asked her to shoot commercials to get in touch with Shen Qingshan to gain some convenience.

If she loses Shen Qingshan's aura, she will no longer rely on her. Who will come to ask her to shoot commercials and act?

Having tasted the sweet taste, Shen Ruyun never wanted to live a hard life anymore.

Isn't Chen Mingli the same?

What she was most afraid of was being beaten back.

Hearing her husband's coming to Beijing, her whole heart was raised.

It must be Shen Ning!

The dead girl must have blown the wind in front of her husband, so the husband would come to Beijing to find his own teacher and ask for guilt.

Chen Mingli was afraid of returning, but she still tried to clear her mind and tried to solve the dilemma in front of her.

She hasn't had enough of her good life, and she is not willing to lose it, so she will do her utmost to recover.

"Mom, what shall we do, what shall we do?"

Shen Ruyun was lying in her arms, crying with fear.

Although she is proud of her scenery, she has always lived under the protection of Chen Mingli. In the face of setbacks, Chen Mingli came forward for her. It can be said that it has been smooth.

So she will hide in her mother's arms and cry when she encounters something difficult. Anyway, the mother's umbrella will protect her.

Chen Mingli hugged her daughter and gritted her teeth without speaking.

She didn't know what to do.

The more anxious, the more unable to think of a way.

Shen Ruyun suddenly gritted her teeth and scolded: "Why didn't that car hit her! Why! If she died, then nothing would happen, and Bossier would be mine!"

She remembered that Mrs. Bo's frosty face was heartbroken last night.

After that, she never hoped to marry the beloved Boss.

All hate Shen Ning's dead girl.

Why doesn't she die!

Chen Mingli's heart was also as uncomfortable as a knife twist, holding her trembling daughter, hating to vomit blood.

The cooked duck just flew like this!

"What's crying!" Suddenly, she grinded her teeth, her eyes hazy. "It's not over yet. I won't give it up until the end. Who knows who will die in the end!"

Chen Mingli suddenly ignited a glimmer of hope in his heart.

Mrs. Bo was really annoyed by them, but Mrs. Bo obviously didn't want to see Shen Ning's dead girl. The most important thing was that she still held the tokens of Bo and Shen's relatives!

As long as there are tokens in hand, Chen Mingli does not believe that the Bos dare to repay the debt.

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