Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 2866: A piece of heart

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Empress Zhou glanced and said with a smile: "Princess Tana has a heart, Ai family likes it, but you came from afar, Ai family has not given you a gift, you sent a gift to Ai family.

"As long as the empress dowager likes it, it is the best gift for me."

Tana smiled sweetly and opened the second lid again.

"This is the best pastry of our Northern Qi State. I don't know if you are too used to eating the empress dowager, so I brought some of everything."

Empress Zhou nodded slightly: "I love Qian Qian very much."

Originally, she saw that Tana had sent so many boxes of gifts at once. She thought that the boxes were all valuables, and she wanted to refuse them.

Thinking that she is the queen mother of a country, if you casually receive the precious gifts of other children, it makes people laugh, and even falls into the prestige of a country.

Unexpectedly, all the gifts from Tana were unexpected.

These clothes and food are of course not worth much, but the most valuable thing is Tana's heart.

Empress Zhou couldn't help but add another three points to Tana.

Tana opened several boxes of gifts one after another, all of which were not expensive but made Empress Zhou feel warm in her heart. She smiled and said:

"Enough is enough, Princess Tana, there is only one person in Ai's family. Where can you eat so much, wear so much, and spend so much?"

Tana chuckled and replied: "The Queen Mother and the Queen Mother eat slowly and wear it slowly. As long as the Queen Mother and the Queen Mother like it, Tana will always send people to honor your old lady."

"Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I ’ve Food is moving. "Empress Zhou said with a smile.

After the words were spoken, even she herself was surprised.

Hey, how can you speak in such a relaxed tone? Are you joking with a junior meeting for the first time?

She couldn't help but look at Su Jin, and she understood why Su Jin looked at the princess Tana differently.

There is a kind of candid innocence in this Princess Tana, which will make people unconsciously relax the vigilance in the bottom of the heart and have a good impression and closeness to her.

Empress Zhou couldn't help but look at Tana.

"Queen Empress, I want to make a bowl of tea for you. Would you like the tea I brewed to taste?"

Tana always smiled when she saw the Empress Zhou. Most of the tension and awe at the first meeting had disappeared, and she volunteered.

"Okay, Ai also wanted to taste the tea you said." Empress Zhou nodded with a smile.

"Aunt Su Jin, I want a pot of freshly boiled water." Tana smiled at Su Jin.

"Okay, the slave-servant will get it right away." Su Jin went to pick up a pot of steaming water.

Tana started to get busy, she kept taking things out of the box, plates and dishes and a lot of bottles and jars, filled the table in front of her.

Her small face became very serious, and she didn't have a smile, just like what she had just seen.

No one spoke in the whole hall, and everyone's attention was focused on her, even the Empress Zhou was no exception.

Tana was very skillful in her gestures, opened the jars, scooped some powdered things with a small silver spoon, and poured them into a large ceramic bowl.

Then rinse with hot water and mix well with a silver spoon.

A burst of intense mellow gas flew away.

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