Biquge, the fastest bride and the bride ran away! latest chapter!

Don't run away!

Escape is also death, and not fleeing is death.

Everyone stopped at once, their faces ashes, looked at Chu Shaoyang like a dead man, all desperate.

"Forty!" Chu Shaoyang frowned in disgust, tore off the sleeves stained with blood stains and brains, and threw them on the ground.

He doesn't like killing people. If it's not forcing, he won't kill.

This thick **** smell is not good, and will always remind him of some unpleasant past.

"Enough!" The Thousand-faced Son shouted intolerably.

Watching so many lifeless innocent lives is lost, Rao is not killing him when he kills, and he can't stand it anymore.

This made him more convinced of Chu Shaoyang's cruelty.

In order to achieve their goals, such people can make it out by any means, more like murderers than their killers.

If he did n’t tell him the truth, God knew what incredible things he would do in the end.

But it wasn't these reasons that ultimately made the thousand-faced son succumb.

Instead, he suddenly thought of Shen Ning.

If she knew she had killed so many people in order to hide her news, she would be very, very unhappy.

He would not do anything that would upset her.

As for the devil Chu Shaoyang, since he wants to see her, let him see him.

Qianmianzi believes that if there is really Chu Shaoyang's nemesis in this world, that person is none other than her!

Having figured this out, Suddenly Suddenly stopped being entangled.

"You finally decided to say that?" Chu Shaoyang's palm had touched the dress of a girl behind Wan Hualou. Hearing Qian Qiangzi's words, she received it.

The girl was horribly disappointed by the flower, thinking she would die without doubt. She could not cry. At this time, she escaped from death, she couldn't believe it, and she was dumbfounded.

"Hmm." Qianmianzi glanced at the people around him and raised his head, "This is not a place to talk, you come with me."

He stepped inside and walked through the dumb crowd, and went directly to the second floor.

Chu Shaoyang's slow and slow hand followed him, keeping a distance not far from him.

Many girls on the second floor were still awake and were alarmed by the sound of the downstairs, pushed the window probe to see what was happening, but did not expect to see such a cruel and **** scene.

They were so frightened that they forgot to escape.

Seeing the son of Qianmian and Chu Shaoyang walking up to the second floor, the first reaction of these girls was that the murderous demon came!

It's time to kill them!

The girls screamed and escaped from the room, all of them were disheveled, some had their hairs scattered, some were wrapped in sheets, and some were only in their tights, and fled.

Some people also rolled down the stairs because of fear of losing their feet. Others jumped off the second floor and broke their legs in order to escape.

Seeing this scene of Jifeigou jumping, Qianmianzi looked back at Chu Shaoyang.

"It's all thanks to you," he said coldly.

"Wrong, thanks to you." Chu Shaoyang replied faintly.

Thousand-faced son closed his mouth and stopped talking.

Yes, if he can promise to tell Chu Shaoyang about her news earlier, Wanhualou will not become what he is now, nor will there be so many innocent lives.

He believes that there will be bad rewards for doing evil deeds.

"Chu Shaoyang, you will not die." He turned back expressionlessly, never looked at Chu Shaoyang again.

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