Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 2818: Happy event

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It is strange that the Northern Qi San Gong mainly likes these things!

But the news is not fake.

Seeing the joyous look of Queen Mother Zhou, Su Jin had to suppress the confusion in her heart, and found an excuse to meet the gate of the palace, and wanted to have a breath with the emperor to see how the emperor reacted after knowing this.

But she did not expect Mo Chuan to be unaware.

She began to rejoice, but fortunately she ushered out of the palace ahead of time to let the emperor know the news in advance.

Otherwise, if the unsuspecting emperor arrived at Empress Zhou, the first time I heard this message, I was afraid that it wouldn't be exposed immediately.

After all, Mo Chuan was calmer than Su Jin, and the color of surprise on his face was fleeting, and then he calmed down immediately.

"She likes those gifts?" Mo Chuan thought for a moment, and thought of a possibility, "Aunt, do you know if anyone knows our plan and secretly took what we prepared from the gift box?"

Su Jin shook his head and said, "This is impossible. The gift boxes are all covered with seals. No slave will be so bold. What's more, this thing is extremely secretive. Except for the emperor, only the slave-servant and the little four know."

"What's the reason?" Mo Chuan frowned, but couldn't think of another reason.

If the three princesses really liked what was in this gift box, he would not believe it anyway.

"The slave-maid couldn't guess, so he wanted to come to the emperor to discuss it. Later, in front of the empress dowager, the emperor shouldn't let the empress dowager see the flaws." Su Jin replied worriedly.

Like Mo Chuan, she intuitively believed that the third princess of Beiqi was a bad comer, and a good one did not come.

Mo Chuan nodded: "I know."

He walked towards the dome of Empress Zhou.

"Children please please the mother."

As soon as Mo Chuan entered the room, she looked at the appearance of Empress Zhou, and she saw that her mother's face was ruddy, and her brows and eyes were full of joy. Obviously, this news made her very happy, and it looked much better than before.

He was relieved and ashamed in his heart.

If the mother knew that he had moved his hands and feet in the gift, I was afraid that he would hit the buttocks with his leading cane. How could he smile like this now?

"Chuan'er, you came just right, and your mother has something to say to you." The Queen Mother Zhou was happy and happy, and pulled Mo Chuan to sit on the couch, and then sent Su Jin to quickly send Mo Chuan's favorite tea snacks.

Mo Chuan smiled, and his heart was warm.

But how old he grows up, it seems that he will always be a child who has not grown up when he arrives here.

I've passed my age of eating pastry and pastry, but every time I come, Empress Zhou will prepare a lot of his favorite snacks when he was a child.

Su Jin brought hot tea and cakes, and then retired silently, and made an eye to let the court ladies and eunuchs also retreat, leaving only Empress Zhou and Mochuan mother and son in the warm pavilion.

She thoughtfully covered the door of the room for the two, and then stepped back a few steps, sitting under the promenade not far from the door, so that the two could speak without interruption.

What Queen Mother Zhou would say to Mo Chuan, she guessed it.

What she worried about was that the emperor would disobey the empress dowager.

Therefore, she would wait outside the palace gate, and persuaded the emperor bitterly, in any case not to let the empress dowager disappointed and sad.

It's just that the emperor is still enamored with the empress queen, will he really listen to his advice?

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