Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 2817: Surprise, startle?

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Mo Chuan paused slightly, and said, "Auntie, don't sell it, what the **** is that."

He rarely saw Su Jin so hesitant, he was secretly alert.

Su Jin bit her lip hard until her lips turned pale before raising her head and said, "Emperor, do you know who was the messenger sent by Bei Qi this time?"

"I don't know, Xiao Xizi didn't talk about it."

Mo Chuan shook his head. In fact, he was absent at that time. Xiao Xizi seemed to have something to report, but he never thought about asking.

"In this way, the emperor did not know that the messenger sent this time was the future prince of the Northern Qi State, that is, their royal prince?" Su Jin asked.

Mo Chuan was taken aback, and his cold face showed surprise.

"Prince Beiqi?" He lost his voice, and then frowned two times. "I actually sent the prince to come. Is Beiqi coming to Xingshi to blame? How many people did they send?"

Su Jin said: "There are about two thousand people."

Mo Chuan's expression suddenly relaxed: "More than two thousand people, this messenger group is also considered huge." There was a little irony in his tone.

It seems that the gift he prepared really angered the third princess of Beiqi, so this time the Prince Beiqi brought so many people, it is estimated to be a fair one for the third princess, and a statement.

Mo Chuan already had preparations in his mind. Since he dared to do it, he dared to be!

Even if there are more people coming from each other, he is not afraid at all.

"Beijing sent so many people, except to **** the prince, mainly to marry their third princess." Su Jin said again, and at the same time glanced at Mo Chuan.

"Marry? What marry?" Mochuan was surprised again. "Don't they come to retire?"

"Of course not." Su Jin shook his head and looked at Mo Chuan with his eyes: "No wonder the emperor's face is relaxed and easy. The emperor knew nothing about it."

Mo Chuan's heart jumped, and he kept silent.

Su Jin said: "This time, Prince Bei Qi comes here with three princesses."

Mo Chuan's brows tightened and he lost his voice again: "Three Princesses?"

"Yes, I heard that the third princess of Northern Qi State really liked the gift the emperor gave her. She said that she must come to thank you in person and give you a surprise." Su Jin's lips showed a wry smile.

Surprise? It's almost shocking.

When she first heard the news, the reaction was not much different from Mo Chuan.

The first reaction is that I ca n’t believe my ears.

But the words on the white paper and black letters were plain and clear, and the three princesses of the Northern Qi Kingdom were striking.

Empress Zhou's reaction after seeing the news was very different from that of Su Jin. A rare smile appeared on her face, and even the wrinkles in the corners of her eyes seemed to stretch out.

"The Ai family was originally worried that the gift prepared by the emperor would not be the intention of the third princess, so it seems that the Ai family is too worried. The third princess can like it tightly, Su Jin, you also have a credit for this matter."

Empress Zhou's eyes toward Su Jin were full of love and praise, which made Su Jin feel guilty again.

At the same time, there is doubt.

How could this be?

It was she who put the dead mice caught by Primary Four into the gift box, and some toads, snakes with their teeth pulled out, and ...

As soon as Su Jin thought of those things, she couldn't help but burst out of her heart.

No matter who it is, even a grandfather, when he first opens the gift box and sees the contents, he will be shocked.

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