Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 2296: The creditor is a grandson

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"The red amaranth fruit in your hand has a sweet taste, but the peel and core contain a toxin. After eating, it can make people feel numb. If you eat two, you will immediately have your braid."

Shen Ning glanced at him and said without hesitation.

The man's teeth had bitten through the peel, and a sweet juice flowed into his mouth. But after listening to her, he dared not bite anything.

"Why the fruit I picked is poisonous, and the food you eat is not poisonous? These two fruits are exactly the same." He stared at the red amaranth in his hand and glanced at the red fruit in her hand again. .

"My name is mountain apple, which is non-toxic. Although it is similar to your red amaranth, it is not exactly the same."

Shen Ning ate another mountain apple between his speeches and threw away the core.

The man snorted: "Pretending to be a little girl, who knows if your words are true or false, I think I also picked a mountain apple. I have never heard of any red amaranth."

He took a bite of the fruit and chewed it for a while. Before he swallowed his stomach, he only felt a slight tingle in the tip of his tongue. He was startled and spit out the pulp residue in his mouth.

"Bah, bah, this broken fruit is not delicious at all." He hated and threw the red amaranth in his hand.

He refused to admit in front of Shen Ning that the fruit he picked was poisonous, but said it was not delicious.

Shen Ning did not debunk, smiled casually, and walked slowly.

The man took a big step and once again left her behind.

"Hello, are you a cow? Walk so slowly!" He suddenly stopped and turned back impatiently.

"If you think I'm walking slowly, you can go first."

"Little girl, if you can't keep up with me, then it's no wonder I'm myself. It's not that I don't give you money, I don't want it myself." The man said in a gruff voice.

Shen Ning shrugged carelessly.


The man couldn't help getting angry.

He turned and strode away.

This year, the debtors are all uncles, and the debtors are grandchildren.

For the first time, he met such a careless creditor and was not even active in asking for money. What did she want to do!

That's a full five thousand two silver, isn't it enough to make her stick behind her **** like a fart?

But she actually put a bad face on herself as a debtor, obviously she didn't want money!

Well, she didn't want it, but she didn't eat it and didn't give it away!

While comforting himself, the man accelerated his pace, and in a blink of an eye he could not even see the shadow.

Shen Ning paused, found a shade and sat down, leaning back against the big tree, closing his eyes and raising his mind.

She didn't sleep all night, her physical strength was almost exhausted, she clenched her teeth and insisted on walking for most of the day. It wasn't that she didn't want to catch up with the man's footsteps, but she really couldn't move.

After eating a few mountain apples, she felt that her strength had recovered a bit. Now she just wanted to sleep on the pole and sleep well. As for anything else, she did n’t want anything.

A shadow suddenly covered her head.

She did not notice, closed her eyes, breathed evenly, and had entered a dream.

The man lowered his head and looked at her intently. He bent down and almost touched the tip of her nose. She was still unaware and slept soundly.

The man's eyes widened unbelievably.

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