Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 2863: Nobody dislikes

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"Three princesses, you get up, don't kneel on the ground, the blue bricks on this floor can be very cool." When Queen Mother Zhou turned to the third princess, her tone had softened, but her expression was still majestic.

The third princess could n’t help but stick out her tongue and secretly whispered to Su Jin: “Auntie, the empress dowager is so powerful. I ’m so scared that my palms are sweating. You touch, you really sweat.

Su Jin couldn't help but laugh. When she touched her hand, she felt wet. She just felt that her palm was soft and slippery, and there were a few small cocoons on her fingertips, apparently because she held the whip all the year round.

Although the voice of the third princess was soft, the Empress Zhou still heard it, and the corner of her mouth was slightly pumped.

The three princesses don't know if they are acting, are they so scary?

However, Empress Zhou's impression of these three princesses is a little better.

Su Jin helped the three princesses to sit on the side of the guest seat and whispered: "In fact, the queen mother is very kind, you don't have to be afraid."

The three princesses nodded, put their legs together, put their hands on their legs, and sat properly.

Seeing the nose with eyes, looking at the heart with nose, the appearance of an old monk is set.

Seeing her like this, Su Jin thought that she was so cute and cute when she talked to herself before entering the door.

"Su Jin, pour a cup of tea for the third princess."

Empress Zhou quietly commanded.

Her eyes fell lightly on the body of the third princess, and she looked at them without traces. She didn't ignore the beautiful and straight figure of the other party, especially the two straight and long legs, which made her uncomfortable.

Although she knew that this was the favorite makeup of the girl family in Beiqi, it was Xichu now. A girl's house did not wear a skirt, but instead wore such tight-fitting pants, it was really too solemn.

But she put all these dissatisfaction in her heart, and it didn't make people see it at all.

In the eyes of outsiders, she is still a noble and dignified empress.

"Three Princesses, please use tea." Su Jin handed Respectfully a cup of freshly brewed fragrant tea with both hands.

This tea is the best Genting incense mist in the palace, as long as the cover is lifted, it is a tangy fragrance that smells everywhere.

But this Yunding fragrance mist is very good, but the output is very small, and only a small box can be paid to the palace every year. Value.

"Thanks to the empress dowager and Aunt Su Jin." The third princess wiped the sweat on her palms and smiled gratefully at Su Jin when she took the tea.

"Aunt, my name is Tana, and you will call me my name in the future. Don't call it Three Princesses or Three Princesses. I like people to call me my name."

The third princess was obviously not so nervous when she talked to Su Jin, and took the initiative to tell her her name.

Su Jin froze for a moment, then smiled: "Tana, this name is very nice."

"Hee hee, in our Northern Qi State's words, Tana means pearl. The father and mother said that I was as precious and shiny as a pearl, so I gave this name to me. Does Aunt really feel good? Princess Tana was boasted and smiled suddenly, like a blooming flower.

Rao Shisu Jin is well-informed, and has lost her temper with this heart-opening princess, who has nothing to say.

In this world, I am afraid that no one will not like such a girl, right?

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