Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 2844: Spend money to buy happy

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Xiao Qinzi was so nervous that he could hold his breath. He wanted to change his presence, and he must be like the Imperial Foresters. I do n’t know what to do.

The emperor welcomed the three princesses of North Qi into the city, what a glorious event, gave the face of North Qi.

But he didn't know which **** guy, actually hit the princess's face with a silver ticket on the street. This guy didn't want to die, but he caught the heads of the entire Xi Chu people to the belt of the Northern Qi State!

If the third princess is angry, what kind of consequences will Xiao Qinzi dare not think about!

If the third princess didn't know what was thrown down was the silver ticket, it was okay to fool it. It was said that the guest upstairs accidentally threw some scraps of paper. Although it is also disrespectful to the third princess, it is better than now. This kind of direct shame is much better!

What is the act of throwing a silver ticket at Three Princesses?

It's like going to a restaurant to drink, calling a singing girl to sing a good reward, like going to Yihonglou to order a noodle to serve, serving the good money, or going to the theater to watch Play, see the play is so good to sing and toss on the stage to reward money!

How can the three princesses of the North Qi State be able to bear such humiliation!

Xiao Qinzi shivered wittily, and there seemed to be a scene of blood flowing and killing the Quartet in front of him.

When this kind of thing happened, let alone throwing the silly goods at this restaurant was a beheading, fearing that even the people in this whole street would be affected by him.

Because there are so many people, no one will know who threw this silver ticket and ca n’t find the right one. Then he would rather kill a thousand wrongly than let one go!

Xiao Qinzi knew that as long as the third princess was angry, the emperor would give her an explanation anyway, otherwise it would be equivalent to the people of Xi Chu hitting the princess in the face of the public, but the emperor was not angry for the third princess, the third princess was angry Returning to the country, the marriage of the two countries will stop.

If you say good things, the big deal is that old people do n’t communicate with each other, but if you think in the bad direction, if the Northern Qi prince angered for the third princess, then Xi Chu would be in danger!

Xiao Qinzi thought about it.

Suddenly, he remembered something and quickly grabbed the old man's sleeve and asked: "The emperor? Isn't the emperor walking in front of the float of the third princess? If something like this happens, the emperor will know, The emperor immediately sent someone to block the restaurant, and then sent someone to search, and grabbed the guy who threw the silver ticket and gave it to the third princess to cut off her head, right? "

The old man made his sleeves out of Xiao Qinzi's hands, and said with a distressed face: "Don't pull it, my old man is just a good dress. I don't want to wear it at ordinary times. I only wear it out on big days. If you break it for me, you can afford it! "

Xiao Qinzi was anxious to shoot fire from his nostrils, wanting to hear the following, but listening to the old man's tossing about his broken clothes, made him hate to scratch the wall.

"Okay, grandpa, I'm wrong, I'm wrong. I shouldn't pull your old man's clothes. How much is this dress? I will pay you now. Is twelve silver enough?" Xiao Qinzi just thought Let the old man shut up and continue to talk about business.

He reached into his arms and took the money.

Although twelve silvers say more and less, and say a lot less, which happens to be a month's salary from him, it is not distressing for him to give it this way, but as long as it can be solved with silver, it is not a problem, he only I want to spend a dozen of these silvers to buy one, and the ears are quiet.

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