Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 2809: More powerful master

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"You just have to say it, just as if he doesn't exist." Qianmianzi said indifferently.

Brother II was even more surprised, stuttering: "When, when he does not, does not exist? This, how is this possible!"

The secret of Zixiaoge cannot be known by outsiders, otherwise the leaked person will only die, and the person who knows the secret must be killed before dying.

The martial arts skills of the Ziyi boy in front of him were so high. Brother II believes that even if the main skill of the young master is not lost, he can't kill him together with the two of them.

If he cannot be killed, then he and the young master can only commit suicide.

"Do you know who he is?" Qian Qiangzi glanced coldly at Chu Shaoyang.

"No, I don't know."

"He is, Chu, Shao and Yang."

"Chu, Chu Shaoyang?" Brother Two took a sigh of relief and looked at Chu Shaoyang in disbelief.

Of course, he knew the strict order of the master. There is a person in this world who must not be killed, nor can he be greeted by him. That person is Chu Shaoyang.

But why did the cabinet leader make such a strange order, but no one knew it, not even the young master who the cabinet owner trusted most.

"So even if he knows our secrets, he can't die, unless it is the hands of the cabinet master who took his own life." Qianmian Gongzi's tone was sensuous.

Although he did not know why the Lord Zixiao ordered it, he knew that it must not be because of the relationship between the Lord Lord and Chu Shaoyang.

The two can't even fight together.

Then there is only one possibility. Zi Xiaoge mainly keeps Chu Shaoyang's life. He has to get it himself!

But the reason why he hasn't started is because the time is not yet ripe.

As a thousand-faced son who has been with the Lord Zixiao for many years, although the Lord Zixiao is unsmiling and as harsh as him, others are smart and clever, but they can still find some more than the others. The heart known to outsiders.

The patriarch, his old man, must have unspeakable secrets and pain.

For example, how did his two legs break?

How could his martial arts, which is as unpredictable as his old man's, break his two legs?

Was it hurt by the enemy?

Is there any master in this world who is more powerful than the elders of the cabinet?

Thousand-faced son does not want to believe, but he also knows that there is a sky outside, there are people outside.

Perhaps there is no such master in this world.

He also vaguely speculated that the reason for the leg of the patriarch might be broken, which had a great relationship with Chu Shaoyang's ancestors.

Therefore, the Patriarch wanted to revenge this broken leg hate on Chu Shaoyang.

Of course, these are just his guesses, but he believes that his guess will be guessed in seven or eight times. The patriarch's mind is cryptic and unpredictable, and the patterns of revenge are endless.

If it is really his enemy, the cabinet leader will never kill the opponent so easily. He will have a crueler method than death, which will be added to the enemy.

Chu Shaoyang, Chu Shaoyang, you are very proud now, but I think you can be proud for a while!

Thousand-faced son squinted with cold eyes, hate in his heart.

As long as the patriarch and his elderly go out, even ten Shaoyang Chu would like to live!

"Yes, he is Chu Shaoyang. Now, can you say that?" The Master of Thousand Faces withdrew his sight on Chu Shaoyang and looked at Brother Er.

"Okay, I said." Brother Two swallowed a sip of water and glanced at Chu Shaoyang.

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