Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 2297: Leopard eating grass

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He could tell that she was really asleep, not pretending to be asleep.

It took just a little more time for this little girl to sit under the tree and fell asleep? How can she sleep?

In this wild mountain wild forest, even if there are no bad people to bully her, wouldn't there be a jackal, a tiger, a leopard, jump out and eat her?

This little girl is so big-hearted, isn't it a fool?

The man snorted into his nostrils, jumped onto a large tree next to him, leaned back, his legs swayed, his expression relaxed.

He was still not used to being in debt and repaying it, so he returned again, but if his creditor was eaten by the beast, he would not be blamed.

At this time, he really hoped that a tiger would emerge from the forest and whisper the little girl who was alive and bold, so that she would not even know how she died.

As if God had heard the voice in his heart, the man's originally slightly closed eyes suddenly opened, and his ears erected.

I only heard a slight noise in the grass, and slowly walked out from inside a colorful leopard, two green eyes glowing, staring at Shen Ning sleeping under the tree.

Shen Ning breathed thinly, her dreams were sound, and she didn't notice the danger at all.

The man on the tree had a panoramic view of this scene and could n’t help but widen his eyes and thought about what it really wanted. If the leopard ate her in one bite, he would have no creditor and he would have no debt. .

He didn't even want to save her at all.

This little girl is weird and crazy, without any politeness to herself, she will die, and it is not worth his rescue.

He looked down with interest, and there was a little excitement and excitement in his heart.

He has seen many **** scenes, but he has never seen a leopard eat a person.

The leopard slowly approached Shen Ning, with thick pads on its feet. Although it stepped on the dry leaves, it only made a faint sound, and this sound naturally did not wake up a sleeping person.

The man had some regrets. The picture he expected more to see was that she suddenly opened her eyes under the tree and found the panther looking for food, the expression of fright and fear, and her screaming.

He even had the idea of ​​whether to wake her up, so that she could clearly see that she was being eaten by the leopard in one bite.

This thought only hovered in his mind for a while, before he had time to act, his eyes were attracted by the scene under the tree, and he couldn't help holding his breath.

The leopard came to a stop three feet away from her and stopped, two hind legs slightly squatted, a look ready to go.

The man knew the leopard's heart character, and the leopard must have jumped into the air at the next moment, biting towards the throat of its prey.

Gee, it was so dead, it was really cheap for this little girl.

Who knows that the leopard maintains this posture, and hasn't acted for a long time. After a while, the man only felt that his neck was sore, and the leopard still didn't pounce on his prey.

"Is this leopard able to eat grass? Can't eat a good prey, what on earth do you want to do?"

The man couldn't help himself, rubbing his eyes, suspecting he saw a fake leopard.

He kept holding his breath on the tree without making any sound. The leopard kept staring at Shen Ning and did not find him, but he said to himself, the leopard's ear sounds were very sharp, and he would immediately glow green eyes Turned to him.

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