Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 4106: Whose fault is you fat

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Upon hearing this, Shen Ruyun was almost mad.

Last night, she and Chen Mingli chased behind Madam Bo's **** like a pug, but Mrs. Bo didn't look at them. She got into the car and walked away.

They ate the nose ash of a nose.

In the end, countless people ridiculously left the clubhouse.

In retrospect, it was a shame!

Shen Ruyun rushed angrily and stepped forward to want to torture Shen Ning: "It's all you dead girl, you made us ugly in public, and came here to satire us! I killed you, killed you!"

Shen Ning didn't panic, he didn't shy, just said:

"Dad will come to Beijing tomorrow."


In a word, Shen Ruyun's hand was set in the air.

Shen Qingshan is coming?

Shen Ning said with a smile: "Do you want to hit me? Well, you hit it. If you hit me, it will only make Dad hate you more and sympathize with me. If you still want to do such a stupid thing, then you can start. ! "

Shen Ruyun froze.

Her hand in the air was less than a foot away from Shen Ning, but she couldn't beat it.

Clenching her teeth, she took back her hand.

Yes, she can no longer do things that make Shen Qingshan angry.

After hitting Shen Ning, she must leave a mark on her face, and then ran to her father and told her.

Most importantly, why did my father come? Could it be that they heard the scandal that happened last night?

Thinking of this, Shen Ruyun came down with cold sweats, how could she ever be entangled with Shen Ning.

She turned and ran to the room.

"Mom, Mom! No, Dad is coming. Dad is coming to Beijing tomorrow!"

Shen Ning smiled slightly and turned to leave.

She returned to the room and ordered herself a dinner.

After eating, she talked to Fang Xiaoru again and told her that everything was fine in Beijing.

Fang Xiaoru heard her relaxed tone and let go of her heart. She complained to her, saying that she had interviewed several companies in the past few days, but all of them touched her nose.

"Xiao Ning, you said why I always failed in the interview. Even when I went in and said less than three sentences, the other party said yes and asked me to go back and wait for the notice. I'm gone, don't you just think I'm fat? I'm guilty of fat? It's not my fault to be fat ... "

She barbara said a word.

Shen Ning just smiled and listened. After she vented, she said slowly:

"Whose fault is your fat?"

One sentence almost killed Fang Xiaoru.

She yelled angrily at her mobile phone: "Xiao Ning, where are you from, why do you not sympathize with me at all?"

"I sympathize with you, but I sympathize with the fat on your body. They don't know that they are so dismissed ..."

Fang Xiaoru screamed angrily: "Who says it is fat, obviously the tendon muscle!"

Shen Ning pursed her lips and smiled, and she was in a good mood when she heard an angry accusation of her friend over there.

"Xiao Ning, are you really okay? When will you come back?"

Fang Xiaoru finished venting and asked her with concern.

"For a few more days, I will go back when I am done."

"That ... your stepmother and stepmother did not bully you?" Fang Xiaoru was very worried.

"Hehe." Shen Ning smiled. "They thought, but they didn't have that ability."

"Xiao Ning, you finally have a good time! Haha, then I'm relieved. Before, you were like a bun, knowing that the mother and daughter were uneasy and kind, but you didn't know how to act silly. Do n’t listen, it ’s a whole mess! Now you can figure it out. "

Fang Xiaoru smiled like a pig on the phone.

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