Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 2260: No beauty room

Biquge www.NovelMTL.com, the fastest bride and the bride ran away! latest chapter!

"came back!"

"The Lord is back!"

"Meet the prince!"

The sound of the guards suddenly sounded outside the door, as well as the hooing sound of boots, striding in his direction.

The thousand-faced son lay there motionless, he closed his eyes, and when he opened it again, the tears in his eyes had disappeared without a trace.

He heard Tuoba Zheng's voice rang at the door of the room.

"What about my beauty?"

The guards replied obediently: "Go back to the prince, the girl is in the room."

Tuobazheng's voice paused and asked, "Is she ... alright?"

"Thousands of girls are very good, and their subordinates have been taking good care of them, neither hungry nor frozen." The guards replied.

"Well, the prince is relieved, you continue to take care of her, don't let her be wronged, the prince will come to see her again." Tuobazheng's footsteps sounded again, and he didn't enter the room, but left. .

Thousand-faced man was unexpected, even the guards felt puzzled.

They looked at each other. In their impression, the master was a roaring master. The meat in the bowl was always eaten by the first bite. What's wrong with this one?

Passing through the door of a beautiful girl? Did the sun come out west?

"Tuo Ba Zheng."

Suddenly, a soft and clear voice rang.

The sound was not loud, but it seemed to be magical, so Tuobazheng's footsteps to go out stopped at once.

He took out his ears in disbelief, turned around and looked at the guards behind him.

"Who? Who are you calling this prince's name?"

The guards shook their heads like waves.

"Go back to Master, even if the subordinates have the courage to dare, they dare not call your name."

"Who is that? The prince clearly heard someone calling me?" Tuoba Zheng scratched his scalp, his face confused, "Is it wrong that I heard?"

"Tuo Ba Zheng, you come in." The voice rang again.

Tuobazheng jumped up suddenly, his face surprised and happy.

"Is it Qianqian? Is Qianqian calling me?"

The guards also heard this time really. This voice was indeed the voice of Qianqianqi, and it was also from the room.

"Yes, yes, thousands of girls." They said in unison.

Tuobazheng laughed, strode toward the door, was about to push open, and suddenly stopped.

He rubbed his nose and coughed.

"Thousands of girls, were you calling the prince just now?" He said standing at the door.

The guards all lowered their heads and laughed secretly. The laughing master clearly wanted to want it, but said in his mouth not to.

Thousand-faced son "huh" in the room.

The voice was delicate and soft, like a small hand scratching in people's hearts, itchy.

"You come in, I want to talk to you," said the thousand-faced son again.

Tuobazheng's face flushed red, his eyes glowing with excitement, rubbing his palms, just about to push the door, and stopped again.

"Cough cough, Qian Qianqian has something to say, but it's okay, this prince can also hear here."

He never pushed in the door, not only the thousand-faced man in the room felt strange, but even the guards secretly wondered.

They could see clearly. The prince ’s face was uncontrollably excited and joyful, as if he could rush in and eat the thousands into his stomach, but his feet were rooted and stood outside the door. .

Strange, this is really weird.

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