Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 2845: Kneel to the old man

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How do you know that it took a long time, but took a hollow.

Xiao Qinzi immediately remembered that he was in a hurry to get out of the palace. When he changed clothes, he forgot to bring his money bag. This was embarrassing.

He put his hand in his arms, and saw the old man staring at him with his eyes, unable to take it out, not take his face out.

The old man smiled and patted Xiao Qinzi's shoulder.

"I said lad, I thought my old man went out and met nobles, no, he was a rich man, and it was twelve silver in one shot, good boy, this is a big sum of money. I was thinking that I can make a fortune today, no I think you are also a master of the mouth, but the mouth is very good, but when I really want to pull out the money, I ca n’t pull it out. I do n’t have to be embarrassed to say that my old man is old and no one has seen it. Oh, I ’ve seen so much lightly like you, it ’s okay, it ’s okay, I ca n’t take out the money and I do n’t want to tighten it. I do n’t want you to pay for this dress. ”

Xiao Qinzi blushed with a blush on his face, holding back a sentence for a long time:

"I'm not without money, nor the one who talks about paying the bills. I said that I will pay you if you lose money, but I'm in a hurry to go out today, and I forgot to bring my money bag. I won't make it up next time. Tortured me, will you tell me the right thing? "

The old man blinked his eyes and said, "Next time, when next time? Where? If your boy doesn't come, where will my old man look for you? Young man, don't be fooled by me. My old man is old, but Eyes are not spent, it has long been seen that your boy is like a poor old man, look at the clothes you are wearing, can you casually take out a dozen or two silver masters? Besides, my old man is poor , But my ambitions are not short, and I am not the master of misrepresenting people. Telling you a story is going to misrepresent you for twelve silver. The kind is not a person, it is a rogue! "

Xiao Qinzi couldn't help but laugh, and ran into the old man repeatedly.

"Your elders are high-spirited, because the kid doesn't know Taishan, and he hopes grandpa to forgive sins."

The old man laughed, and said with a smile: "Okay, do not interrupt, I will continue to tell you the story."

Xiao Qinzi thought, whoever interrupts, obviously you are always interrupting, okay?

"You just asked me where the emperor went, did you catch the guy who caused the trouble, did you?" The old man's slow tone was really annoying, and Xiao Qinzi pressed his heart and nodded hard.

"Yeah, what about the emperor? The emperor will not ignore it?"

He originally asked casually, but he nodded when he knew the old man.

"Not bad."

"What's good, what does good mean?" Xiao Qinzi wished to kneel to the old man.

"Good meaning, that is what you said is good, the emperor just ignored it," the old man said.


Xiao Qinzi was so surprised that his eyes protruded. He suspected that either his ears were broken, or the old man ’s tongue was wrong.

How could the emperor ignore it?

"Impossible!" He exclaimed.

The old man nodded his head in a serious way: "Young man, you are young, there is nothing impossible in this world. Just when everyone is stunned and wondering what is good, the crowd suddenly splits to both sides. Come, let out a passage, and then only heard the sound of the horseshoe, the emperor sat on a tall horse and appeared in front of everyone. "

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