Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 2261: Nose twisted

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Thousand-faced Master said coldly: "If you can't get through the door, why should you catch me here? Since you don't want to talk to me, let your men let me go, and I will never want to see you again."

His voice was cold and arrogant, with a sense of decisiveness.

Tuobazheng was anxious and shouted, "Thousands, I ... I don't want to see you, I just don't dare to see you, I ... my nose was distorted."

He rushed out, regretting it again, and couldn't help rubbing his nose in annoyance.

Hearing the words, the thousand-faced son and the guards froze for a moment.

The guards all looked at Tuobazheng's nose.

I saw that my grandfather's tall nose was actually injured, and a large patch of plaster was placed on it. It looked like a clown on the stage, which was very funny.

The guards wanted to laugh but didn't dare to laugh. They buried their heads one by one.

Thousand-faced son was stunned, and then said: "Are you ... injured? The injury is not serious, let me see."

His tone of voice was soft and soft, and Tuobazheng's heart was all warmed up.

"Okay, then I'll come in, Qianqian, don't be afraid when you see it."

Tuobazheng pushed the door open and rushed to the bed in excitement. As soon as he saw the thousand-faced son who was tied into dumplings with five flowers, the excitement and joy on his face disappeared.

"Fuck things! Who told you to make Qianqian girl like this!"

He turned around, and a heavy bus slapped on the face of the guard behind him, hitting the guard staggering.

"I'm not ready to loosen Qianqian girl!" Tuobazheng glared round his eyes.

The guards behind him took a step back, and it was an injustice in their hearts.

"Master, although Qianqian girl's name is Qianqian, but her strength is so great, if we hadn't tied her, she might have long been ..."

A guard dared to explain and was stunned by Tuobazheng. The rest of the words swallowed back suddenly.

"Get out! Get me out!" Tuoba Zheng stomped and shouted.

The guards immediately retreated. After leaving the room, everyone could not help but squeeze their eyebrows, thinking that the prince had been holding back for two days this time. The thousands of girls did not know what to be tossed by the prince.

However, even if they had the courage to dare, they would not dare to stay around and eavesdrop, and soon they would disappear from sight.

After Tuobazheng and all others left, they closed the door and walked back to the bed again with an apologetic smile.

"Qianqian, you ... don't be angry, the people under me will be wrong, and actually tie you up, and wait for the prince to punish them well, you ... are you okay? These two days can wait Am I in a hurry? "

His eyes fell on the face of Qianmianzi without blinking. I saw that although he was tied like a dumpling, that face was pure and charming, and both, the black hair scattered on the pillow was like a cloud She added a little bit of pitifulness, especially her eyes, watery, like a deep pool, and he almost thumped.

Tuobazheng swallowed.

Thousand-faced son stared at him, his eyes fell on his nose, only to see his tall nose bridge really crooked.

"Who hurt you?"

Upon hearing this, Tuoba Zheng's face suddenly showed a look of anger, rubbing his nose and scolding: "It's still the grandson of Chu Shaoyang!"

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