Biquge, the fastest bride and the bride ran away! latest chapter!

Su Jin's words softly surprised the ladies in the house again.

They were all speechless in surprise.

Why is Aunt Su Jin so kind to this strange third princess! The concern for the protection is beyond words, and it is by no means a polite expression.

It can be seen that Aunt Su Jin is really kind to these three princesses.

Empress Zhou was even more guilty in her heart.

This is what happened to Su Jin girl, just to greet the three princesses and how to get in touch with them.

She glanced at her, and already noticed the shimmering aquamarine necklace on Su Jin's neck, her pupils shrunk.

She is too familiar with the ornaments on Su Jin's body. She has never seen anything like that.

But she never saw this necklace.

Su Jin didn't even have this necklace when she went out. Now when she came back, there was such a string on her neck. Empress Zhou just thought with her heels and knew how it came.

Just bought my Su Jin girl with a necklace?

Gee, this three princess really can't be underestimated.

When Empress Zhou saw the third princess, her first thought was exactly the same as Su Jin's.

"Tana met the empress dowager, wishing the empress dowager Wanfu Jinan, good health."

The voice of the third princess was crisp, and she bowed down and walked. It was actually a gift from the Western Chu Kingdom.

This surprised everyone.

But Empress Zhou's face was silent, and said lightly: "How is it that the Third Princess is a guest from afar, and how to perform such a big gift to the Ai Family, you can't make it, you can't make it, Su Jin, quickly help the third Princess.

Before waiting for Su Jin's help, the third princess had lifted her face and smiled at Empress Zhou.

"It turns out that you are the queen mother, much younger than I thought, if aunt Su Jin said you were the queen mother, I thought you were the emperor ... his elder sister." She said Unobstructed smile.


Su Jin couldn't help but smiled.

The court ladies standing around wanted to laugh, but in front of Empress Zhou, who would have the courage to laugh? So everyone can only suffocate desperately, blushing.

big sister!

Queen Mother Zhou's mouth twitched, and she almost smiled without restraining, but she still held back and gave Su Jin a glance.

No wonder Su Jin's eyes are so fast, the three princesses are really flattering and gratifying.

Just want to please yourself by saying a few sweet words? This little girl really looked down on her.

Although Empress Zhou wholeheartedly wanted to marry the two countries, for the future of Xi Chu, she did not hesitate to let her son marry a foreign princess who had never met, but this does not mean that she did not have a heart for her son.

She also hopes that the third princess of the Northern Qi Kingdom is a reasonable girl. After marrying in the palace, she will marry and arrogantly and unreasonably marry, and add to the blockage for her and the emperor.

So this time she heard that the third princess actually came to visit herself and arranged for her in the main hall. In fact, she was preparing to give the three princesses a dismount, so as not to be arrogant and arrogant, and she would become more lawless in the future.

But she never imagined that the three princesses almost made a big ugly when they came in, and then began flattering to please themselves.

Well, can't I be fooled by such a little girl film.

Empress Zhou did not smile, but glanced around in a majestic manner, which made the ladies who were holding the smile all cold, and the atmosphere did not dare to show up.

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