Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 2806: Secret room

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"From the day I left Xichu, I never thought of any good results."

Unexpectedly, Chu Shaoyang responded slightly to him.

What does this mean?

The son of Qianmian suddenly felt that Chu Shaoyang seemed to have something to say, but he didn't want to bother to guess Chu Shaoyang's psychology.

What else will a murderous devil have!

He strode with a cold face and came to the door of a compartment, pushing hard.

The room was empty, the mattresses on the soft embroidered couches were neat, and no one looked like they had slept, but the furniture in the room was spotless.

Qianmianzi went straight in, lay on the bed, and then looked at Chu Shaoyang.

"The organ is on the bed, do you dare to come up?"

Chu Shaoyang slightly lifted his lips, stepped closer, and stepped onto the bed, lying on the side of the thousand-faced son.

The two big men were lying side by side. This scene looked very strange, and the heart of the thousand-faced son was also upset for a while. He wanted to vomit.

Chu Shaoyang's body exudes a thick **** smell, which is really unpleasant.

Qianmianzi did not expect that he would hate **** one day.

His disgusted body turned sideways, not wanting to contaminate a piece of clothing corner of Chu Shaoyang.

Thousand-faced son pressed his hand against the pillar at the head of the bed, twisted three times to the left, and turned three times to the right.

With a click, the bed board suddenly turned up, and the two fell off.

Suddenly this change, Chu Shaoyang did not panic. He raised his hand and grabbed the child's belt, lifted him in his hand, and at the same time took a breath to run in Dantian, and fell gently.

But here is a secret room with an oil lamp on it, and there is no one in the secret room.

Chu Shaoyang put the thousand-faced son down.

Thousand-faced son said nothing, walked to the south wall, squatted down, tapped “Tuk Tuk Tuk” three times in the corner, and then tapped “Tuk Tuk” twice, so long and short, A total of three knocks.

Suddenly a door opened silently on the wall, and at the same time a pleasant sound rang out:

"Young Master, it's really you! I finally found you!"

A figure emerged from that door, and his face intertwined with surprise, but in the blink of an eye, his smile froze on his face, and looked blankly at Chu Shaoyang behind the son of Qianmian.

"Who ... who is he? Young Master, you ... have you brought outsiders?"

The man murmured in disbelief.

Thousand-faced Master did not look back, looking at the person who came: "Second Brother, is it the elders of the pavilion?"

He sneaked into Nanyue this time to revenge for Shen Ning, and had been out of contact with Zixiao Pavilion for a long time, remembering the grace of his father ’s upbringing education, ashamed and apologetic came to mind.

"Everything is good for the elders, the elders, and the elders. I have always cared about you, and sent a lot of brothers to find out your whereabouts. Young master, where have you been during this time? You let me go back to the elders News report, but when I rushed back to the Valley of God's Medicine, I couldn't find you anymore. I found it here following the signal you left behind, but once I entered the city, it was like a rock sinking into the sea, and I never heard of you again. A little news. Young Master, you ... are you okay? "

The two brothers were surprised and happy, and turned around the thousand-faced son, looking back and forth.

Thousand-faced Master "Uh" said: "Everything else is good, but the skill is gone."

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