Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 2867: Anti-human heart

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"smell good!"

The court ladies couldn't help but take a deep breath and let out an admiration.

They are unheard of this mellow taste, with a mellow aroma in the mellow, people feel fluent after smelling it.

"Queen Mother, please taste it."

Tana cautiously held the big pottery bowl with both hands and sent it to Zhou Tai's back.

The Queen Mother Zhou had not reached out to pick up, Su Jin already smiled and said: "This bowl is so big, the Queen Mother is afraid that she can't drink many of these teas, why don't you just give the slave a bite?"

There are strict rules in the palace, and all foreign food and drinking can not be directly allowed to the queen mother and the emperor. They must be tested by the palace people before they can eat.

Tana obviously didn't understand this rule, so Su Jin quickly found a reason and couldn't think of taking the bowl of tea from Tana's hand.

Defenses can not do without.

Su Jin didn't dare to believe Tana easily. Although she was very fond of Tana, after all, it was the first time she met, and the other party was from the North Qi State, maybe there was dissent.

What if her marriage is false this time, and it is true to want to take the opportunity to poison and kill Empress Zhou?

Tana used a lot of things in the bottles and jars just to make this bowl of tea. Those were all brought by her from Beiqi. Su Jin didn't know it either. She had to taste this "tea" in person. There is no poison, where dare to let Queen Mother Zhou enter.

Empress Zhou naturally understood Su Jin ’s meaning, glanced at her, and took the pottery bowl herself, laughing:

"This is the tea made by Princess Tana for Ai's family. This tea is so fragrant that Ai's family doesn't drink enough. How can you reward you, your greedy girl, want to drink it, ask Princess Tana for it!"

Although her tone was harsh, her face was smiling.

Everyone knew that this was teasing Su Jin, and they all laughed together.

Su Jin smiled bitterly and called out again: "Queen Mother, Slave ..." Her voice choked.

She understood the meaning of Queen Mother Zhou and did not want her to test herself for drugs.

Empress Zhou thought to herself that she was old and all things had been taken lightly for a long time. It did n’t matter if she lived one more year and less one year. test.

If this princess Tana really hurts, the Empress Zhou is willing to take a bet on her life.

So without waiting for Su Jin to persuade her, she had picked up the pottery bowl and took a sip.

As soon as the tea came in, she was a little surprised, with a strange expression on her face.

"Queen Mother!"

Su Jin's eyes didn't leave Queen Zhou's face, and when she saw it, her heart lifted up.

"Good tea."

Empress Zhou swallowed the tea in her mouth and spoke slowly.

The mouthful of tea was a mellow aroma, with a touch of tea, milk, ghee, and other aromas, but she couldn't tell.

The taste was silky and smooth, slipping into her throat like a legendary agar, making her swallow it for a moment.

"Is this ... really tea?"

Empress Zhou looked at Tana suspiciously.

It's fragrant, sweet, mellow, crispy and smooth.

This is a hundred times better than tea!

She has never had such a delicious "tea" in her life, if this is really tea.

Even if the tea is poisonous, she will be as happy as it is.

Thinking of this, she took another sip, and the smile in her face widened slightly.

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