Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 2810: Sure enough, not dead

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"The patriarch ordered you to be called back to kill someone." Brother II said.

"Who killed?" Asked the thousand-faced son, staring at Brother Two without blinking, breathing, his hands clenched unconsciously.

He had never expected that.

He was eager to hear the name from the second brother's mouth, but also afraid to hear the name.

"That's the woman." Brother No. 2 glanced at Chu Shaoyang again, his expression unnatural.

"Which woman?"

"It's the girl named Shen." Brother No. 2 finally said it.

Chu Shaoyang's pupil shrank suddenly, his body shook slightly, and his heart was clearly excited.

Although he had long expected that Shen Ning might be alive, but he heard the news from Brother II's mouth with his own ears, and he still felt unbelievable.

Knowing that impossible things really happen?

Or is there really a miracle in this world?

Or did God hear his prayer day and night, pity his infatuation, and finally gave him a hope?

Chu Shaoyang has never suffered like this.

"Which girl is Shen, say her name."

Qianmian Gongzi couldn't believe the news as much as Chu Shaoyang. He stared closely at Brother Er's eyes and forced to ask.

"That girl is Shen, Shen Ning."

Shen Ning!

These two words were like a thunderstorm, and they rang in the ears of Chu Shaoyang and Qianmianzi.

Both men's complexions instantly turned pale, so pale that there was no trace of blood.

They couldn't help but looked at each other, and they all saw the incredible in the other's eyes.

"Chu Shaoyang, did you hear clearly?" The son of Qianmian was very low, almost whispered.

He didn't think he would go to Chu Shaoyang to prove it, but he couldn't help asking.

"Listen clearly, it's her, Shen, Ning." Chu Shaoyang replied slowly.

Thousand-faced son's eyes widened wide, and he looked at Chu Shaoyang straight.

"But how is it possible? She wasn't dead? Didn't you see her burnt to death with your own eyes? You ... you still hold her ashes." He murmured.

Chu Shaoyang shook his head, his heart was also confused, but the subconscious made him hope that Shen Ning was still alive.

"I ... didn't see her body with my own eyes, I only found her ashes, as for that ashes ..." Chu Shaoyang shook his head again, and didn't say anything.

Qianmianzi knew what Chu Shaoyang meant.

Ashes, nothing can be seen.

It was like a strong vitality, which was instantly injected into the chest of the thousand-faced son. He took a deep breath and suddenly became energetic.

"That Shen Ning, where is she? Didn't the patriarch have given up that task? What happened this time?" Qianmianzi asked several questions in one breath.

But Brother Two couldn't answer any of them.

"Young Master, I do n’t know anything. I just received the order to pass the message on to you. I heard that this time it was a big deal. The Lord of the Cabinet not only called you back, but also called back all of us together. "The second brother said again.

"Everyone?" Thousand-faced Master breathed a sigh of relief. "What big business actually wants to send so many people?"

The second brother shook his head.

"Young Master, it's great to find you. Let's go back home now. He must have a way to restore your skills."

Qianmianzi doesn't care much about restoring skill, even if he doesn't have skill, he can still kill people.

It is not only martial arts that is the weapon of murder.

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